Zhang Dong is impatient.

More anxious than Zhang Dong were Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina.

no way.

It's all about points.

One by one, they cried and called poor, as if they could do anything as long as they gave points.

Ye Chong, who was supposed to be the most anxious in his heart, was like a kidnapped little sheep, reluctantly agreeing to the request of the three of them——

Leave tonight.

Ye Chong was delighted: "Let's go, laughing in my heart."

The moonlight is bright and clear, and the stars are dotted.

The breeze caressed gently, and it was peaceful.

The woodland in the valley not far from the entrance of the Leqing Mountains.

Ye Chong is in front, Zhang Dong is behind, Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina are in the middle, one left and one right.


Very clean.

There were no bones left by the children of the Mou family, and even their clothes, backpacks and weapons were gone.

Are the mutant beasts so smart now?


Still be careful.

It is likely to be the work of a monster with a higher IQ.

However, the skeleton of the S1 monster snake in the valley is still there. I wonder if martial arts masters can judge from the death state of the monster snake that there are traces of the man in gray fighting there?

Speaking of which, judging from the current situation in the forest in the valley, the disciples of the Mou family can be explained by complete disappearance.


The meaning behind this explanation is that they were all made into lives by mutant beasts or monsters, and slipped into their stomachs.

This is a good thing. "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong looked back at Zhang Dong and the three of them, feeling quite satisfied in his heart.

At least the three of them were calm when they saw the huge monster snake, and they didn't yell at each other.

This is a good thing.

If a person in martial arts is even afraid of the corpse of a monster, he is afraid that when he encounters a real monster, he will lose without fighting.

Zhang Dong's performance is the best, but also the most exaggerated.

When he was next to the monster snake's skeleton, he got into its stomach and asked Han Lina to give him a piece of paper.

But it didn't work out.

Because Ye Chong kicked him unceremoniously.

Take pictures?

Especially taking photos in the dark, it's pure bullshit.

To put it bluntly, it's like firing a flare to the mutant beasts and monsters, telling them that there is life here, come and eat it, it's fresh.

After Zhang Dong was kicked, he was not in a hurry. Anyway, he knew in his heart that there would be more chances of being kicked in the future, right?

Relying on his memory, Ye Chong came to the place where he fought the mutant gray wolf and the big gray wolf. To his surprise, there were only skeletons left of the corpses here.

"A horse-rider.

The mutated beasts and monsters have a strong consumption ability.

It took less than a day to eat up all the remains of the mutant gray wolf and the big gray wolf.

It is estimated that the situation with mutant hyenas and hyena dogs is similar.

If that's the case, then there should be only skeletons left at the scene of the brown demon bear, right?

Ma Dan.

Wouldn't it be a bit embarrassing to let them go for a trip?


Thankfully I'm not that kind of person.

If stepping on a horse is embarrassing, how embarrassing should it be next?

But speaking of it, it's really a pity.

Originally thought that at this time, when they came to the battle scene of the mutant gray wolf, they could at least harvest some animal eyes of the mutant gray wolf.

It is estimated that the three of them must be very happy by then.

But who would have expected that it would be such a result.

I'm a bit sorry. "

as predicted.

When we arrived at the battle field between the mutant hyena and the hyena dog, the scene was not much different from that of the mutant gray wolf and the big gray wolf. There were only bones, and there was hardly any skin, fur, or flesh, let alone the eyes of the beast. up.

"Lao Ye, you killed the mutant beasts in these two battlefields, as well as those monsters?" Zhang Dong leaned forward and asked, "There are quite a few, buddy?"

"Hehe, I think too much, how can I have that ability?" Ye Chong smiled slightly and shook his head, "It's mainly due to others, you know, I'm not fighting alone, hehe, just like Li Panpan, in our During the battle, she was like a sea god pin on the ground, and I, under her protection, killed some mutant beasts..."

Speaking of it, Ye Chong is not lying.

That's how it was then, right?

Li Panpan was like a steel pipe stuck on the ground, motionless, while Ye Chong was like a male wolf dancing around the steel pipe, jumping up and down, killing a lot of mutant hyenas.

If it is calculated in this way, isn't it the credit of two people?

Moreover, even if it is said that Li Panpan's contribution is greater, it is justified.

After all, Ye Chong was desperate to kill the enemy just to get Li Panpan's 5 points.

If it wasn't for this, he would have run away long ago.

Besides, using Li Panpan's body as a steel pipe, or as the center to kill the enemy, he doesn't suffer any disadvantages, and he doesn't feel tired, and even... is it exciting, isn't it?

That feeling... For a mature man, it's like constantly injecting adrenaline into his body, and he can't help but be tough.

"Oh, so that's how it is." Zhang Dong's eyes lit up and he looked around, "Oh, what a pity, Lao Ye, you are not mean enough, don't you call me such a good fighting chance? ... Bai asked me to treat you to several big meals."

"Made, thank you, treat me to the school's free buffet meal." Ye Chong's nose cocked, and he was angry when he thought of it, "However, every time you invite me to eat, I can't eat the ticket. What about those good things you got? Let’s talk about it today, Ma Dan, three oysters for each person, and you ate ten oysters for the four of us, you are really interesting, right?”

Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina are relatively sensible, listening to the two of them talking, they didn't hold back, they still laughed, but the voice was very small, they covered their mouths and giggled, don't say it, it sounds wonderful under the moonlight , giving the body a feeling of turbulence and turbulence.

"Lao Ye, it's meaningless for you to say that," Zhang Dong grinned, "They're all good buddies, it hurts feelings if we eat together so clearly."

"Huh? Okay, hurt feelings," Zhang Dong smiled wryly and shook his head, "Every time you treat me to a free meal, isn't it so that one person can eat double servings of high-end ingredients? Now you say that I hurt feelings, you ...is really hopeless."

Ye Chong shook his head and sighed, raised his head to identify the direction, and walked forward.

Speaking of which, his memory is still good.

In his opinion, it is much safer to walk along the road that has been taken before than to open a new road in this forest where monsters are infested.

Most importantly, he also wanted to go back to the old road to see if there was any chance left for the three of them and himself in these places where he had fought.

"Old Ye, let me tell you, if your thoughts continue to develop like this, it will be very dangerous. If between us brothers..." Zhang Dong hurried two steps while talking, but he said At this point, there was a sudden pause in his voice, his expression froze, he looked straight into the distance and said: "Old...Lao Ye, then...what is that?"

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