Outside the football field.

east direction.

Ye Chong was leading more than a dozen mutant beasts into the nearby grove.

The reason why he chose to hunt mutant beasts here is very simple.

There are a lot of mutant beasts near the football field, their voices are small, and there is not much movement during the battle. Besides, there is a sparse grove of towering trees next to them, which can be used to cover their bodies, which makes people who like to hunt mutant beasts at night Ye Chong felt safer.

In fact it is.

Since coming to this place two days ago, Ye Chong has discovered that the mutant beasts around the football field are very disciplined. Even if someone appears, they will not chase after them after driving them away.

In addition, within 300 meters of the football field as the center, there are very few other mutated herds. There is no doubt that this is the private territory of the football field mutated herd.



Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha!

It didn't take long for Ye Chong to chop down a dozen S1 and S2 mutant beasts to the ground without even making a deep beast roar.

Then at the next moment, Ye Chong began to collect the mutant beast materials.

animal eyes.



Bear bile.

"Actually, one of the biggest advantages of hunting mutant beasts in the football field is that the materials for mutant beasts here are exactly what I need.

Mutated mandrill, mutated leopard cat, mutated black bear, mutated brown bear, mutated bison, mutated rhino...

Every mutant beast has at least two or more available materials, which has greatly improved my collection efficiency.

In addition, if I'm lucky, I can also cause the pursuit of S3-level mutant beasts outside the football field, which will be even better.

Especially the S3 mutant rhinoceros with the largest number is my favorite mutant beast.

Ha ha.

It's just a pity.

After going back, I really have to explain it to the old yellow-haired Walter White.

It's not that I don't want to go back with a complete S3 mutant rhino horn, but because the little villain's ability to absorb is too strong.

As long as it is next to the rhino horn, it will be swish swish, and it will be absorbed soon, turning the rhino horn into a pile of powder.

So, hehe, old Huang Mao, don't blame me for spreading it?

Before you came, you never said that you would bring back the complete S3-level mutated rhino horn, so if I go back with bags of S3-level mutated rhino horn powder, I have completed the task.

At that time, if you dare to blow your beard and stare at me, then I can't help it. At worst, I will return the second-level animal exorcising powder to you.


But speaking of it, the second-level animal repellent powder seems to be quite good. I tried it two days ago, and it really made the shit out of the S2-level mutant beast. "

While Ye Chong was thinking happily, he quickly collected the mutant beast materials. It took less than 10 minutes from the introduction of the beast to the collection of the mutant beast materials.

Soon, he quietly left the grove and walked towards the location where the mutant beast was attracted just now.

If there is no accident, in a short time, the gap left by the low-level mutant beasts on the outside will be filled by the higher-level mutant beasts on the inside, and he can observe clearly before he makes a move. There are at least three S3 mutant rhinos in this place.


Ye Chong emerged from his body and rushed forward. When the mutant beast was still in a daze, he immediately turned around and ran away.

Ka Ka Ka!

The nine-headed mutant beast rushed over, and he turned his head to look, and immediately seemed to be going crazy with joy.

as predicted.

Among them are two S3-level mutant rhinos, and seven S2-level mutant beasts.

Ye Chong didn't dare to run too fast, he went fast and slow, and turned around to provoke him from time to time. After a short time, he introduced all the nine mutant beasts into the grove.

What are you waiting for?




The blade of the starry sky flew up and down, all of them slashing at the two S3 mutant rhinos.

Interestingly, the moment the two S3-level mutant rhinos fell to the ground, the seven S2-level mutant beasts all scattered like birds and beasts, and rushed out of the grove frantically.

Ye Chong didn't chase after him.

For him now, the S3 mutant rhino horn is what he wants most.

The old yellow-haired Walter White is a top toxicologist in the world after all. Since he agreed, he would of course satisfy the other party's request as long as he could. If it was too bad, it would be better to use S3-level mutant rhino horn powder to prevaricate.

Anyway, the little villain doesn't absorb mutant beast materials much now, does he?

There is still a great possibility to preserve the intact mutated rhino horn and bring it back.

Ka Ka Ka!

Ye Chong used his dagger to quickly dig out the eyes and horns of the S3-level mutant rhinoceros. After this is completed, there will be another wave, and then you can go home.


Just as Ye Chong was about to stand up after installing the animal horns, his back suddenly felt cold, and his body was suddenly driven by a strong force and fell to the ground.

At the same time, severe pain hit the whole body.

"not good!"

"I'm injured!"

The moment Ye Chong fell to the ground, he rushed forward with both hands and feet.


puff puff!

Puff puff!

Where he fell to the ground just now, the sound of arrows raining down instantly came out.

Swish swish!

Three black shadows appeared beside the corpse of the S3 mutant rhinoceros like ghosts, and the bearded and gray-clothed man said sadly:

"What a quick move.

Physically strong enough.

Unexpectedly, one arrow didn't kill you.

However, after being poisoned by the poison, the faster the qi and blood flow, the faster the death will be.


Let's see how long your kid can last. "

"Brother, this kid is very fast, should you chase him?" The burly man in gray blinked, with a sneer on his face.

"No need." The bearded and gray-clothed man smiled sinisterly, "Isn't he crazy Ye? Then let's enjoy his last madness together."

Ye Chong galloped around the tree in an S shape, very fast, seeing that there was no movement behind him, he couldn't help feeling a little relieved.

However, he immediately discovered in horror that his head was a little dizzy, and the blood in his body began to boil.


This kind of blood boiling did not increase the efficiency of his blood surge, but evaporated.

Qi and blood are rapidly evaporating.

It was like boiling water in a pot, constantly lowering the liquid level.

"The little yellow circle in the sea of ​​consciousness appeared again.

Four lines of small characters wrapped around the bear thing.

This shows that the current situation is very dangerous.

What's next?

So hot!

what is this? ! "

While Ye Chong was running fast, he touched the bottom of his nose with his hand, but it was wet.


black blood!

He was a little dazed immediately.

At this time, Ye Chong already understood in his heart that he was hit by an arrow, or a poisoned arrow, the faster the blood circulates, the closer he will be to death.


He knew this, but he didn't dare to stop at all. Instead, he gritted his teeth and speeded up.

no way.

He knew very well that the person who shot him must be not far away, quietly waiting for another arrow, or watching him go to death.

Swish swish!

Ye Chong was originally running towards the football field, but when he saw that he was getting closer to the mutant beast, he suddenly turned around and galloped towards the northwest.

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