Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 211 It's Over


clap clap!

clap clap clap!

Ye Chong came to Fang Chenglong in a flash, bowed left and right, and slapped Fang Chenglong's ears several times.

"Do not talk nonsense!

Fang Chenglong, you use your strength as a warrior to bully me, a small person who is not even a one-star quasi-warrior.

and also.

You use the school rules and regulations of Kyushu Martial Arts Academy to carry out campus bullying. It is really hateful, shameful, and hateful. I will not beat you. I am sorry for the non-warrior.

and also.

In the dining room of the majestic Jiuwu Academy, you are spraying feces and urinating everywhere, polluting the dining environment.

You are now given three options.

First, apologize to me; eat the wasted food on the ground; compensate me for mental damage by 10000 points.

Second, apologize to me; eat the wasted food on the ground; compensate me for mental damage by 10000 points.

Third, apologize to me; eat the wasted food on the ground; compensate me for mental damage by 10000 points. "

"What?" Fang Chenglong touched his swollen face with a confused look on his face, "Three...Three choices? I...Why do I sound the same?"


clap clap!

clap clap clap!

Ye Chong slapped him a few more times, and said softly, "You mean... am I talking nonsense?"

"No, no, no," Fang Chenglong's face completely turned into a pig's head, blood was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and his teeth were spit out, and he said vaguely: "Yes...what the fuck I heard wrong , I choose...the first one, no, no, no, I choose the third one."

"Fuck!" Ye Chong's mouth curled up, "You're pretty smart, you know you should choose the third option, so hurry up, apologize to me, eat the scattered meals, and accompany me with 10 points."

"Damn it!" Fang Chenglong roared indistinctly: "I don't remember that!!"


A big ear scraper was thrown over, and Fang Chenglong knelt directly on the ground.

"Fuck! Crazy Ye is going crazy, he is really crazy, even warriors dare to smoke, awesome!"

"In other words, Crazy Ye's fighting ability is stronger than the fighters who have just broken through. No wonder Bao Sihai, deputy director of the Martial Arts Department, values ​​him so much."

"It's not just Teacher Bao?!

Didn't see you this morning?

Principal Yan walked side by side with Crazy Ye, and the rest of the teachers followed behind.

This shows what?

It shows that Madman Ye's strength has been recognized by Principal Yan.

Did Fang Chenglong think that by breaking through and becoming a warrior, he could crush Madzi Ye?

Haha, purely dreaming!

I even suspect that this madman Ye is the direct disciple of some master in the martial arts world, and he came to the martial arts academy this time purely for the purpose of being gilded.

Otherwise, many things cannot be explained. "

"Fang Chenglong is finished now. Do you think he is stupid or not? He knows that the other party is a lunatic, but he still insists on provoking him. Now he deserves to be unlucky. He has to pay for an apology. The key is to eat scattered food. What the hell... It's disgusting to even think about it."

"Crazy Ye really dares to ask for 10 points. I'm afraid Fang Chenglong has just broken through and become a warrior, so the points should be almost spent, right?"

"Yeah, 10 points is too much.

The point is, I seem to have heard that the three options are all the same, right?

It should be 1 points.

Crazy Ye is sitting on the ground and raising the price, deliberately cleaning up Fang Chenglong.

But then again, Crazy Ye didn't provoke Fang Chenglong at the beginning, it was because this guy who had just broken through to the martial artist was too arrogant and wanted to trouble him.

Ha ha.

This is just great.

The money is gone, the noodles are gone, and the whole body is injured, so it's over. "



Ye Chong took out his mobile phone, turned his mouth up, looked at Fang Chenglong with a confused face, and said, "Come on, brother warrior, bring the 10 points first, so as not to forget them later."

"I didn't..." Fang Chenglong was halfway through speaking, seeing the other party raised his hand again, he immediately shut his mouth and covered his face, and then said vaguely: "Wait...wait...I'll take out my phone to have a look first."


There was a lot of laughter at the scene.


Ding dong.

Ye Chong's cell phone beeped, and when he looked down, a faint smile appeared on his face.

10 points in hand.

The campus APP of Jiuwu College is relatively simple and easy to use. As long as you know the name and student number of the other party, you can transfer money.

Fang Chenglong looked at Ye Chong disliked, and wanted to trouble him. It is normal to know his basic information.

"Okay, apologize to me now, be sincere." Ye Chong put away the phone and looked at the other party.

"I shouldn't care about you wasting food. I should pretend I didn't see it. I was wrong. Please forgive me." Fang Chenglong's voice was very low and he spoke quickly.

"Fuck!" Ye Chong was directly amused, and couldn't help but shook his head with a smile and said:

"Fang Chenglong, if you see someone wasting food, it's okay for you.

I also agreed to accept the fine at the time.

However, it is wrong for you to take this opportunity to trouble me.

Moreover, he also uttered wild words and insulted me, this is the problem.

Well, collecting your points is considered as spiritual compensation for me.

I don't want to embarrass you today either.

Well, since you love food, and the food on the ground was knocked off by your face, the responsibility lies with you, so eat it quickly.

I'm afraid it will be cold for a while, and it won't taste good. "


There was an uproar at the scene.

"There's nothing wrong with Ye Chong doing this.

Fang Chenglong wanted to bully others, but in the end he was countered by the other party because he was not good at learning. If he let him off so easily, that is connivance.

What's more, we are here at Kyushu Martial Arts Academy, which advocates martial arts.

All problems that can be solved by force are not a big problem.

According to Principal Yan's speech that day, they were discussing martial arts. "

"Hehe, Ye Chong is repaying him in his own way.

At that time, Fang Chenglong forced Ye Chong to eat the leftovers, but now he is asked to eat the food, there is nothing wrong with it.

After all, waste is shameful. "


If I had known that this braised pork was still eaten by others, I... I shouldn't have stepped on it.

Damn... I'm a little embarrassed.

The key... the key point is that the vegetable soup on the ground should also be licked clean? "


"Ye Chong, I was wrong just now, and I shouldn't take this opportunity to trouble you." Fang Chenglong's pig-headed face was originally red and swollen, but now it turned pale, "However, I have apologized and gave you 10 points , Let me see... is this matter over?"

"Okay, it's fine if you don't eat, so let's kowtow 10 times, or you won't have a long memory." Ye Chong's face was calm.

He understood very well.

The person who finds fault today is the other party, not him.

If he didn't succeed in countering it today, he would probably be the one lying on the ground now.

And, probably worse.

Now at this juncture, he has no other choice but to severely punish the other party, so that the other party will not dare to trouble him again in the future.

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