Ye Chong directly dragged the corpse of the S2 mutant mountain lion into the gate, and while collecting the materials of the mutant beast, he observed the surrounding enemies.

After all, it was broad daylight. Although it was far away from the central area of ​​West Town, it was too careless, and it was easy to attract the attention of mutant beasts in the distance.

His current goal is to clean up the nearby small high-rise buildings and make this place his base and rear area. Naturally, it is better to be cautious.

Ye Chong had just collected the materials, and before he had time to close the small high-rise door, there was a rumbling sound in the corridor.


Three S2 mutant mountain lions and two S2 mutant caracals rushed down together.

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, his body turned around, and he made a roundabout among the five monsters. His figure was erratic, dancing like a butterfly, quietly comprehending the true meaning of physical combat skills.

"The shortest time."

"The shortest distance."

"Fastest response."

"Earing and seeing."

"Hearts and eyes connect."

"Thinking comes from the heart."

"Turn around with your thoughts."


Swish swish!

The three S2-level mutant mountain lions and the two S2-level mutant caracals all stretched out their claws to grab Ye Chong, and even their tails came in handy, but...

Can't even touch the root hair at all.

It's always a hair's breadth away, just a little bit, and it's just out of reach anyway.



hoo hoo hoo!

Soon, these monsters fell into madness, their mouths, front paws, back paws, tail and body continuously launched the most violent attack on Ye Chong, but...

Still can't touch it.

Even all the attacks fell on the other mutant beasts, causing bursts of chaos.


Felines are the most flexible of the orcs.

S2-level feline monsters are even more agile and fast, but compared to me, there is already a gap between them.

If I continue to spend with them, it will not be of much significance to sharpen my body skills. Instead, it will be a violent roar, which may cause me trouble.

and so……

Now it's time to get them on the road. "


The knife turned with thoughts, blood surged, and the blade of the starry sky shone with cold light, sweeping across.



Ka Ka Ka!

The initial speed of the blade of the starry sky is extremely fast, and every subsequent speed increase further increases the speed of the blade.

Ordinary knives will suddenly slow down when slashing the target when encountering obstacles, but under the superimposed effect of the surging force of Qi and blood, the Starry Sky Blade will become faster and faster, and the speed will become unbelievably faster.




Three S2-level mutant mountain lions and two S2-level mutant caracals were all split in half, and even the animal eyes of one S2-level mutant caracal were split from it.


How careless it was!

Ma Dan.

The animal's eyes were split open, and the eye crystals were lost. It was a waste of the little villain's rations.

It seems that when hunting mutant beasts next time, you can't just focus on having fun, but also pay more attention to accuracy, haha.

But speaking of it, the small high-rise is a building designed for human beings. For many mutant beasts, this place seems narrow and cramped, and it is difficult to walk. Therefore, there are more cat mutant beasts such as mutant mountain lions and mutant caracals. , and huge mutant beasts like the mutant rhinoceros, don't even think about it.

So, if I want to harvest the horn of the S3 mutant rhino, there is basically no possibility.

But that's fine too.

The reaction ability, speed and flexibility of the mutant cats are second to none, and it is in a relatively narrow space, which is of great help to sharpen my body skills.

The few mutated beasts just now were in the hall, and the space is quite wide. For me, it is no longer a challenge, but further up is the stair passage. The exercise of agility brings a new test.

In addition, I can continue to practice the Qi and Blood Surge method in actual combat, striving to make the efficiency higher and the superimposed strength stronger.

In addition, I tried the Jingyuan stab at the door. Although I just got started, the effect was good, and I can continue to understand and improve in actual combat.

However, these are not the most important.

Ha ha.

Perhaps the performance and activity of the golden tadpoles in Blade of the Starry Sky should be the focus of my focus in actual combat.

Speaking of which, if it weren't for the existence of these law patterns, even if the SS1-level mutant mountain lion is much weaker than the SS1-level mutant bear, it would not be easy for me to kill it. "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong caressed the blade of the starry sky with one hand, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Soon, after collecting the materials of the mutant beast, he went straight into the stairway and went all the way up.



Two S2 mutant leopard cats charged straight down.

Ka Ka Ka!

Ye Chong took three big steps up the vertical wall, avoiding the opponent's attack, and before they could recover from their stupefaction, there were two soft cracking sounds, and the heads of the two S2-level mutant ocelot cats fell to the ground.


The directions in which the little golden tadpoles are flying are all entry points.

It is precisely because of the power of the law they bring that the cutting of the entry point becomes effortless. "

Ye Chong strode up and continued walking.



Three S2 mutant lynxes swooped down.

Ye Chong stood still, and the blade of the starry sky flicked left, right, and upward. The movements were not big, but they brought tearing damage to the target.

"The little golden tadpole not only shows its power at the entry point, but also expands the damage range according to the situation.

Under normal circumstances, my slap, swipe and slap just now should only cause a wound of ten centimeters, and the depth should not be more than three centimeters, but this is not the case in reality.

The wound rapidly expanded to more than 15 centimeters, and the depth also reached seven or eight centimeters.

I didn't expect the power of the law to be so terrifying. "


An S3-level Big Big Wolf rushed over frantically.

Ye Chong flew across the blade and slapped the opponent hard.

Unexpectedly, the huge S3 gray wolf suddenly flew up and hit the wall hard, making a loud bang bang.

"Sure enough.

Even if you don't attack the target with a blade, you can still seriously injure the enemy under the effect of the power of law.

So, with the help of the power of the law, the blade of the starry sky is much stronger than before.

Now I can use it as a knife, a sword, or a hammer...

As long as the little golden tadpole is around, I can make the blade of the starry sky exert unimaginable power. "



hoo hoo hoo!

Five S3 level mutated snow leopards flanked him back and forth, surrounding him in the middle.

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, his body turned around, and the blade of the starry sky slapped each of the five S3 mutant snow leopards.


what happened?

Seeing the five S3 mutated snow leopards instantly furious, instead of being shot flying, they all rushed towards him.


Why did the golden tadpoles not move at all?

One by one seemed to be asleep.

Could it be... do they also need to rest? "

Swish swish!

Ye Chong fluttered about, dancing like a butterfly, and the star blade in his hand accelerated towards the target continuously. Suddenly, the S3 mutated snow leopards fell to the ground one after another.

"It's just... without the blessing of the power of law, the attack efficiency has dropped significantly."

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