Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 241 At Least A Witness

A rare opportunity.

Neither of them had any immediate intention of ending the conversation.

In the following time, Yan Jinglei talked a lot.

It is mainly about martial arts training and the martial arts world.

However, Yan Jinglei is obviously concerned about Ye Chong's safety, and has talked a lot about this topic.

It probably means:

Those who can enter the top martial arts academy like Kyushu Martial Arts Academy are not easy, they can be regarded as the favored ones of heaven.

Everyone has their own ideas, and they are very thoughtful, and even think that they should be the master of others.

This brings up a problem.


Some people are proud of their faces.

Some people are proud of it.

Some people are proud in their bones.

But when it comes to speaking, they are all the same, and they cannot escape the word "proud".

And here comes a nuisance.

They often lack awe of the surrounding environment, and because of passive or active reasons, they lead to hidden dangers and even disasters.

When Yan Jinglei said these words, Ye Chong didn't dare to interrupt, let alone refute, but put his hands down and listened to the teachings.

Even if it suddenly sounds wrong, the words spoken by a combat expert who has been through life and death for many years are worthy of respect and face.

Because those words are likely to be the lessons of blood and the experience of victory.

What's more, Ye Chong really felt the same way, even if Yan Jinglei didn't say anything, he would still be in awe of everything around him.

His experience tells him that the deadliest danger always comes from the seemingly safest environment, which makes you die in a daze without any precautions.

Yan Jinglei also mentioned one point.

People in martial arts must also know how to retreat in spite of difficulties.

It is not bravery or pride to act forcefully knowing that there is nothing to be done. It is called fearlessness by the ignorant, or the pain is extremely painful. To win the one-of-a-kind opportunity, it is better to take a step back and seek a new opportunity.

The last point Yan Jinglei mentioned is to be prepared for danger in times of peace.

It roughly means that it is not easy to mix in these days.

If you want to live longer, it is best to improve your own strength as much as possible, otherwise, once the all-out war starts, you may not even have time to regret it.

After Ye Chong came out of the principal's office, he went directly to the school cafeteria, bought some food, and hid in a corner to eat.

"Principal Yan Jinglei is right.

In this day and age, strength comes first.

Without strength, it is useless to say anything.

Even if you lower your eyebrows and follow other people's winks, once a real crisis comes, you will become cannon fodder or a victim in the first place.

For me, it's not that I don't want to improve my strength, let alone that I don't know how to work hard, but that there is a biggest problem in front of me now.

Unable to practice.

Unable to break through.

Speaking of which, I haven't cultivated normally for a long time, and I still can't break through, and I can't find the reason.

If this issue cannot be resolved, nothing will be discussed.

Even if I have a lot of points and money to buy auxiliary pills and other items, and even Principal Yan Jinglei is willing to be my guardian of breakthrough warriors, but... it's useless!

I can't meet the conditions at all now, and I don't even know how to go about my future cultivation path.

The key is that I can't ask others for advice now, what's going on?

no way.

If someone discovers the secrets in my sea of ​​consciousness, it will probably lead to greater hidden dangers, and even...

Little life may also be over. "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong couldn't help but sighed, and speeded up his meal, but the meal was not tasty no matter what.

At the same time, in the principal's office, Yan Jinglei slammed the cigarette butts into the ashtray, looked at the people opposite him coldly, and said in a deep voice:

"Don't mention it again.

The Mou family suffered a lot during this time, and they made compensation in the name of the school.

Well, Lao Chen took someone to Mou's house to express condolences.

In addition, the matter of Mr. Mu Wu has been reported to the Martial Arts Department and the Global Martial Arts Federation to see if he can apply for the title of one-star battle hero.

If the application can be made, it can be regarded as an explanation to Lao Mou's family.

Also, let me emphasize one point.

The current environmental situation is very bad, and the orcs are developing very rapidly. There are traces of unidentified orcs' activities in the north, northeast, and south of the central capital. The intention of besieging the city is obvious. Only relying on the strength of the military can't protect Zhongdu. capital. "

When talking about this, Yan Jinglei glanced at the crowd, and then said in a deep voice:

"Everyone should understand what I mean.

I hope you all devote your time and energy to teaching.

If anyone is idle and has nothing to do, and then pokes out some moths, hey, he must report to the National Martial Arts Department, or drive me away, Yan Jinglei.

Do you understand? ! "

Swish swish!

The five men and two women in front of them nodded.

Chen Bohu, the executive vice-principal of Jiuwu Academy, frowned and said: "Lao Yan, the Mou family is not unreasonable. It's okay for me to lead a team to express condolences. However, if we really want to talk about the cause of Mu Wu's death, what should we do?" How should I answer? After all, the Mou family has also been to the scene."

"At the scene, Mu Wu was attacked by a brown demon bear above S2 level, and he died heroically. This is a fact." Yan Jinglei frowned, and said in a deep voice: "It is difficult to recover the specific traces of the battle. After all, the scene was severely damaged. A large-scale animal horde passed by there, and Mou Wu chose to blew himself up, which can be seen from the scene, what else is there to say?"

Chen Bohu sighed and said:

"Principal, Mu Wu is an intermediate-level martial arts fighter who also cultivates spiritual power. The Mou family knows better about his abilities, especially the ability to use spiritual skills.

Mou's family said that a spiritual curse was placed in his backpack.

Judging from the clues, the spiritual curse has already taken effect.

However, none of Zhang Dong, who sent the backpack, and Ye Chong, Xin Xiaomeng, and Han Lina who accompanied him were cursed.

And Zhang Dong insisted that they never opened the backpack.

However, the Mou family said that without opening the backpack, the spiritual curse will not work.

Therefore, before Zhang Dong and the others got the backpack, someone should have opened it.

The question is why the person who opened the backpack didn't touch the contents. After all, there are many valuable items in it.

It doesn't stop there.

After opening the backpack, it was zipped up again and placed under the fallen tree.

The key is that according to the deduction, if Mu Wu blew himself up in an emergency, the backpack would not be able to stay there so neatly.

Ha ha.

At least it will be completely destroyed by the subsequent beast tide.

Therefore, the most likely scenario is that the backpack was taken away by someone, and the subject was mentally cursed, but it did not have a significant impact, and then the person returned the backpack.

If this is the case, then the person who sent back the backpack may have a direct relationship with Teacher Mu Wu's death.

At least also a witness. "

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