Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 256 Nail Skin Surgery

Seeing Ye Chong frowned and thinking, Bao Sihai nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "As a junior martial arts fighter, you must not be afraid on the battlefield of life and death. The second point, but these two points alone are not enough.

It is not difficult for an ordinary person with a sound mind to achieve these two points, but can he survive the bloody battle between the human race and the orc race?

Not saying it's impossible, but it's hard.

Ordinary people can only play one role in front of mutant beasts, especially monsters above level S1—life, that is, food.

Not so for warriors.

Because compared with ordinary people, you have attack power, defense power and the ability to escape.

To survive in a fierce battle, either your attack power is strong enough to destroy your enemies, or your defense power is very good, it is difficult for the enemy to hurt you, or you have good agility and fast speed, so you can escape if you can't fight .

So... what kind of abilities do you think you have?

Don't always compare with ordinary mutant beasts, S1-level monsters or S2-level monsters. The current beast races mutate, evolve and develop very fast, and high-level monsters emerge in endlessly, and there can only be more and more.

Or don't say how high the level of the monster is.

What should I do if I encounter a wave of beasts at the monster level?

If the attack power is not enough, the defense power is not good, the agility and speed are poor, then there is only one dead end.

Ever heard of piranhas?

A buffalo was attacked by piranhas, and only a white skeleton was left in a few tens of seconds.

And cannibal ants.

A running cheetah was still a leopard 30 seconds before, and after 30 seconds, it was a running bone.

The beast tide is stronger than them.

The tide of monsters is not something you can easily imagine.

Therefore, you should prepare as early as possible, otherwise once the all-out war breaks out, everything will be too late. "

"My movement skills are not bad," Ye Chong frowned, "If you really encounter a high-level monster, you can only run away."

"It's not up to you whether your body skills are good or not. You have to test it in actual combat." Bao Sihai shook his head and said, "The monsters you encountered before were S1 and S2 monsters, and at most they would not exceed S3. Die, that's shit luck, you see if you meet an S4 level monster?

You should understand that S1-level monsters are equivalent to junior human martial arts fighters, S2-level monsters are equivalent to intermediate human martial arts fighters, and S3-level monsters are equivalent to advanced human martial arts fighters. To put it bluntly, they are all martial arts fighters. The level division is true, but the difference is not as big as you think.

S4 level monsters are different.

That is equivalent to the existence of a junior martial arts general of the human race.

There is a big gap between martial arts warriors and martial arts fighters. Even if you haven't seen it with your own eyes, you should have heard of it. There is basically no comparison. It is a bit like a warrior facing a non-warrior, absolutely crushing.

Your body skills are good, but at this time and at that time, the enemies you face are different, and your advantage will no longer exist.

Of course, you can also continue to find low-level monsters to fight.

Ha ha.

It's almost like an adult fighting a little white rabbit, is it interesting?

Do you think that high-level monsters don't know what happened to the group?

Will you let me go?

Will not.

Besides, you won't learn anything from fighting unmatched enemies, you won't be able to improve yourself, and you will be blinded by illusions.

Maybe that's what you like, though.

This brings me back to the topic I said not long ago, you have to have faith and have an infinite pursuit of martial arts, otherwise, you will be a bunch of walking dead. "

"..." Ye Chong looked confused, and thought, using the word "tuo", would the taste be a bit heavy?

"So, you should never be complacent just because of the achievements you have made before, it's useless." Bao Sihai continued to say in a deep voice: "You have broken through from a non-warrior to a warrior, it's a brand new start, so you have to start from scratch.

Not to mention anything else, in order to survive, you must either improve your agility as soon as possible, or quickly improve your defense ability, or comprehensively strengthen your attack power. "

"Yes, Teacher Bao," Ye Chong nodded vigorously, "I'm working hard to improve my attack power."

"The idea of ​​increasing attack power is fine, but it is a long-term process. You are just a junior martial arts fighter. No matter how high your attack power is, how high can you go?" Bao Sihai stared at the other party intently, with a faint smile on his lips smile.

"..." Ye Chong's head was full of black lines, and he felt that his words were unnecessary and he should keep his mouth shut.

Bao Sihai smiled slightly, and continued: "It's not that the improvement of attack power is a long-term process, so we shouldn't practice it.


Not only to practice, but also to step up practice and go all out to practice.

There is also agility, which can be improved by practicing on your own.

But defense is the most direct means to truly save one's life.

I called you here today, in addition to telling you the precautions I mentioned earlier, I want to teach you a set of defensive methods-the carapace technique.

The armor skin technique is not a brilliant technique, and the name sounds rather vulgar, but it is very practical for you now. "

"Teacher Bao, isn't the armor skin technique a bit similar to the golden bell cover?" Ye Chong's face brightened, "Iron cloth shirt?"

"Admiralty is a fart!" Bao Sihai looked disdainful, "Iron cloth shirt is shit!"

"..." Ye Chong directly covered his mouth with his hands, hating himself for being so talkative.

Bao Sihai continued: "Golden Bell Mask and Iron Cloth Shirt are both martial arts techniques, which can be regarded as a type of hard qigong.

This is not the same thing as skin surgery.

The hard qigong such as gold bell mask and iron cloth shirt pays attention to practicing the breath inside and a layer of skin outside. When the breath is gone, the skin will be broken.

Nail skin surgery focuses on the circulation of qi and blood. Through the cohesion of qi and blood, a double layer of protective film is formed on the inside and outside of the skin. There is no difference on the surface, but in fact the skin's ability to resist damage has been greatly improved.

The most important thing is that once the armor-skin technique is formed, it will last for a certain period of time, and it will not always hang on like the hard qigong in martial arts. "

Ye Chong's eyes lit up, and he wanted to say something, but he finally gritted his teeth and held back.

In the following time, Bao Sihai naturally explained the carapace technique in a simple and simple way, and even performed a special demonstration. He slashed his body a few times with an ordinary knife, let alone leaving no trace .

However, Bao Sihai also specifically emphasized one point.

After casting the armor skin, although ordinary knives have no effect on the body, it is not enough to use the weapon of the warrior. It can still cut through the body. Of course, the damage effect is related to people, weapons, etc., not one or two. One sentence can make it clear.

In short, the armor skin technique is used to improve defense and reduce damage. If you expect to walk sideways or domineering after using it, it is purely courting death.

"However, that's enough. A little more defense means more safety, and it has a lasting effect, which is really wonderful." Ye Chong thought to himself, this is really a great thing.

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