Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 284 Strange phenomenon

From a distance, near the garden in the middle of the street in Xizhen, a group of beasts are running away, and a villain is chasing after him crazily. From time to time, he will get into the belly of a large mutant beast and move his hands and feet, making the group of beasts look confused. Instantly caused even greater chaos.

The SS1-level mutant bear chased after him with a big grin, but compared with the mutant beast, Ye Chong's villain was really too small, he burrowed around like a loach.


The SS1-level mutant bear couldn't help but start to move.


clap clap!

clap clap clap!




The mutated beasts were slapped aside by it, who let you get in the way?


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!




Mutant beasts were kicked into the air fiercely by it, who let you get in the way?

As a result, the scene was completely chaotic.

Ye Chong had a happy look, and he just ran like a gecko with his waist close to the ground.

What are you afraid of?

Now all the mutant beasts don't understand the situation, so they don't dare to hurt him, do they?

Coupled with the fact that the mutant beasts are all tall, but he is relatively short in size, he crawled around, and the SS1-level mutant bear didn't know where he was for a while.

"For a short while, I'm fine with it.

After a long time, as soon as that SS1-level mutant bear realized, I was going to die.

Therefore, I should take advantage of the chaos and quickly enter the small high-rise building, maybe there is still a chance of survival.

At the very least, my efforts will buy the team time to evacuate.

Even if I am finished riding a horse, is it worth it?



Ma Dan.

Can't finish!

I still have a lot of work to do.

Especially when there are still a lot of people who haven't done it.

Especially my enemy, sooner or later, I will make you stand up and tear you into pieces!

So, I can't finish it yet. "

Swish swish!

Ye Chong's speed was fast, and he kept approaching the small high-rise building on the south side of the garden in the middle of the street.

at the same time.

High-rise rooftop.


Zhang Dong, Zhou Fa and the others were guarding this place, fighting bloody battles. The roar of furious beasts and the clanging sound of weapons and claws colliding together were continuous, and the indescribable bloody smell permeated all around. Come.

At the same time, Bao Sihai, Xin Xiaomeng, Han Lina and Tong Ya nervously watched the astonishing scene in the garden in the middle of the street. There was an indescribable complex emotion in their eyes, as if they were about to fly down at any time.

Speaking of which, Bao Sihai's nervousness was mostly due to fear.

He witnessed the deaths of those men in gray with his own eyes, as if he was watching a live broadcast.

Of course he could feel the strength of those men in gray, and it was precisely because of this that he felt deep fear.

"The mutant beasts below are definitely the elite among the mutant beasts.

They are stronger, more flexible, and smarter than monsters of the same level.

Under their siege, those men in gray had no way out.

But speaking of it, these mutant beasts in West Town are very strange.

Every S1 level monster has reached the peak state of S1 level.

Most S2 level monsters have also reached the peak state of S2 level.

A small number of S2 level monsters are in the initial state of S2 level.

And among those S3 level monsters, at least half have just broken through.

The remaining half of S3 level monsters have reached the peak of S3 level.

There is no doubt that this strange phenomenon did not happen by accident.

There must be some secrets hidden in it, or is it too coincidental?

Could it be that...they gathered here just to break through?

Well, this is the only way to explain the reason why there are only two stages of monsters at all levels, the elementary and the peak.

Especially the SS1-level mutant bear, who obviously just broke through, and even his mind is still in chaos.

Otherwise, it is estimated that Ye Chong would have died long ago.

But despite this, the strength of the SS1-level mutant bear is there after all, even compared with the junior martial arts generals of the human race, it is not much better.

It's impossible for him to fight against this guy.

Therefore, he chose to escape now, which is considered smart.


Even so, the current situation is extremely dangerous, I hope he can really survive.

Speaking of it, Ye Chong's body style is very practical, there is nothing fancy at all, and he pays attention to the shortest time, the smallest space and the fastest reaction. This kind of actual combat body style is most suitable for playing a role in group battles.

Among the people I know, those who can reach Ye Chong's level are probably rare in the realm of elementary martial arts fighters, let alone me.

However, although his physical reaction is fast, he lacks a little agility to follow the trend, which is not as good as mine.

Ha ha.

In any case, it is really a leaf lunatic.

With this ability, it is enough to be worthy of the title of madman.

This is the treasure of the team, and it is also the future hope of Jiuwu Academy. "

Different from Bao Sihai's anxiety and preoccupation, Xin Xiaomeng, Han Lina and Tong Ya's nervousness came more from excitement, excitement and worry.

"Ye Chong is like a little loach, not slippery, and those cumbersome guys can't catch him at all, but... there are too many of them, so be careful!"

"Oh my god, that big white bear almost hit Ye Chong just now, why is it so fast, Ye Chong... Ye Chong... run away..."

"It's okay, Ye Chong's body is good, no matter how fast that big white bear is, he can't catch it... ah!"

Just as Xin Xiaomeng, Han Lina, and Tong Ya were discussing in low voices, the SS1-level mutant bear suddenly raised his head and glanced at the rooftop, stabbing like a sharp long sword, which scared them down immediately. body.

Bao Sihai's expression changed drastically.

"not good!

SS1-level mutant bears should have discovered our existence long ago.

Is this the rhythm to do it?

I'm afraid that if Ye Chong didn't pester him, our place would be in danger.


Get out now!

Perhaps our staying away from here is the greatest support for Ye Chong. "

When Bao Sihai thought of this, he immediately turned his head to look at Xin Xiaomeng, Han Lina, and Tong Ya, and said: "There is a drainage pipeline on the north side of the roof, so you can hold on there and observe the enemy's situation, and don't go down yet. "

"Yes, captain." The three women agreed in a low voice, and immediately ran straight to the direction Bao Sihai pointed.

At the same time, Bao Sihai flickered and came to the entrance of the rooftop, commanding in a deep voice:

"Leave it to me here.

You immediately evacuate to Xin Xiaomeng's position and evacuate down the drainage pipeline.


Zhang Dong took the three boys down first to observe the enemy's situation, secure key areas, and ensure that other team members retreated safely.

Zhou Fa and the other two boys went to the south side of the rooftop and continued to observe the battle in the garden in the middle of the street without deliberately hiding.

If you find any unusual changes below, please report to me immediately.

In addition, after the three daughters Xin Xiaomeng, Han Lina, and Tong Ya evacuate, you immediately implement the evacuation plan and leave one by one without panic.

Execute the order! "

"Yes!" The seven boys all agreed in a low voice, and then they split up to act.

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