Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 32 Doesn't this confession sound loud?

"Oh?" The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, "Martial arts warrior? That's a real master! I really can't afford to mess with that! Hehe!"

"It's okay! Ye Chong, you just need to be more honest in the future, don't be arrogant, I won't be as knowledgeable as you!" Fu Tianhao smiled sinisterly, "You're a smart boy!"


Liu Xiqiang heaved a long sigh of relief, his eyes flickered, and he regained his spirit: "Since you know you can't afford to offend, then be smart. You injured so many people today, so you must have an explanation, right?!"

"Confession?" Ye Chong swayed, flashed in front of Liu Xiqiang, raised his hand and slapped a big ear scraper, and there was a loud bang, Ye Chong laughed: "This confession sounds loud, right? "


Liu Xiqiang's head was dizzy, and he covered his cheeks with his hands, and he was in a daze.

"Your brother is a martial artist, and he has a relationship with me? I have no grudges with him in the past, and I have no grudges in recent days, so of course I won't beat him up!" Ye Chong looked coldly, and looked at Fu Tianhao, "As for you? Why? What happened today, you have to give me an explanation! Otherwise, I will give you an explanation!"


Hearing this, the scene suddenly burst into a commotion.

Everyone looked at Ye Chong with a hint of sarcasm.

Undoubtedly, when Ye Chong spoke like this, it was obvious that he didn't take Fu Tianhao's brother, a martial artist, seriously, but directly confronted him.


What does warrior mean?

Even a junior martial arts fighter represents great glory, power and status, which is not comparable to that of secular martial arts masters.

An ordinary person, even a master of martial arts, wants to fight a warrior who has received the attention of the national and global joint committees. Regardless of the fact that he is vulnerable in terms of force, he will suffer unimaginable condemnation and pressure from the social level alone. .

You must know that there is a reason why warriors enjoy more high-quality social resources and respect than ordinary people.


Strong strength allows them to make much more contributions to the country or the planet than ordinary people, and they have been doing so. Although most ordinary people in the world may not know what they have done, the fact is always exist.

"Ye Chong, the strength is very strong, but ignoring the existence of a warrior is a bit too much!"

"Too arrogant! He may not know what the warrior represents? He doesn't even know how powerful the warrior is. In front of the warrior, all martial arts masters will all be defeated! This is a world of difference, insurmountable! Ye Chong is Dazzled by victory!"

"Idiot! If it doesn't work out, let it go! Arguing with the warrior's family, what's the difference between fighting with the warrior?! It's purely causing trouble for the upper body, and you are looking for a dead end! This is simply blocking your own future development path!"

"Ye Chong, you're too crazy! You've committed your own crimes, you can't live!"


"Ye Chong, you are crazy! You will regret it!" Fu Tianhao's eyes showed a fierce look, "I didn't want to say that my brother is a warrior, but I accidentally missed it, and you dare to ignore it!" , This is simply the rhythm of courting death!"

"Too much nonsense!" Ye Chong's mouth curled up, "Kneel down!"

"What?!" Fu Tianhao yelled frantically, "Bastard!"

"Both of you, kneel down now!" Ye Chong said in a cold voice: "Face to face! Only one can survive! Don't say my words twice, otherwise, I will let your little feet be five meters away from your body! Okay Come on, let's get started!"


There was a sudden commotion at the scene.

Everyone looked at Ye Chong with a strange look.

"What?" Ye Chong raised his right hand and looked at Fu Tianhao and Liu Xiqiang.

The two looked at each other, and immediately fell to their knees facing each other.

"it's all because of you!"


Amidst Fu Tianhao's furious curses, a big ear was thrown at the other party.

"You really hit!" Liu Xiqiang's face showed a stern look, and when he raised his hand, he also slapped the opponent.


clap clap!

clap clap clap!


Immediately, the sound of continuous slapping became one.


There was an uproar at the scene.

Most of the martial arts masters who were lying on the ground had broken arms and legs, but now they have already got up and quietly hid in the distance, watching Liu Xiqiang and Fu Tianhao fight each other in bewilderment.

Da da da!

Dunan walked forward quickly, with his head held high and his toes high, looking around, as if a general was reviewing troops, and when he got close to Ye Chong, he lowered his head and whispered, "Dude, Niu Dian! When will you teach me?" Huh? Brother will follow you from now on!"

"Du, don't talk like a hooligan." Ye Chong's mouth curled up, "I remember not long ago, you said that you wanted to cover me and let me teach you? Is it a good use of your talent?!"

"What are you talking about?! Which one of us is with whom!" Du Nan blushed, looked at the crowd around him naturally, and then approached Ye Chong's ear: "Be my master!"

"What?" Ye Chong was obviously taken aback, "Adore me as a teacher?"

"Yeah, Ye Chong." Du Nan smiled foolishly, "You were so handsome just now! I want to be someone like you too!"

"Just for this?" Ye Chong smiled slightly, "Du, I hope you can understand that I am not pretending to be handsome, everything I do is because they forced me!"

"I know, Ye Chong!" Du Nan scratched his head, "I told you, I don't plan to leave here, I want to apply for the Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy nearby, body..."

"What's wrong with your body?" Ye Chong shook his head, "Have you not given up the habit of watching island movies every day?"

"Ye Chong, that's not what I mean!" Du Nan rubbed his stomach, "I'm too fat and weak, and I'm afraid that I'll fail the physical test and actual combat when I apply for the Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy, so... I need to find a master to take me with me."


Ye Chong nodded.

On his way back to the dormitory from the Yayuan community, he had seen a notice on the advertisement board about applying for the Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy.

Generally speaking, it is divided into three tests.

One is the cultural class, which is not too difficult. It mainly examines literacy and word breaks and comprehensive knowledge of world technological development. As long as you prepare carefully and pass the test, there is no problem.

One is the physical test, which is said to use special high-tech instruments to test the physical fitness and potential of the applicants. It seems that the body is divided into physical fitness, blood energy, and spiritual items for separate tests.

One is actual combat. The actual combat defined in the notice refers to the comprehensive combat ability. Generally, a senior martial artist will be sent as the examiner. As long as the participant defeats the examiner, he will be considered qualified.

Judging from these requirements, Ye Chong felt that he had no problem.

The first is the actual combat, not to mention the senior martial artists, the long line of martial arts masters and martial arts master level masters just now were also easily and completely defeated by him. This test, to him, is almost like giving points.

The second is the cultural class. For him, with hundreds of years of rich experience, of course, he has a very realistic perception and understanding of the future development of science and technology. To put it bluntly, it is a piece of cake for him.

The last is the physical test, which is no problem.

The "Body Building Technique" that he is now devoting himself to practice has already caused his body to undergo seven breaks and seven erections, which is definitely of extraordinary significance and extraordinary.

Test him?

Purely superfluous!

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