Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 300 Just Smile

The old yellow-haired Walter White did not choose to stay in the barracks, nor did he go to the Zhongdu Hotel designated by the government, but lived in the skyscraper.

The skyscraper of Jiuwu Academy is huge, and the current [-] students are simply not satisfied with it. The spare room can be used as a school guest house.

Old Huang Mao didn't mind, and Bao Sihai had no objection, of course, the room was arranged with just one phone call.

This time, the Four Seas Squad lost two members in the Dragon Sucking operation, and the scene of the battle was piled up like a mountain of corpses. It was extremely tragic, and they couldn't feel anything, but when they returned to the school, the atmosphere suddenly became serious.

Ye Chong was also sad.

However, Jiuwu Academy has a unified arrangement in terms of compensation for the casualties of teachers and students, so he didn't get too involved in this matter.

The family members of the dead team members have not been notified yet, and their bodies have already completely disappeared between the sky and the earth. Even if Ye Chong wants to participate, he can't get involved.

As for the gray-clothed man he met in Longsu, he didn't need to report.

Bao Sihai, as the deputy director of the Martial Arts Combat Department and the captain of the Sihai Squad, has the responsibility to report all major matters that occurred during the mission to his immediate superior, Yan Jinglei, who is also the director of the Martial Arts Combat Department.

Therefore, Ye Chong doesn't have to worry about this matter.

In fact, this is the best way, so as not to say too much and cause trouble, it is better to let the eyewitness Bao Sihai smooth this matter out.

Therefore, there is only one thing left for Ye Chong now, and that is to hurry back to his home in Nanhu Community and tidy up.

"This time, the Dragon Sucking Ground operation, the Four Seas team suffered a lot of losses, not only lost two team members, but most of them were also seriously injured.

Zhang Dong and Zhou Fa's injuries didn't heal within ten days and half a month.

That's not bad.

If it was placed before the spiritual energy recovered, it is estimated that the person would have disappeared.

Even if he can survive, he will be disabled for life, and there is no one who can't get out of bed for a year and a half.

And Xin Xiaomeng.

Her left cheek was seriously injured, probably caught by the sharp claws of an S2 mutant mandrill. In addition, her right arm was also broken. The injury on the arm is okay, but the injury on the face is a troublesome thing, and it will heal without any problem. The scar Will stay too.

never mind.

Even if it is another tempering of the warrior's heart.

There are some things that no one wants to encounter, but if they do, it is useless to cry, it is better to smile and treat the world as a joke. "

Ye Chong simply washed and tidied up, and then left the 3691 dormitory.

In fact, he originally wanted to get off the car at the school gate, but after thinking about it, it was not very good.

With ragged clothes and Bao Sihai and others watching, he got out of the car and walked towards Nanhu Community, no matter how he thought about it, he felt that it was inappropriate.

"I thought you were a dead body this time, but I didn't expect you to be alive?" Hook, who appeared at an unknown time, stood three meters away, with his arms folded, and looked at Ye Chong with a sneer on his face, "By the way , kid, don’t forget our appointment in the Martial Arts Field, hehe, don’t miss it by pretending to have a mission or something.”

"I can't forget it." Ye Chong gave the other party a cold look, "Just don't disappear when the time comes."

"Hey, I'm missing? No way." Hook sneered, "Why? This time the harvest is not small?"

"This has nothing to do with you." Ye Chong didn't bother to pay attention to the other party, and stepped forward, he was anxious.

"Yo, you don't look good." Hook remained motionless, grinning, "What the hell?"


Ye Chong's face turned cold, petrified on the spot.

"Hey, kid, what do you mean?" Hook's mouth twitched, and he looked him up and down, "Is my friend dead?"


Ye Chong narrowed his eyes and stared at the other party coldly, as if a wave of anger was quietly condensing, but after a while, he sighed and said: "I will attend the appointment on the martial arts field on time, I still have something to do now, you can let it go?"

"Okay, okay," Hook lowered his arms, moved his fists, and made a chirping sound, "Look at you, you look more and more dead..."


Ye Chong suddenly took a step forward like crazy.

follow closely.


He slapped down fiercely with a slap.


Hook didn't react at all, and was directly slammed onto the ground.

Immediately, the smell of feces and urine filled the air, and the smell of blood spread in the messy wind.


The surrounding terraces were filled with people at some point, and there was a burst of exclamation.

"I go!

Crazy Ye is amazing!

The junior martial arts fighter, the first level, even slapped the intermediate martial arts fighter, the first level, to the ground.

Bull electricity!

As expected of a lunatic! "

"Hook is really too careless. It's a bit embarrassing to be KO'd by a low-level warrior who just broke through."

"Hu Ke is a talented student of the Martial Arts Command Department and a future teacher of the Command Department. I didn't expect that he couldn't even go a round in front of Crazy Ye."

"Don't talk nonsense, it's because of Ye Chong's sneak attack. Let's see if he doesn't sneak attack? Brother Hu Ke definitely beat him so much that he has teeth all over the floor, and his shit is pouring out."

"Hehe, it's the other way around now. Hook's teeth fell out, and his feces and urine flowed out. That's interesting."


Hook struggled on the ground for a while, but finally he still didn't stand up. His eyes seemed to be filled with monstrous anger when he looked at the other party.

Ye Chong took half a step back, remained motionless, and looked at the other party coldly. After a full ten seconds, he said lightly: "Is there anything else? I'm leaving."

"I'll wipe you..." Hook's throat moved, and he wanted to stand up while cursing.


A big foot suddenly flew up and kicked him on the mouth. Hook immediately flew upside down, flew down the balcony in a whirl, and then fell to the ground.


With a sway of Ye Chong's body, he was three meters away from Hu Ke in an instant, and stood still.


Hu Ke's eyes were red, his face was ashen, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

You know, he is the rising flower of the Martial Arts Command Department of the Nine Martial Arts Academy, and he is also the future star of the Nine Martial Arts Academy.

Unexpectedly, now he was slapped and kicked by a guy who had just become a junior martial arts fighter, and blood was splashed with his kick, which was embarrassing.

Hook wished he could get up immediately and tear the opponent to pieces.


He knew that he couldn't move now, and it would be even worse if he moved.

and so……

Sometimes it is acceptable to kill enemies with eyes.

Ye Chong stood on the spot, and after more than ten seconds, he saw that the other party was silent, motionless, only rubbing his eyes, and finally the corners of his mouth curled up, he turned around slowly, and drifted away.


There was an uproar at the scene.

If Ye Chong could look back at this time, he would find the old yellow-haired Walter White blinking and staring at his back, as if he couldn't wait to do something wrong.

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