After half an hour.

Ye rushed out the door.

He simply ate something in the school cafeteria, and then went straight to the armory.

Interestingly, not long after, he left in a hurry with a pained expression on his face, and returned to dormitory 3691 without stopping.


The zipper of the backpack was pulled open at once.

Ye Chong quickly took out three large bottles and one small bottle from it.

"Shenbing liquid is really too expensive.

A large bottle is nearly 300 million points, and a small bottle is close to 100 million points.

Just these three big bottles plus a small bottle of Shenbing liquid completely emptied me.

It seems that there are not many points, but whether they are enough. My expenditure is so large, so I have to find a way to exchange for more points.

Otherwise, just the consumption method of Shenbing Liquid will put me on the verge of bankruptcy at any time.


I hope to go to the mission hall later, and those things can be exchanged for more points.

Ha ha.

Speaking of which, now that I have finished buying Shenbing Liquid, I am really a poor man. "

Ye Chong smiled wryly and shook his head, then took the blade of the starry sky with a swipe, and after a slight sense of the handle, he flicked the knife out of its sheath, poured the magic liquid into the scabbard, and then slowly Slowly put the knife back into its sheath, and placed it vertically by the wall.

"From the observation just now, the three normal golden tadpoles in Starry Sky Blade, as well as the two weak golden tadpoles, have all fallen into a deep sleep now.

It should be that when the dragon sucked the ground, it used the power of the pattern of law to make them seriously depleted, but there was no replenishment of the magic liquid, so this phenomenon was caused.


it's good now.

Three large bottles of Divine Weapon Liquid, plus a small bottle of Divine Weapon Liquid, should be enough for a period of time.

I also hope that under the nourishment of the magic liquid, the golden tadpoles in the blade of the starry sky can be well nourished and restored.

Ha ha.

Speaking of it, the power of the pattern of the law is really not small, it can suddenly increase the attack power, which is a magical power comparable to the power of the surging blood.

I hope it will help me more in the future.

and also.

During the nourishment process of the Shenbing liquid some time ago, the two dying golden tadpoles recovered a lot of vitality. Although they were still weak, they already had the initial ability to move. Compared with the lifeless before, it is really stronger Quite a lot.

Ha ha.

I don't know if they will surprise me after they really recover?


Drink it.

Drink it.

My little golden tadpole.

I hope you all understand that every sip you take is the points I exchanged for my life.

Don't waste it. "

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and he put all the Shenbing Liquid into his backpack.

Then, he put the military nanobag containing the S3 powder-winged bird into it.

Immediately afterwards, he frowned and looked at the first pile of things.

When he found that nothing had changed there, he picked up the little villain and put it in his backpack.

"It seems.

This little guy is really full and fell asleep.

Otherwise, the material of the SS1-level mutant rhinoceros and the material of the SS1-level gray wolf cannot fail to attract its attention.


Then sleep.


I'm waiting for you to wake up and continue eating and drinking. "


Ye Chong picked up the materials for the SS1-level Big Big Wolf and the SS1-level Mutant Rhinoceros, and put them all in his backpack.

Next, he put the third largest pile of powdered claws and powdered horns into his backpack.

The backpack is very elastic, and there is no problem at all in putting these things on.

In this way, out of the five piles of things on the ground, only the second and fifth piles remained, which were animal eye skin sacs and mutated rhino horn powder.

Before he went out, he quietly observed the blade of the starry sky. When he heard the buzzing sound coming from the blade, he couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, and went out.


Ye Chong took out his mobile phone, browsing and deleting text messages.

When I was practicing in Longsudi, because the local cellular base stations were destroyed, I couldn't receive any mobile phone signal at all. However, after returning to the urban area, the mobile phone returned to normal, and piles of reminder text messages followed. to.

"A lot of people call me.

There are Zhang Dong, Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina.

There are also a few strange calls, I don't know who it is.

Now there are many things, so I won't reply one by one.

If they need me urgently, they should call me, or at least send a text message to remind me.

In addition, Teacher Liu Yun also called, and I happened to be looking for her too, and I will go to ask her later. "

After Ye Chong put away his mobile phone, he went straight to the laboratory of mutant biology. To his surprise, he ran into Teacher Liu Yun who was about to leave at the gate.

However, when he saw the haggard look on the other party's face, he couldn't help but feel tight, not knowing what happened.

"Ye Chong, is that you?" Teacher Liu Yun smiled, the wrinkles around his eyes appeared, and he seemed very happy to see him, "I called you two days ago, but I couldn't reach you. Did you go on a mission?"

"Yes, Teacher Liu, what do you want from me?" Ye Chong smiled slightly, nodded, and then asked, "Is it still about the pink-winged bird?"

"Yes, hehe, I made you laugh, I always trouble you." Teacher Liu Yun lightly brushed her hair with her hands, but her eyes darkened, "Actually, I just want to tell you that you don't need to help me catch pink-winged birds anymore. That kind of thing is very ghostly, not only rare, but also very cunning, cruel, and hard to catch."

"It's okay, Teacher Liu." Ye Chong smiled and shook his head.

However, before he could continue to say something, Teacher Liu Yun's face darkened, and he sighed: "It's really unnecessary, the conditions are too harsh, forget it, forget it."

"The conditions are too harsh?" Ye Chong was stunned for a moment, "Mr. Liu, what do you mean by that? What conditions are too harsh?"

"Oh, it's like this, classmate Ye, um..." Teacher Liu Yun smiled a little far-fetchedly, then gently gathered a strand of drooping hair behind her ears, and sighed:

"I originally asked you to look for the white-winged bird. At that time, I said that the most common white-winged bird would do, but now...


Conditions changed the previous two days.

I...I need...I need a powder-winged bird of at least S2 level, must have been dead for less than 12 hours.

I know this is too difficult, impossible.

So, I want to call you just to tell you to forget it.

I was going to send you a text message, but I knew you were on a mission, so I wanted to make it clear in person when you came back.

I didn't expect such a coincidence to run into you here.

Well, student Ye, no matter what, thank you this time! "

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