
Bao Sihai's complexion changed, and he suddenly looked at Xizhen, which was shrouded in lightning and thunder.

If the other party didn't say anything, he really forgot about it.

Before the spiritual energy revived, creatures like human bears were extremely rare, not many people had seen them, and even many people who didn't know the truth mistook polar bears, brown bears or even black bears for human bears.

In fact, what people don’t know is that the human bear is a high-level mammal with an IQ far superior to that of apes and dolphins. In order to avoid being invaded by humans, they always live in groups away from human activity areas.

Like the top of a snow mountain.

Such as deep mountains and great rivers.

Such as the Gobi desert.


In short, the more difficult the area for human beings to set foot on, the more warm their homeland is.

For man-bears, even if life is bitter, they are happier than being eaten by humans.

Speaking of which, there are actually quite a few creatures like man-bears in the world, such as the chupacabra, mothman, diva, six-winged bird, brave and mermaid, etc.

Just like the man-bear, these mysterious creatures in the old world have chosen to be invisible without any accident.

Otherwise, there is no other way.

In case the omnipotent locusts-human race find out, the ending waiting for these creatures is very simple.

loss of freedom.

or die.

However, for these highly intelligent beings who pursue freedom, such an ending is unacceptable to them anyway.

Therefore, stay away from humans, hide completely, and become a legendary existence that is difficult for humans to believe, so as to survive.

However, after the spiritual energy revived, the situation was different.

Hundreds of millions of species in the world, including humans, are mutating.

It's just that the evolution of the orcs is obviously more active and faster.

This is like a slave who has been oppressed for endless years. Once there is a chance to stand up, of course he will not give up easily, and even if he dies, he will try his best to grasp it.

All efforts are aimed at overthrowing the human race's rule over the world and launching the most ferocious and cruel revenge on them.

From the point of view of the Orcs, this is justice—belated justice.

From a Terran point of view, this is rioting—absolutely unacceptable.

From a third-party standpoint, this is reality—the nature of the world.

After the revival of spiritual energy, the world pattern has undergone tremendous changes. Under the trend of the general trend, these mysterious creatures with high IQ finally came to the fore and became the most backbone supporting force of the orc race.

It's just the instincts formed over the endless years that allow them to still maintain the living habit of living together in groups. Therefore, where there is often a mutant human bear, there are often others of the same kind.

Regarding the analysis in this aspect, the Global Martial Arts Federation and the National Martial Arts Department have mentioned it in relevant reports and research projects.

Therefore, as the deputy director of the Martial Arts Department of Kyushu Martial Arts Academy, Bao Sihai certainly knows these things very clearly.

It is precisely because of this that he feels fear and fear in a faint way.

no way.

An SS1-level mutant bear almost killed the extremely powerful Ye Fengzi, so what about the two ends?


What about three heads?

or more?

At that time, it would be a trivial matter for him and the Four Seas team to be wiped out, but the old yellow-haired Walter White, who is related to the life and death of the human race, caught a cold, which would be an unimaginably huge loss for all mankind.

"Okay! Be vigilant! I'll notify them to evacuate immediately." Bao Sihai hurriedly turned and left, not forgetting to leave a sentence, "You'd better come here, it's safer for everyone to be together."

Ye Chong's face was calm, looking up at the night sky intertwined with lightning and thunder, his eyes were shining with an intriguing brilliance.

"Dragon Suction Land is really a place worth looking forward to.

Before the spiritual energy revived, this place was a geomantic treasure land for the human race.

After the aura recovered, the orcs forcibly occupied the place.

The key has also become the nest where mutant beasts achieve breakthroughs.

Moreover, it actually attracted a mysterious existence like a human bear.

This undoubtedly illustrates the point that it is not simple here.

The captain said that the human race evolved very fast here.

The implication is that the effect of practicing here is good.

But the question is, since everyone knows this is a good place, why don't they send people to take it back again? "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong looked around, couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

"Speaking of which, if we really want to take back the Dragon Sucking Land, it shouldn't be too difficult for the human race. The big deal is to gather the martial arts sects and martial arts families in the martial arts world to form a coalition force.

In fact, if you follow today's posture, you don't even need this.

A Kyushu Martial Arts Academy's Martial Arts Combat Department, as long as it is organized properly, there is no problem with the weapons and equipment, and it can be easily taken down.

An existence like the SS1-level mutant bear is irresistible in front of me, but in front of a human martial arts general like Principal Jinglei, I am afraid that he is still vulnerable.

But the problem is...

After the human race captured the Dragon Sucking Land, can they hold it?

In other words, it can be held in the short term, but what about the long term?

it is good.

Even if it can hold it for a long time, how much force does it need to station?

In the battle between the human race and the orc race, one hair will affect the whole body. If too much combat power is used in the place of Longsu land, it will inevitably cause huge weakening to other directions.

In the final analysis, it was because of Xizhen and Longcudi that there was no danger at all.

Especially after losing the defense of the miasma and poisonous gas, this place has become a free square that anyone can enter.

It's not easy to defend, but it's easy to attack, and this place is surrounded by the domain of the orcs. If the humans stationed troops here, it would be thankless.

Moreover, it is still alive, the freshest and most nutritious.

However, although in terms of the current situation, the Dragon Sucking Land, a treasure land that penetrates into the realm of the orcs, is unattainable for the overall situation of the human race, and the disadvantages far outweigh the advantages, but for the team, and even for individuals, It's really a good place to look forward to.


At least there are high and low ruins, where you can hide, hide, jump, lean, and even fly...

It's better than being helpless in the Leqing Mountains.

The most important thing is that the aura here is rich, and the speed and effect of cultivation are much stronger than those on campus. This is really important to me now.

Especially when practicing the "Destruction of Heaven and Earth" sword technique, the movements will never be small.

If you practice in the 3691 dormitory of the Chongtian Building, you can't use it at all.

If you practice in the training ground or square, it is inevitable that someone will point and point.

Moreover, it is still impossible to test the true power of the knife technique in actual combat.

Moreover, one cannot earn points and money while practicing.

In addition, if the little villain in my family is here, there should be no shortage of things to absorb, right?


At that time, of course, I won't need to carry a heavy backpack all day to and fro in a mess. "

When Ye Chong thought of this, his eyes flickered, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and Bao Sihai suddenly heard Bao Sihai shout: "Evacuate immediately!"

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