Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 202 No one dares to steal my person

When a group of 12 people returned to Kyushu Martial Arts Academy, it was already eight or nine o'clock in the morning.

The campus is full of people coming and going, shuttling constantly.

Some have just finished their morning exercises, some are on their way to breakfast, and some are heading to the dormitory after breakfast...

When everyone saw Principal Yan Jinglei and the 11 people behind him passing by, they all stopped moving and looked at them with eyes full of respect, surprise and disbelief.

"The principal is back from a mission."

"Yeah, it looks like this mission is very difficult. The teachers' clothes are all torn, and their bodies are covered in blood. Many of them are injured, right?"

"No, didn't you hear that Principal Yan set off with ten teachers? Why are there two more people?"

"Should be the students who were rescued, right? Principal Yan and his team of ten people went on a mission this time, just to find the students who lost contact in the last mission. Fortunately, they succeeded."

"Li Panpan! I know the girl in the weird clothes. She is Li Panpan. She is one of the people who lost contact during the last mission."

"My God!

Did you find out?

That...that person with the bulging backpack seems to be Crazy Ye!

He didn't go on a mission with Principal Yan last time, so he couldn't be one of the students who lost contact.

Moreover, after Principal Yan took people out on a mission this time, Crazy Ye was still crazy in the big square.

So, how did he end up with Principal Yan, who was on a mission?

There is no reason.

This is simply impossible. "

"Yeah, Crazy Ye was still there yesterday, and today he came back with Principal Yan and the others. How does this seem... quite interesting."

"Did you find out?

This lunatic Ye is very familiar with Principal Jinglei.

You see, the two of them talk a lot and talk and laugh.


No wonder Ye Crazy was so crazy in the big square that day, it turns out... this kid is so familiar with Principal Yan Jinglei? "

"Ha ha.

Stupid you.

Ye Chong is Ye Crazy, known as Little Crazy.

Principal Yan Jinglei is known as a lunatic.

Do you think this is a coincidence?

Can the big madman and the little madman be unfamiliar? "

"You said, this lunatic Ye and Principal Yan did not set off at the same time, so how did they meet together? And why did they meet together?"


Did you see it?

Why are the backpacks and big bags on Crazy Ye's body bulging?

How many good things are there?


I'm jealous. "

"Ha ha.

It's not easy.

There must have been a lot of mutant beasts killed on the way.

Of course, the teachers of the dignified Nine Martial Arts Academy will not be interested in the materials of ordinary mutant beasts.

Crazy Ye is different.

Think about it, for a guy who is not even a quasi-warrior, seeing so many mutant beast materials all at once, he must be collecting them like crazy.

Take it back to the Mutant Biology Lab and redeem it, it will be a real point. "

"You said, these things brought back by Crazy Ye, I'm afraid they can be exchanged for a lot of points, right?"

"Well, not necessarily.

However, it can basically be judged that there is no material for S1 level monsters in it.

Otherwise, it would not be his turn to collect.

Then, it will be calculated according to the animal eyes of ordinary mutant beasts.

Emmm, such two bulging bags probably have a lot of animal eyes, at least fifty.

One animal eye is calculated as 10 points, and 50 animal eyes equals 500 points.



Earned a lot. "

"Ha ha.

Brother, anyway, the colleges and departments have just been divided these two days, and the departments are still dividing classes and matching personnel.

Idle is also idle, we two also go to pick up missions and so on, let's kill some mutant beasts together to earn points? "


What about trouble?

If you're going to kill mutant beasts, you're probably not aiming at the beast's eyes.


Are you craving wild game again? "


Although the surrounding noises were not loud, Ye Chong could still hear them clearly while chatting and laughing with Yan Jinglei.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of training spiritual power?

One of the great effects of cultivating spiritual power is to improve the ability to perceive the surrounding environment.

The other is the ability to do two things at once.

"I'm still thinking about it.

Shouldn't there be class today?

Everyone is so relaxed?

It turned out that the various departments were still busy dividing classes.

The point is that the Martial Arts Academy still has different classes?

Isn't this the same as an ordinary university? "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong looked at Yan Jinglei at the side, but he didn't expect to hear the other party say before he opened his mouth:

"The department division of Nine Martial Academy is double selection.

However, after entering the department, it is still determined by the teachers of the department in a unified meeting to determine which teacher to follow.

Otherwise, the quality and ability of students taught by different teachers will vary too much, which is not conducive to the development and construction of departments.

Therefore, in order to win better students, the teachers of each department may have to hold several rounds of meetings before they can finally make a decision.

There is no way.

The Global Martial Arts Federation and the National Martial Arts Forces put a lot of pressure on the Martial Arts Academy's assessment. The task completion rate of each Martial Arts Academy is only one aspect.

On the other hand, the assessment requirements for talent building are even greater.

This includes not only the growth and construction of students, but also the construction of teachers.

Ha ha.

In order to allow students and teachers to develop on a relatively fair basis, the college has also worked hard.

Ye Chong, it should be said that your foundation is still good.

It is estimated that the actual combat of martial arts is related to your question, and the opinions will not be easily unified.

Hehe, it's a pity that I can't lead the students in person, otherwise, no one would dare to snatch me. "

"..." Ye Chong was a little confused, and thought:

What do you mean?

When did I become yours?

What's wrong with me are you?

Although Ye Chong thought so in his heart, he didn't dare to speak nonsense. He scratched his head and said in embarrassment:


It turns out that class division means assigning teachers?

I thought it was really the same as ordinary universities, dividing classes.

Principal Yan, you are also the director of the Martial Arts Combat Department. You are the most powerful. It's a pity that you can't learn from you and get your personal instruction.


Before Ye Chong finished speaking, Yan Jinglei smiled at him, then nodded and said:

"Don't worry about it.

Kyushu Martial Arts Academy is just the first step for you to embark on the road of martial arts.

Here you sharpen your character, acquire knowledge, gain experience, expand your vision, and lay the foundation for the development of martial arts.

However, Ye Chong, if you want to truly achieve something in the martial arts, it is not enough to have these. Your development path is still very long and far away.

Hehe, you don't have to stick to the pros and cons of the current gains and losses, but look further, and stick to your heart, never give up, and it is inevitable to achieve something in the future. "

"Yes! Principal Yan." Ye Chong's eyes sparkled, and he nodded slowly, "Students will keep their teachings in mind and will not let the principal down."

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