Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 35 Am I moving or not?


Ye Chong left Elephant Island.

However, he was slow to return to Little Elephant Island.


There was a soft sound.

On the surface of the sea more than ten meters away, a fish head appeared, which was as big as a water tank, and the two eyes on it radiated a cold light.

Long grouper!

I'm afraid it must be more than [-] kilograms!

Ye Chong frowned.

Instead of escaping, he swam towards the big fish.

Such a large grouper is extremely rare, and it is very abnormal to appear on the surface of the sea.

You must know that this kind of big fish likes to inhabit and forage in deep water most, and does not come out of the water on weekdays.

It seems that the recovery of spiritual energy has had a considerable impact on the nearby waters.

If it wasn't for the overfishing of sea creatures in this sea area in recent decades, and large sea creatures can be seen everywhere like the surrounding area of ​​Ying Island, it is estimated that this place has already become a place of death for mutated sea beasts. ?

The giant dragon group saw Ye Chong swimming towards them, and after a moment of confrontation, they quietly submerged into the water and disappeared without a trace.

Ye Chong didn't track down its whereabouts.

He already knew the answer he wanted.

The unexpected recovery of spiritual energy has caused major changes in time and space. The trend and trajectory of world development are already different.

For the next three days, Ye Chong stayed quietly on the rocky mountain of Little Elephant Island, sometimes lying down, sometimes sitting cross-legged, neither eating nor drinking.

When the golden sun quietly rose from the east again, Ye Chong sighed softly, got up slowly, and pursed his chapped lips.

"It should be meaningless to sit here and wait foolishly."

"It's a pity that in my last life, I was the parents and little sister I found on Little Elephant Island, but I don't know where those bastards came from?"


Ye Chong looked up to the sky and let out a long sigh, with tears in his eyes, and a dull pain in his heart.


He looked again at the smooth reef surface beside him.

"At that time, that head portrait was drawn here with charcoal. I will never forget the appearance of that person!"

"Anyway, since his avatar appears here, it has nothing to do with the matter of his parents and younger sister. Therefore, once this person is discovered in the future, he must not be easily let go. Perhaps this is the key to finding out everything. The most important clue!"


After Ye Chong disembarked from the coast of Ninghai, he just took out his clothes from his waterproof bag and changed into them when he was surrounded by more than a dozen people in camouflage uniforms.



Double barrel shotgun.

automatic rifle.

Looking at the weapon in the opponent's hand, Ye Chong was stunned.

Who are these people?

Doesn't look like the army?

Then why have guns?

"Don't move!" There was a sound of gunfire, "Hold your head in your hands! Lie on the ground!"

"Then... am I moving or not?" Ye Chong looked confused.

"Don't talk!" A tall, middle-aged man with a stout physique shouted loudly.


Ye Chong was completely confused, blinked, and finally chose to stand still.

"What do you do?" A thin man about 30 years old stepped forward and looked at him coldly, "Is it human?"


Ye Chong was so hung up that he didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Heart Road:

Are these people blind or something?

Am I human, can't you tell?

"..." Ye Chong pointed to his mouth vigorously, but did not dare to speak.

"Why don't you talk?" The tall, middle-aged man with a stout physique roared loudly.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Ye Chong coughed twice uncontrollably, thinking, didn't you tell me not to speak?

However, he thought so in his heart, but he couldn't speak nonsense, he took a breath and said:

"I'm here to swim. I really didn't catch anything in the sea, and I didn't know you were practicing."

no way!

He has to get rid of the responsibility first, who knows what these people do?

There are guns and harpoons and so on. I don't know if they are farmers or the army.

"We are the patrol team of Ninghai Xiaojiao Village, and we are responsible for patrolling this beach." The thin man in his 30s looked Ye Chong up and down, "We received a notice from the higher-ups that the sea has been completely closed, why are you still here?" Dare to go into the water?"

"Feng Hai?" Ye Chong was a little puzzled, "Is fishing not allowed?"

"No!" The thin man about 30 years old shook his head, "There is danger in the sea, people and boats are not allowed to go out to sea!"

"Oh," Ye Chong nodded, knowing in his heart that it was because of the mutated sea beast. "I just took a bath on the shore. I didn't watch the news, and I didn't know about Feng Hai."

"Hey, did you take a bath on the shore?" The tall, middle-aged man with a thick build sneered, "How did I see that you came from the depths of the sea? Be more honest!"


Ye Chong sighed.

no way!

I have to be honest!

The villagers are equipped with automatic weapons, what does this mean?

This shows that the evolution of marine life has mutated so much that it has seriously affected the safety of seaside fishing villages.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for such strictly controlled automatic weapons to be handed over to individuals for use!

This also proves the seriousness of the situation from the other side.

If you don't answer the question honestly, if you are really treated as a humanoid sea creature and collapsed, how can you justify it?

"Okay, I admit, I went to Little Elephant Island to find someone." Ye Chong frowned slightly, and shook his head, "I don't know where they went?"

"Looking for someone? Little Elephant Island?" The 30-year-old thin man turned his head and looked in the direction of Little Elephant Island. "How could there be people there? Even if there were people, it would be impossible to withstand the super typhoon of level 19, right? As for After the typhoon, it is even more impossible to go up to people! Are you looking for death?! There will be another typhoon!"

what? !

Ye Chong's expression changed, and he took a step forward.



There was a sound of bolt bolts, and all weapons were aimed at him.

"Super typhoon?" Ye Chong swallowed, "When did it happen?"

"Has it been more than a month?" The thin man in his 30s took a step back, "It's fine if you don't watch the news, such a big typhoon can be felt all over the country, and it's raining like a torrential rain, don't you know?!"


Ye Chong sighed and closed his eyes.

Of course he doesn't know!

At that time, he was cultivating with all his strength in the central area where the aura was gushing out. How could he perceive the super typhoon that was far away from thousands of mountains and rivers under the raging madness of the aura?


Ye Chong turned around, looked at Little Elephant Island, and couldn't help but frown.

No wonder!

There are so many broken trees on Little Elephant Island, I thought they were made by monsters crawling out of the sea.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a typhoon of level 19.

With such a strong wind, if the parents and little sister really stayed on the island, they might not be spared at all.

Could it be... is this why they can't be found?

"Let's go!" The 30-year-old thin man obviously saw the abnormal expression on the other side, knowing that this person must have encountered a big trouble, he couldn't help sighing, "Now people can't go in the sea, especially those The small island is even more dangerous, you...don't go into the sea again in the future."

Ye Chong looked distressed, did not speak, and walked slowly towards the distance.

In the current situation, for him, he had no choice but to return to Yangcheng first, take a step, watch a step, and wait for things to turn around.

He knew in his heart that with his current combat power, if he really went deep into the ocean and encountered sea beasts like those around Ying Island, he would definitely die.

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