Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 217 Is there a ghost in my heart




The rapid ringtone of the cell phone rang.

In the dream, Ye Chong rubbed his eyes, startled, then shook his body, and the dream collapsed.


Ye Chong sat up suddenly, wiped the big man on his forehead, and picked up the phone.

"Lao Ye, where are you?" Zhang Dong's voice sounded, "I'll treat you to a big dinner tonight, and Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina will see you there."

"Meals that are bigger than you!" Ye Chong was sleepy and tired, and said angrily.

However, he suddenly realized that although he opened his mouth, he didn't make any sound.

"Lao Ye, did you hear that? Squeak!" Zhang Dong's voice was loud, and his phone vibrated, "Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina both want to hear you talk about the Leqing Mountains, so I'll sue you, old man. Ye, I promised them all, don't let me lose face."

"Losing face? Throwing rice?" Ye Chong opened his mouth wide and roared, but he found out right away that there was still no sound.


His face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Zhang Dong was still talking loudly on the phone, Ye Chong hung up the phone with a snap, and sat on the bed, a little dazed.

"What exactly is going on?

Why am I speechless now?

and also.

The dream I had just now...

How is it so real?

So scary?

The man in gray—Is the damn guy still alive?


I was there when he died.

His body had already been torn apart, and he couldn't die anymore.


The dream just now...why did I have such a dream? "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong suddenly remembered the treacherous smile shown by the man in gray at the scene, and couldn't help shivering.


Spiritual curse!

That bastard put a mental curse on me on the spot!

That must be it!

I remember that in the materials about spiritual exercises and spiritual skills, the skill of spiritual curse was specifically mentioned.

Once it is planted on the body by a master of spiritual exercises, the target will fall into a cursed dream while sleeping, and then sink, unable to extricate himself, and may even never wake up again. "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong couldn't help but change his face, beads of sweat the size of soybeans dripped down his forehead.

"This bastard is really sinister and vicious.

If I really fell asleep in the Leqing Mountains, it would mean that I would not be able to sleep forever, or be eaten alive by the mutant beast that found me, and this possibility is very high.

Ma Dan.

Fortunately, I ran all the way for my life and didn't even have a chance to close my eyes and sleep.

Even if he entered the Swastika Stone Forest, he just soaked in the ice spring and rested for a while. The spring water was icy cold, and he was cold and hungry, so he couldn't sleep even if he wanted to.

Later, they encountered mutant mountain leeches, hyena dogs, and big gray wolves, and there was no chance to close their eyes and rest.

And after returning to Jiuwu Academy, I didn't even bother to rest.

In the morning, I went to the mutant biology laboratory to deal with the loot, and in the afternoon, I went to the mission hall to hand in the mission, and then I went to bed.

At the time, I felt terribly uncomfortable riding a horse, but now that I think about it, it was really worth it!

This is really in response to that sentence - it's a blessing in disguise.

Ma Dan.

This time Zhang Dong called me and woke me up, it was really a fluke.

If I had fallen asleep in the Leqing Mountains, the curse would be most powerful at that time, even if there was a thunderstorm from the sky, it would not be able to wake me up.

and also.

I can't speak now, which should be one of the sequelae of the mental curse.

According to the relevant records, the mental curse is a primary mental skill, and before falling asleep, its power gradually decreases as time goes by.

So, I didn't go to bed until not long ago, the power of the mental curse has been much lower than before, otherwise, Zhang Dong's phone would definitely not wake me up.


The point is, when did the man in gray put a spiritual curse on me?

Speaking of it, I was already careful enough, I didn't give him any chance to get close, just because I was afraid that he would mess with me.

After all, people who practice spiritual skills are not simple, and casually using a spiritual skill may cause people to belch and catch a cold without knowing it.

So, what's the problem? "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong got up slowly, and then covered his head tightly.

no way.

His head felt as if it was about to split open, and the throbbing pain was terribly painful.




The backpack of the man in gray touched me.


I've been touching that guy's backpack!

Ma Dan.

No wonder the bastard smiled so eeriely at the time.

It turned out that he had expected that I would take his backpack away.

So I set up a trick to kill me after he died.

This man in gray is really a sinister and vicious guy.

It is not easy to survive with such a person! "


Ye Chong's expression changed, and he walked towards the living room.

However, when he saw the backpack standing alone in the corner, he didn't choose to go forward to open it, but took a few steps back and closed the living room door directly.

Although Ye Chong is still exhausted, mentally weak, and has a splitting headache and eye pain, he has no sleepiness at all.

no way.

No sleepiness at all.

You will lose your life without knowing it.

"According to the relevant information in my memory, the sequelae of my current mental curse will gradually disappear, so don't worry about it.

However, since the problem is likely to be the backpack, I absolutely can't keep this crap around me anymore.

No matter how precious things are inside, I can no longer miss it.

What if that guy left more deadly methods inside?



The news about the disappearance of the Mou family and the gray-clothed man has already spread in Jiuwu Academy.

And the time of their disappearance is consistent with my time in the Leqing Mountains.

In other words, I don't think it's easy to wash away the suspicion on me.

After all, it is impossible for me to sell monster materials in the mutant biology laboratory of Jiuwu College and hand in tasks in the mission hall without spreading and spreading.

There are millions of points, even if you want to cover it up, you can't cover it up.

From another point of view, the fact that I was able to hunt so many monster beast materials at one time is enough to prove that my combat effectiveness is very strong.

In other words, theoretically, I have the opportunity to kill the Mou family's children and the man in gray.

Of course, stepping on a horse is actually the case.

Therefore, my suspicion cannot be washed away at all.

However, if I take the initiative, the effect and result should be different.

After all, in the eyes of most people, a suspect generally would not take the initiative to put himself on fire.

Unless he really has no ghosts in his heart.

So, is there a ghost in my heart?

Ga? "

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, he picked up his phone, and immediately sent a short message to Zhang Dong:

"Okay, let's have a big dinner together tonight."

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