Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 37 Registration

The next morning.

Ye Chong went to the registration office.

But when I got to the place, I found out that it turned out that there was still a registration fee required to apply for this thing.

Although the money is not much, it is also a lot, a full 3000 yuan.

It stands to reason that Du Lingqi has recovered, so do you still need to charge money?


Not only accepted, but also explained clearly.

2000 yuan is the cost of the physical examination.

800 yuan is the actual examiner's fee.

200 yuan, what kind of miscellaneous expenses.

Now Zi Ye Chong felt a little worried.

I just went to Ninghai two days ago.

He really has no money now.

Difficulty even eating.

In the past, I could do odd jobs in school and earn some living expenses.

But now, I haven't worked for two full months. It was originally a part-time job. If I haven't come for such a long time, I have been replaced by others.

Niu Yuanyuan once gave him money, the amount was not small, but he did not accept it.

no way.

It is the dignity of a man telling him that he cannot do that.

Well now, the problem is real.

Without money, you cannot sign up.

Ye Chong smiled, turned around and left.

"Wait, classmate!" A naughty young female teacher smiled, "Are you Ye Chong?"

"Huh?" Ye Chong was a little surprised, he didn't remember meeting this beautiful female teacher, "Yes, teacher, do you know me?"

"Hehe, there are quite a few people who know you." The beautiful teacher of the **** girl smiled sweetly, "You were majestic and majestic that day, and I just happened to see you at that time."

"Teacher is laughing." Ye Chong's mouth curled up, knowing that he was talking about beating Liu Xiqiang, Fu Tianhao and Diao Long.

"Hehe, I'm not joking, I'm screaming." The beauty with black-rimmed glasses bared her small canine teeth, "You have a good background. After you enter the Martial Arts Academy in the future, as long as you work hard, you should soon become a martial artist, right?"

"Warrior?" Ye Chong smiled and nodded, "Thank you teacher for your approval, but it doesn't seem so easy to become a martial artist, right?"

"Yes, it's quite difficult. However, now that martial arts academies have martial arts masters in person, it must be much easier than before." The beautiful teacher with black-rimmed glasses looked at her with a smile, "Hehe, since you're here, you don't have to Go to the dormitory again to inform you, there will be a pre-exam training tonight, at 7:00 in the evening, in the school auditorium, come, hurry up and sign?!"


Ye Chong was stunned.

notice me?

still sign?

What do you mean?

"Teacher, I haven't made a final decision on whether to take the Martial Arts Academy, so," Ye Chong smiled sheepishly, "I won't participate in the pre-examination training tonight."

"What?" The **** beautiful teacher smiled cutely, and then flipped through the registration form on the table, "Then what name do you apply for? But there are rules. Once you register, you will form a contract. There will be no refunds.”


Ye Chong blinked.

so dark?

However, he immediately realized that the focus of his concern should not be here.

"I...sign up..." When he spoke, his throat was itchy, and he sounded a little stuttering.

"That's right, you can't get a refund after signing up." The beautiful teacher flicked her hair on her forehead, "Hey, sign here, and you must participate in the evening, this pre-exam training is very important of."

Ye Chong agreed indiscriminately, took a step forward, and leaned over to take a look.

What's wrong?

The 1107th candidate on the registration form was his name.

After signing and leaving, Ye Chong was puzzled for a while.

Judging from the registration form, he registered on the second day of going to Ninghai.

Who gave the name?

do not know.

Not himself anyway.

However, Ye Chong didn't ask what happened to the beautiful teacher with black-rimmed glasses?

Maybe it's better to understand this kind of thing before talking about it, so as not to become the laughing stock and talking point of others.

Besides, judging by the look of the beautiful teacher in black-rimmed glasses, even if she asked, she might not remember clearly.

There are simply too many people signing up.


Some names came to his mind.

Niu Yuanyuan?


Wang Bo?

The most likely of these is Dunant.

He wanted to worship Ye Chong as his teacher, and he did get help.

However, although Dunan's motive is the most likely, in fact, the possibility of him signing up for Ye Chong is very low.



Don't think Dunan is fat, but he is actually very poor.

At this stage, being able to eat a bowl of braised pork every day is the best and happiest life in his opinion.

However, this kind of beautiful and happy life, for him, can only be realized one day a week at most.

And, this was before.

Now, after Dunan managed to gather 3000 oceans to sign up for himself, it is estimated that he will be completely insulated from braised pork.

The delicious braised pork doesn't talk about feelings, it only recognizes money, and without money, it will never let people touch its pink and rosy body.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible to say that Dunan will raise another 3000 yuan for Ye Chong to sign up.

Heart is more than enough.

Dunant's meat is worthless.

Even if you sell it, you can't sell it for a good price.

There is also Wang Bo, who is also unlikely.

Ye Chong and him have only warmed up a little in the past few days. Before, they didn't pay attention to each other at all, and their relationship was not deep.

Besides, his family's situation is not very good, and he still has to apply for Lingnong College, so he has no time to care about him.

Niu Yuanyuan?

Now that people are in the magic city, they can't take care of themselves. If they have time to sign up for Ye Chong, it is impossible not to choose to meet him.

So, who is it?

Ye Chong frowned.

He doesn't know many people.

Even if someone wants to help him, there is no reason not to let him know.

Otherwise, isn't it sick?


Ye Chong let out a long sigh.

Martial arts registration is something that happened after the spiritual energy was revived, and it has never been experienced in the previous life.

Therefore, although he was reborn and returned, facing the future now, to him, he is still ignorant, no different from ordinary people.

"It seems that this matter can only be put aside for a while, and the truth may come to light soon. At that time, of course I will express my gratitude and pay back the money."

"However, I will definitely ask the other party, why do you want to do this?"

"What does this mean? Do you think I, Ye Chong, are really poor? I can't even afford this little money?"


When thinking of this, Ye Chong's face became hot and he scratched his head.

To be honest, he really couldn't get it out.

During the whole day, he stayed in the dormitory and practiced with his eyes closed. Even for meals, Wang Bo helped him bring two roujiamo.

18: 30.

Ye Chong appeared at the gate of the school auditorium,

Seeing the crowds of people, he couldn't help being shocked.

Is martial arts really so hot?

So many people signed up?

Do you all have confidence in yourself?

Do you think that as long as you go to the martial arts academy, you can become a warrior with money, power, status and strength?

After Ye Chong showed his ID, he finally squeezed into the auditorium.

Only then did I realize that the inside was already overcrowded, even the floor of the aisle was full of people, and at the back of the auditorium, it was even more crowded.

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