Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 303 The Bottomless Pit

As a long-range attack weapon, the black crossbow and red arrow are really powerful. Of course, Ye Chong was reluctant to keep it at home, but still put it in his backpack.

Speaking of which, the hand crossbow, a weapon that is not inferior to pistols, can really play a vital role at critical times.

On the roof that day, the death of the SS1 mutant bear had a lot to do with the use of the black crossbow and red arrow.

If it hadn't been hit by three red poisonous arrows in a row, then the middle-aged gray-clothed man with sharp beaked monkey cheeks would have been killed by the other party in an instant, and Ye Chong would be the one who died next.

However, although this weapon is small in size and looks very delicate, it is not as convenient to carry as a pistol, and it can only be placed in a backpack.

Or don't wear it on your waist all day, or carry it on your shoulder, or hold it in your hand?

Thinking about it, it's really inappropriate. After all, it's not on the battlefield, so it's not good to be too ostentatious.

That dagger is easy to say, it is neither long nor short, it can be inserted into the card slot of the military vest, and it is very convenient to use.

As for those medicine bottles, it didn't mean much to him. After picking out a few bottles of anti-drug and healing pills, he decided to leave the rest at home.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened the locker, he heard the sound of fried beans in the column of the little villain.

Ye Chong couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, knowing that his previous judgment was correct, and the strange sound came from the little villain.

This is a good thing.

It is a happy event.

Also a big deal.

Of course he was reluctant to disturb it, but after putting the medicine bottles and punches in the upper column, he gently closed the locker.

"Fortunately, this locker is relatively large.

And the space in each column is not small.

Especially the bottom column where the little villain is located has the largest space, and it is covered by a cover, which can be regarded as an independent space.

Ha ha.

There was a sound coming from inside, indicating that it was indeed absorbing energy. It was obviously not a wise choice for me to disturb it at this time.


Then let it take its toll.

With so many mutant beast materials, it should be enough for it to absorb. "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong yawned, then covered his mouth and went to bed, fell asleep.

When it was getting dark, Ye Chong woke up.

He couldn't wait to open the locker. There was no sound coming from the little villain's column. When he opened the cover, Ye Chong was a little confused.

It doesn't work if you are not confused.

That column was packed to the brim at the time, but now it's almost empty, except for the little villain and a few bear galls.

That is to say, the animal eyes of S2-level mutant beasts, S3-level mutant beasts, and SS1-level mutant human bears captured by Long Xidi and his team were absorbed by the little villain because the eye crystals inside were full of energy. empty, so that the entire animal eye has become a thin layer of skin.

Speaking of which, it's fine if the mutated beast's eyes are drained, it's understandable, after all, it's full of energy, and it happened once before.


It was a bit unexpected that the sharp claws of those confiscated mutant beasts were also extracted to a pile of powder.

However, the bear galls of three S2-level mutant black bears, one S3-level mutant black bear, and one S3-level mutant brown bear all seemed to be in good condition. Obviously, the little villain is not interested in these things.

"There are eye crystals in the animal eyes, and eye crystals are the crystallization of energy. It's normal for the little villain to be interested.

As the mutant beast's attack weapon, the sharp claws of the mutant beast should also contain a lot of energy, and the little villain also likes it.

In addition to these two materials, I don't know what else the little villain likes?

However, one thing is certain, it is not interested in things like bear bile.

Ha ha.

That's great.

The beast eye has been drained, leaving only the skin. I can still take it to the mission hall to hand in the mission. Anyway, the mission hall is only interested in how many mutant beasts have been killed, and it doesn’t matter how much essence is lost. Come on, I won't suffer.

As for the mutant beast's claws, I didn't intend to have them at first. I picked them up when I saw others pick them up. I didn't expect the little villain to like them. This is a good thing. Then I will hunt and kill mutant beasts in the future, so I will keep all the sharp claws Just come back.

As for bear bile?

It's a good thing that the little villains don't like it.

Because I can take it to the mutant biology research room and sell it in exchange for points.

The bear gall of the S2 mutant brown bear hunted in the Leqing Mountains back then sold for 5 points, and the bear gall of the S3 mutant brown bear even sold for 50 points.


I now have three bear galls of an S2-level mutant black bear, one bear gall of an S3-level mutant black bear, and one bear gall of an S3-level mutant brown bear. It is estimated that I can exchange for at least more than 100 million points.

It's just a pity that the SS1-level mutant bear is not a bear, otherwise the SS1-level bear bile would definitely sell for a sky-high price, making me a lot of money. "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong put the few bear gallbladders and the film bag containing the animal's eye skin bag into the backpack, and put the film bag containing the residual powder of the mutated beast's claws into the backpack Here, go back to school and find a place to throw it away.


Ye Chong stretched out his hand to hold the little villain in his hand, he couldn't help but startled slightly, then looked at the empty locker bar, couldn't help shaking his head and gave a wry smile.

"The shape, color, appearance and size of the little villain do not seem to have changed significantly, but the weight has increased a lot.

That is to say, after absorbing a large amount of energy, its density has increased significantly.


Ha ha.

Its appetite is too big, right?

It is simply a bottomless pit.

Except for the unabsorbable bear bile, everything else was devoured.

Ma Dan.

I can't afford it.

The dragon sucked the ground and his party, and the monster materials obtained after such a long time of life and death fighting, did not expect to be devoured by this kid in a few hours.

In the future, even if I go on missions day and night, and feed it the mutant beast materials as soon as I come back, I'm afraid it won't be able to fill its stomach.

At least when I am out on missions, it will be hungry, and there is time to go back and forth...


I'm bringing the little rascals? "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong couldn't help blinking, then shook his head with a smile, weighed the gray broken stone, and put it in his backpack.

Looking at the time, it was already 20:03, and his stomach started to growl. Ye Chong simply tidied up the house, then went out and left Nanhu Community.

To his surprise, there was a long line of shared bicycles parked outside the north gate of Nanhu Community.

In fact, this kind of transportation was very popular before the spiritual recovery, but because the environment changed after the spiritual recovery, the air signal could not be transmitted, so the shared bicycles were suspended.

Unexpectedly, this place in Zhongdu City is really amazing. First, the mobile phone signal was restored, and now the shared bicycles have resumed operation. Speaking of it, it is really very efficient.

Ye Chong quickly downloaded the app, registered briefly, activated the app, and then rode on his bicycle, humming a little song and headed straight to school, smelling the smell of kebabs all the way, that kind of The feeling is really full of a strong taste of happiness.

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