Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 310 Precious Garbage

What's interesting is that Ye Chongming secretly issued orders to evict guests several times, but the old yellow-haired Walter White just refused to leave and insisted on hunting the S3-level mutant rhino with him.

It doesn't stop there.

From time to time, Lao Huangmao would glance at the second-level animal repellent powder Ye Chong was holding in his hand, his cheeks trembling, and his hands were rubbing together.

It wasn't until Ye Chong said that he would return the medicine bottle in his hand to the other party that the old yellow-haired Walter White smiled and left here.

That's right.

This small bottle of second-level animal repelling powder is the latest unique product developed by Huang Mao, and it has not even been tested. Of course, for the developer, it is hard to put it down. Isn't the key worth 200 million points?

Such a high price is probably reluctant to anyone, right?

"At first, I wanted to rest for a few days and practice the sword technique of "Destruction of Heaven and Earth" and the kung fu of "Jingyuan Thorn", but it seems that it is not feasible, and I can only comprehend and hone it in actual combat.

However, that's fine too.

It is definitely much stronger and better to cultivate skills and skills in the life and death of actual combat than to practice in an environment without any danger.

In addition, there is another big advantage to going out to hunt mutant beasts earlier.

That is to allow the little villain I bring to continue to absorb energy.

Moreover, I can also collect all the animal eye skins that have absorbed the energy, which takes up little space and is easy to carry, and the quantity brought back is also large, so naturally the points exchanged are also many.

Besides, even if it's not for cultivation, feeding the little villains and earning a lot of points, I don't suffer losses, or I can make steady profits without losing money.

An S3-level mutant rhinoceros, after the animal eyes are absorbed by the little villain, the animal eye bag can get 30 points for turning in the task, and the unicorn is not free for the old yellow-haired Walter White. Speaking of which, he has already given me 200 million worth Integral second-level animal repellent powder.

By the time……

After I provide him with 2 to 3 unicorn horns of S3-level mutant rhinos, I then ask the other party to provide...


This transaction is successful, no problem. "

The more Ye Chong thought about it, the happier he felt. He was sleepy at first, but now he couldn't fall asleep even if he lay on the bed.

What are you waiting for?

Of course, time is running out and we need to hurry up.

Soon, he went out with his backpack and headed straight for the mutant biology research room.

However, not long after he walked, he suddenly turned around and looked not far behind.

"Come out, respected Mr. Walter White," Ye Chong raised his mouth, "I'm downwind, and I can smell the medicine powder on your body."

"Well, Mr. Ye, your nose reminds me of Little Te." The old yellow-haired Walter White flashed out from behind a big tree, smiling awkwardly, "What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here." your turn."

"..." Ye Chong's head was full of black lines, and he looked at the other party with a half-smile, "Xiao Te or Xiao Te? Who is he?"

"Oh, Xiao Te is my best friend. Every time I am far away from home, he will smell me and come out to meet me." Old Huang Mao shrugged, "Ye, you remind me of Good old days."

"..." Ye Chong's face was covered with black lines, "Is Xiao Te a dog?"

"No, how is it possible, I don't like dogs." Old Huang Mao shrugged, "He's a pig, just like you, very handsome."


Ye Chong shook his body so that his head fell to the ground.

"Okay, Mr. White, I'm really honored to remind you of Xiao Te," Ye Chong said with a livid face, "The taste of grilled pork chops must be something you will never forget, right?"

"No, Yeh, you are terrible, how can I eat grilled pork chops?" The old yellow-haired Walter White looked very dissatisfied, "Sausage, understand? I eat it as sausages, and eating grilled pork chops directly will make me Sad, oh my god, it's so cruel!"

"..." Ye Chong looked at the old yellow-haired Walter White with a confused face, "Okay, respectful Mr. Little, no, Mr. White, where are you going?"

"Of course it's Mutant Biology Laboratory, haha, you know, I have a cooperation with there, and I get all my experimental equipment from there." The old yellow-haired Walter White shrugged, and then said with a smile: "Ye , are you going there too? I think we can drop in."

"No, dear Mr. White, I'm just out for a walk, and I'm going to the armory in a while." Ye Chong smiled slightly, "I know you're busy, so hurry up and do it? I don't dare to disturb you. By the way, I got S3 I will notify you as soon as I get the unicorn of a super-mutated rhinoceros."

"Oh, that's right, that would be great." The old yellow-haired Walter White shrugged. "I thought... maybe I could go for a walk with you?"

"..." Ye Chong smiled wryly and shook his head, "Well, respected Mr. Walter White, this is great, I am very honored."

After he finished speaking, Ye Chong went straight to the laboratory of mutant biology. Since he couldn't get rid of the old yellow hair, let's regard it as dragging his tail.

What else?

Time is too precious.

Teacher Liu Yun was not there, and a male teacher received them. According to the other party, Teacher Liu Yun had something to do at home recently, so he didn't come to work.

When Ye Chong heard the news, his heart skipped a beat, and he thought about the powder-winged bird again.

It's also thanks to Teacher Liu Yun's absence, otherwise, I'm afraid it would be embarrassing and embarrassing again.

Soon, Ye Chong sold all the bear galls of three S2-level mutant black bears, one S3-level mutant black bear, and one S3-level mutant brown bear, in exchange for a total of 117 million points.

This result made Ye Chong very satisfied.

After all, the essence of these things is slightly lost.

The bear galls of the three S2 mutant black bears can be sold for 5 points each, which is not bad.

And the bear bile of an S3 mutant brown bear sold for 50 points, which was the same as the previous price, and of course it was satisfactory.

As for the bear bile of the S3 mutant black bear, it even sold for 52 points, which is naturally a bit of a surprise.

However, what surprised people the most was not this, but the bag of sharp claw powder that was absorbed by the little villain.

Unexpectedly, the male teacher in the Mutant Biology Laboratory picked it up and looked at it, and then directly said the price of 10 points.

Ye Chong was really confused at the time.

These sharp claw powders were originally treated as garbage, but before they had time to throw them away, why did they suddenly become valuable treasures.

He asked cautiously, and the male teacher explained that sharp claw powder is an important material for studying the physiological structure of mutant animal claws, and natural sharp claw powder that is evenly crushed just now is the best material for research, so 10 Points are normal.

Hearing this, Ye Chong was really stunned, as if he was about to be crushed to death by a pie falling from the sky.

Is the leftover garbage that the little villain used turned out to be the best of nature?

As crazy as this news sounds, it's just too good to be true.

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