Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 30 No way!You can only choose to be proud!


There was an uproar at the scene.

Everyone looked at Ye Chong with an extremely weird meaning.

An ordinary-looking man is closely watched by powerful forces from three parties. It is impossible not to attract attention.

And the most important thing is that any of the three forces looks aggressive, as if they want to swallow him alive.

This is interesting.

What a great hatred.

Ye Chong scratched his head, feeling helpless.

He never thought that one day, he would become the focus of competition among all parties in full view.

There is no way now.

I can only be proud.

It's a certainty.

How embarrassing to run again.

Come and be safe.

However, there are also problems.

Liu Xiqiang's gang, Fu Tianhao's gang, and the Iron Hammer Martial Arts Association, these three parties scrambled to exercise sovereignty and use rights over him as soon as they met. Damn, have you asked his opinion?

"Diao Long?" Liu Xiqiang glanced at the handsome man in front of him, and said with a smile: "Hehe, President Diao, we always have a first-come-first-served one, right? Although the Hammer Martial Arts Club is strong, it can't bully others, right?!"

"Yeah, Diao Long, you came late, this little bastard is already mine, let's talk about it after I finish my hatred!" Fu Tianhao gave Diao Long a cold look, showing no sign of fear at all, after all his body There are also several martial arts masters nearby, and in a real fight, the opponent is only a real master Diao Long, who is hard to beat with two fists and four hands, who is afraid of anyone.

"Hehe, it turns out that the two big bosses are here!" Diao Long turned his hands behind his back, walked around the field, and then stood in front of Ye Chong, looking at him with a smile, "It's also for this classmate Ye Chong!" , very good! Hehe."

When he said this, Diao Long turned around and walked towards Liu Xiqiang and Fu Tianhao. Every time he took a step, a faint footprint would appear on the concrete floor. He said with a smile:

"However, if Boss Fu wants to get rid of his hatred on classmate Ye Chong, he must have already turned into scum, right? Then what do you want me to do? Vent to a pile of scum? Hehe, besides, in our Yangcheng Discussions in the university come first, it seems that people outside the school have no right to speak?!"

"What's the matter? President Diao is planning to make things difficult for me?" Liu Xiqiang's expression was serious, and he looked at the other party coldly.

"Diao Long, it's true that you are a high-level martial arts master, but if you look around, are you confident that you have won them?" Fu Tianhao smiled sinisterly, and pointed behind him, "I'm going to leave my words here today. Chong, I will do it myself, and no one can get in the way!"

Da da da!

There was a sound of footsteps.

Everyone turned their heads and saw Ye Chong walking towards the main road with his hands in his trouser pockets.


There was a burst of laughter at the scene.

"Hahaha! I'm so ridiculous! I forgot the right owner! he leaving? Hahaha!"

"Oh my God, Ye Chong can do it! He's very courageous! They are discussing who will kill him, how good is he, just want to run away like this? Hahaha, the footsteps can be quieter! Make such a big noise, are you afraid that others will not know that he is leaving?"

"Have you seen that? Ye Chong puts his hands in his pockets, and walks with ease, as if he's nothing to worry about! Awesome! Mount Tai collapsed in front of him and never fell! Absolutely awesome!"



Liu Xiqiang, Fu Tianhao and Diao Long shouted almost simultaneously.

"Huh?" Ye Chong paused, turned around, with a look of confusion on his face, "What's the matter?"


There was another burst of laughter.

Some people directly bent over their stomachs.

"What's the matter?!" Diao Long walked forward with his hands behind his back, and said with a smile, "Are you in such a hurry? What do you want to do?"

"What else can I do? I didn't eat in the morning, so I went to the cafeteria to eat something!" Ye Chong raised his mouth, "Can you?"

"Okay! Why not? But don't go to the cafeteria to eat!" Diao Long smiled faintly, "I'll take you down to eat!"


Diao Long punched him without warning.

Ye Chong stood still like a fool.

Seeing that the right fist was about to hit the opponent's nose, the teasing look in Diao Long's eyes gradually enlarged.


There was a loud bang!

Diao Long suddenly flew up, flying upwards at a 45-degree angle, his eyes wide open, full of disbelief.

Then he plummeted down, as if a fallen leaf ball hit the ground.



Diao Long slammed his head down hard on the concrete floor, making an extremely weird sound.

The exclamation sounded suddenly.



The scene suddenly fell into extreme silence.

Everyone was stunned by the sudden scene in front of them.

How can this be? !

A martial arts master, and a senior martial arts master at that, was kicked into the air like a soccer ball, with his head turned upside down? !

Is this senior martial arts master too weak?

Or is Ye Chong really too powerful?

Swish swish!

Everyone looked at Ye Chong with expressions of disbelief.

"Huh? That's impossible!" The glamorous girl with a cold face opened her red lips all of a sudden, her expression changed suddenly, "It's an exaggeration to defeat a high-level martial arts master with one move, and the other party did it first, right?!"

"What?! He's so powerful!" The hot-looking pretty girl covered her small mouth with her hands, her eyes were full of fiery expressions, as if she wanted to melt the other party into her heart.

"What happened just now? Ye Chong actually kicked Diao Long away?!" Liu Xiaolei was dumbfounded by the look, and she quickly rubbed her eyes, "It's true! It's true!'s impossible Bar?!"

"I'm going! I didn't expect this guy to be so violent!" Dunan rubbed his stomach with his left hand and touched his head with his right hand, with a look of surprise and astonishment on his face, "Usually he doesn't show his mountains and dews, so it turns out that his fighting power is so powerful! Yes, yes, like Is my friend!"

Wang Bo's eyes were shining brightly, and he was so excited that he couldn't help muttering to himself: "Ye Chong, you are great! I, Wang Bo, feel very honored to be a good brother in the dormitory with you! However, there are many people on the other side, you... ...Let’s run quickly! Keep the green hills here, and don’t worry about running out of firewood!”

When he said this, for some reason, Wang Bo's face became hot, his blood surged up, and he looked at Ye Chong with a fiery look.


Liu Xiqiang looked cautious and waved forward, but he took a big step back.

Suddenly, more than a dozen men of different colors rushed towards Ye Chong in unison.

"Masters, there is only one bastard, let's go forward and kill him together!"

At the same time, Fu Tianhao waved his hand forward without hesitation, and said loudly:

"Grandmasters, if anyone kills him, the reward I promised will be doubled!"


There were more than 20 martial arts masters, and Ye Chong was completely surrounded at once.


Ye Chong spun like a gust of wind, and afterimages emerged one after another.

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