Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 1952 Facts are more real than reality

Blackwater City.

It is located in Tianjingwei North.

The great city known far and wide in the empire.

However, this name is not a good name, but a bad name.

Even to some extent, Blackwater City is synonymous with chaos and lawlessness, so it is often called the City of Chaos, or the capital of lawlessness.

It is precisely because of the notoriety of Heishui City that the number of ordinary people here has decreased year by year, and this change has also made Heishui City more difficult to control.

To this day, the recovery has not purified and sublimated the city of Blackwater, but intensified its chaos, becoming the grave of the law-abiding and the paradise of criminals.

At this moment, on the road from Cold Winter City to the Imperial Capital, a group of people was walking slowly.

There are about 6 to [-] people in the team.

Among them, ordinary people accounted for the vast majority, and, at first glance, they looked like they were dragging their families.

In the front and rear of the ranks of ordinary people, there are more than a thousand soldiers in each formation. Judging from their mood, they should be responsible for escorting.


Bao Wang Bao and Ye Chong hid themselves in the clouds and walked unhurriedly with the team below.

"Take me back," Ye Chong said, "The result is still the same."

"It's not the same." The Tyrant King shook his head violently, "You go back, at least it shows your attitude, and I take you back, it also shows that everything is possible."

"You..." Ye Chong looked at each other expressionlessly, "In your mind, am I really still a human race?"

"Facts are more real than reality." Bao Wang Wang Bao said, "Especially your persistence on certain issues can easily make some people find reasons to doubt."

"That is to say," Ye Chong frowned, "no matter how hard I try, I can't change my background."

"This is reality," Bao Wang Wang Bao said, "What you have to do now is to recognize this reality and accept it."

"Accept what you said," Ye Chong looked towards the southern sky, "It's to cater to them, and keep catering to them. In doing so, although I still can't change my background, it can make them less repulsive to me."

"Ye Chong," said the tyrant Wang Bao, "faith is the most important thing. In front of it, birth is nothing."

"Yes, belief," Ye Chong murmured, "I have no doubt that there is something wrong with my belief, but I find more and more that belief requires qualifications."

"Don't think too much," said the Tyrant Wang Bao, "Faith has nothing to do with birth, and there are no restrictions on qualifications."

"I hope so too," Ye Chong smiled, and continued, "However, as you said just now, facts are more real than reality."

"It seems," the tyrant king looked at the opponent violently, "you really have an idea."

"If I want to leave," Ye Chong said, "what will the Tyrant King do?"

"I won't let you go." Bao Wang Bao continued, "If you walk away from me, some people will think that I have reached an agreement with you, and there is no doubt that this will make me a target .

And, you won't be leaving either.

If you really wanted to go, you wouldn't have told me about it.

and also……"

Also at this time.

Bao Wang Wang Bao suddenly turned his head to look back, his face was solemn.

"What's wrong?" Ye Chong also frowned and looked over.

"It doesn't seem quite right." Wang Bao looked to the southeast and said, "This place is not far from Heishui City. You should immediately inform the people below to speed up and enter Heishui City first to rest."

Ye Chong nodded and quickly fell down.

Not long after, the team adjusted their direction and began to head southeast quickly.

After Ye Chong returned to the air, he saw the figure of Tyrant Wang Bao shooting towards the north quickly.

Just as he was about to take action, he heard the voice of Tyrant Wang Bao suddenly ringing in his ears: "You are responsible for bringing the team into Heishui City, and you will have a round there later."

After Ye Chongwen heard this, he immediately stopped his figure, but his face showed hesitation, he didn't know what was going on in his heart.


Blackwater City.

There are quite a few people in the city.

It's just that the people who come and go here all carry weapons with them, and each of them looks bad-eyed or weird, which makes people feel a sense of tension and distance.

Fortunately, the number of garrisons in Heishui City was not small. Under their arrangement, a team of 6 to [-] people quickly settled down near the barracks.

Speaking of which, there is a great advantage after recovering, that is, ingredients are everywhere, and there is no shortage of water sources. In addition, people these days don't pay much attention to accommodation. A military tent can solve the problem, so don't look at it. There were a lot of teams entering the city, and there was some confusion at first, but the scene soon returned to normal.

Ye Chong stood quietly outside the tent, stared at the distant sky in a daze for a while, thought for a while, and finally got into the tent and lay down casually.

Bao Wang Wang Bao left in a hurry, obviously found something, and it would definitely not be easy to make such a great god-level figure a little anxious.

Ye Chong was curious about what happened, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

What Wang Bao said before he left seemed nothing on the surface, but in fact, he entrusted him with a team of 6 to [-] people.

It's trust.

It is also a test.

In the notoriously chaotic capital of Heishui City, once something goes wrong, it's hard to explain.

Moreover, he still doubted whether Wang Bao Wang Bao also entrusted him with the task of defending Heishui City.

Otherwise, regarding the task of escorting the evacuated residents of Cold Winter City, the military of the two places can completely complete the docking, so there is no need for him to waste time on this kind of thing.

In addition, Ye Chong thought to himself that it could not be ruled out that Tyrant Wang Bao might just want to distract him.

As for whether it is for the purpose of protecting him, or if the other party has some secrets that he does not want him to know, it is not clear.

But no matter what, he couldn't leave Heishui City easily now.

"Then it's good to take a stroll in the city."

After Ye rushed out of the tent, he gave a few words to the person in charge of the military, and then walked away from the camp.

Although he was not familiar with Heishui City, the smell led him to quicken his pace.

It was a meaty smell.

To be precise, it is the aroma of barbecue.

As for what kind of meat was grilled, he couldn't tell now, but he knew that it must taste good.

Otherwise, he couldn't help swallowing.

Speaking of which, Ye Chong has a problem——

When you are hungry, you want to eat.

However, this problem is also easy to cure. If you are full, you will be fine.

But if you don't have enough to eat, your eyes will turn green and you will be very irritable.

Soon, Ye Chong came to a food stall, and all kinds of scents were lingering and mixed, making one's stomach growl uncontrollably.

Just a pity.

There are so many diners that there are almost no empty seats.

He looked around casually, but he didn't see anyone who wanted to leave, so he walked towards another food stall not far away.

Just at this moment, a burst of noise came.

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