Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 361 There Are Some Things You Don’t Understand

There are quite a lot of people in the school cafeteria, and the limited edition dish is Sipan oysters.

As soon as he saw this dish, a person appeared in Ye Chong's mind.

That guy acted desperately when he saw oysters, he could eat a bowl by himself.

"Old Ye, where have you been so carefree, and I didn't call you back." Zhang Dong's voice came from behind, with a hint of excitement in it, "Come and have a big meal, I treat you."

"Really, Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there." Ye Chong didn't bother to look back at all, and couldn't help but sighed, "I knew I wouldn't meet you normally, but you will definitely show up whenever there are oysters."

"What a rarity. What I ate today were big Sipan oysters. Each one was as big as a plate. The taste was incomparably delicious. Lao Ye, you should also eat some today. Let me tell you, the taste is really good." Zhang Dong He sat down directly opposite Ye Chong, "Let's go, if you go late, you will be snatched away."

"There are still so many people, I don't like queuing, you go first." Ye Chong shook his head, looking at his phone casually, "Don't tell me, why is the campus network so lively now, not many posting Little, no one cares about nonsense."

"Hey, there is nothing to worry about. They are almost adults." Zhang Dong waved his hands carelessly, "I remember a great man said that the lotus root is still as white as jade when it comes out of the mud."

"Hehe, bullshit." Ye Chong smiled and shook his head, "You haven't seen Heixinlotus. By the way, what have you been up to lately?"

"What else can I do?" Zhang Dong sighed, "After recovering from the injury, I went to the Leqing Mountains. I wanted to drag you there, but I couldn't get through the phone, so I had to go by myself."

"Well, how was the harvest?" Ye Chong raised his head and couldn't help being slightly startled, "Your arm was injured again?"

"That's right, Mad, I went there at night. I didn't expect to be surrounded by a group of S1-level mutant hyenas, so I couldn't escape." Zhang Dong grinned at his left arm, with a bit of resentment on his face, "This trip to the Leqing Mountains, Mao didn't catch anything. Instead, he was injured again. Alas, it's so annoying."

"The mutated hyena is very vengeful, it must have remembered your body odor, and ambushed you as soon as you entered." Ye Chong smiled wryly and shook his head, "However, I don't think your injury has hurt your bones. Right? Still gnashing your teeth like this, does it hurt?"

"You don't understand, Lao Ye, I look more like a man with my arms hanging like this." Zhang Dong chuckled, then lowered his voice, "Isn't this mighty?"

"..." Ye Chong looked at the other party in a daze, "You are a man, right? Could it be that you... have taken a knife for yourself? Then, don't you have to eat some snake skin fruit to make up for it?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Zhang Dong looked at the other party with some dissatisfaction, "No matter how sorry I am, it's impossible to lose my roots?"

"Okay, that's good, so as not to bring me bad luck." Ye Chong raised his mouth and looked down at his phone again, "By the way, Zhang Dong, how are the others doing?"

"The affairs of the two brothers have been settled, and they were carried out in a low-key manner according to the requirements of the family members. I only found out after the fact." Zhang Dong's voice became low-key, "Han Lina should be able to recover in the next two days, but Xin Xiaomeng's condition is not good, and the others...are recovering well."

"Xin Xiaomeng?" Ye Chong frowned and raised his head, "Is she seriously injured?"

"No, there is nothing wrong with her body," Zhang Dong sighed, "but she has allergies. After the first battle in Gaotai, she left a scar on her face, and the scar could not be removed for a while, so she was not in a good mood."

"Oh, so that's the case." Ye Chong nodded slowly, "Does the doctor have any suggestions? Isn't the human body's self-healing ability very strong now? Why can't even the scars be removed?"

"I don't know, it seems to be a matter of allergies, the doctor said," Zhang Dong blinked, as if remembering something, "the doctor seemed to say... something hurt her, and he used that thing to make ointment To remove the scars, it works best."

"What?!" Ye Chong was taken aback for a moment, "What does this mean?"

"Well, what the doctor means is that Xin Xiaomeng's left face was damaged by the sharp claws of the mutant beast, so...we have to use the sharp claws to solve the problem." Zhang Dong sighed, "However, the doctor also specifically mentioned However, the higher the level, the better the effect of the sharp claws of the mutant beast. To the degree of damage to Xin Xiaomeng's left face, it may be necessary to use at least the sharp claws of the SS1-level mutant beast. At that time, it will have to be dried and ground into... ..."

"Are there any requirements for the type of beast race?" Ye Chong interrupted the other party directly, "Are there any other requirements?"

"It seems that there are only requirements for the level, and the type of mutant beast is not mentioned, so it shouldn't matter." Zhang Dong couldn't help but speed up his speech, "There are no other requirements."

"Okay, wait for me here." After Ye Chong finished speaking, he hurriedly got up and went straight to the restaurant and walked quickly.

"Hey, Lao Ye, don't you want to eat Sibanda oysters?" Zhang Dong shouted anxiously from behind, "Then use your campus card for me?"

Ye Chong was very fast. Before Zhang Dong spoke, he had already left the restaurant and was heading towards the towering skyscraper.

Not long after, Ye Chong rushed up to a balcony on the fifth floor, and then knocked on the door.


The patio door opened, and the old yellow-haired Walter White's eyes were shining brightly, and he said with a smile: "God, look, who is this here? Haha, dear Ye, do you have anything to do with me? Come on, come on, let's Let's have a drink together."

Ye Chong entered the room expressionlessly, and went directly to the experimental bench in the corner of the living room. He saw that there were many military nano bags containing animal horn powder on it, and immediately asked, "Mr. White, I found that the SS2 grade There is a problem with the horn powder of the nuclear mutant rhinoceros, where is it? Let me take a look."

"What?! Ye, what are you talking about? How is this possible?" The old yellow-haired Walter White was obviously a little confused, "If there is a problem with it, it is impossible to escape my eyes."

"Don't talk nonsense, there are some things you don't understand." Ye Chong's face was stern, "Take it out quickly, and I'll tell you the reason right away."

"Okay, okay, Ye, you are really an elusive guy." The old yellow-haired Walter White immediately took out a bag of animal horn powder from the locked iron cabinet on the other side, "Take a look , Ye, there is really no problem, even the radiation is fully satisfied."

"Well, I see." Ye Chong took the military nano bag casually, opened his mouth and smelled it slightly, then raised the corner of his mouth, took out a new military nano bag, and poured half of the SS2 nuclear mutant rhinoceros into it. Horn powder, "I've checked it, and it's not a big problem. You can save half of it for use first, and I'll take the other half for another test."

After speaking, Ye Chong immediately turned around and rushed out the door.

The old yellow-haired Walter White, who had already stared wide-eyed and looked confused, came to his senses, and shouted while chasing: "Come back, Ye, you liar, you thief, you are robbing human assets!" , Falk, I'm dead!"

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