Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 1945, Gathering 2 Yiyi


The scene was so quiet that it made one's scalp tingle.

As if time had stopped.

It seems that everything has returned to chaos.

In the chaotic corner of the sky, a thing that looks like a black bean is swaying, as if any gust of wind blows it, it will be blown away without a trace.

Also at this time.


The black bean-like object collided with unknown wreckage, making an inexplicable sound.

Soon came the next moment.


The black bean-like thing shivered like a child awakened from sleep.

Followed by.


Multicolored golden light diffused from the black bean-like object, which was extremely mysterious.

Almost at the same time, something suddenly flew in the distant void.

What's interesting is that as soon as this object approached, colorful golden lights appeared immediately, obviously looking like a happy reunion after a long absence.

Everything happened so fast.

It was done in the blink of an eye.

When it comes to the front, what comes after turns around, and it looks like a multicolored golden lotus rotating clockwise.

The black bean-like thing that also exudes colorful golden light seems to have been summoned, and it seems to have been nourished and responded. There is a wave of dense waves, and it looks obviously full and plump.

Soon, an interesting scene appeared.

call out!



In the chaos, countless fragments and wreckage rushed here quickly.

at the same time.

Swish swish!

Nearly a hundred beast gods rushed forward, and then all stopped moving, looking at everything in front of them, a little dazed.

Also at this time.


The colorful golden lotus spins clockwise at a sudden speed.

As a result, the gathered debris wreckage followed a burst of rotation.

Immediately after the next moment, an astonishing scene appeared.

A human-shaped object suddenly appeared where the debris dissipated. Although its eyes were closed tightly, it looked sacred and solemn. It was exactly the appearance of Ye Chong.

"kill him!"

A beast god shouted suddenly.


Nearly a hundred beast gods all rushed towards the target.

at the same time.


The corners of Ye Chong's mouth turned up suddenly, and his eyes opened, looking at something indescribable.

Then came the next moment.


A big man with a height of more than three meters stretched out his right hand to grab the target. The latter was stunned and was about to be hit by his claws.

At the same time, two other beast gods also rushed forward, and both attacked from the sides behind the target.

Also at this time.


There was a sound like the bursting of soap bubbles.

Just when the three beast gods were stunned, they were surprised to find that the target had disappeared, and it really disappeared without a trace like a soap bubble bursting.

But soon, they felt that their eyes went dark, as if countless strange-shaped things passed through their bodies.


Then the three beast gods suddenly felt empty.

To be precise, I found myself broken.

Moreover, it was completely broken.


gone With the Wind.


The beast gods who hadn't rushed to the front all stopped immediately, with expressions of fear on their faces.

What happened just now really scared them.

When the three beast gods who arrived first rushed towards the target, the target suddenly turned into thousands of pieces and rushed out, and then the bodies of the three beast gods were instantly shattered into pieces like paper. Flour.

But now, the target was reunited into a whole again without a sound, and it seemed to be in perfect order, as if it had never moved the slightest bit.


A beast god shouted, then turned around and ran away.

This is fine.


Nearly a hundred beast gods immediately became chaotic and scattered like birds and beasts.

at the same time.


Ye Chong couldn't help but shuddered, then touched his face, and said in his heart:

Ghost is me?

I am a ghost?

But soon at the next moment, he twitched the corners of his mouth and swayed his hips casually, and his whole body rushed into the fleeing beast gods like a mist.

As a result, an astonishing scene appeared.

Any Beast God hit by the fragments of Ye Chong's incarnation will be seriously injured and fall down, or fall on the spot, and then the body will disappear out of thin air without a trace.

"Lao Ye," Ba Wanwan shouted loudly not far away, "Be careful, don't take in the wrong person."

"I know." Ye Chong replied casually, "You come, I won't accept you."

As a result, Ba Wanwan's voice suddenly came from further away: "Okay, okay."

When he said the last "yes", Ba Wanwan's voice was already too far away to be heard.

Ye Chong glanced in that direction with a half-smile, and murmured, "Sooner or later, I'll take you in."

Speaking of which, Ye Chong is still in a good mood now.

The dark green beast pill exploded, and he thought it was over.

Unexpectedly, the five-color golden elixir that was formed when the extraordinary was cast, actually recovered after the big bang of life and death, and with the help of the five-color golden lotus, the divine body was rebuilt.

This is really a catastrophe, and people can't help but laugh.

However, what he didn't expect was that his divine body seemed to be a little different from before.

Whether it's gathering or dispersing, it's all in one thought.

Moreover, any attack based on this will cause the nearby beast gods to suffer disaster.

Moreover, this is obviously a group attack, which can attack all targets indiscriminately within a certain range.

The key is that the efficiency is too high.

Although it will consume a lot of life and death power and energy of heaven and earth between gathering and dispersing, as long as these energies are sufficient, attacks can be launched without interruption.

With such a sudden gain, he really couldn't even be unhappy.

"Gathering and dispersing two Yiyi."

He quickly gave the attack a name.

For the next time, while Ye Chong was chasing and killing the fleeing beast gods, he was also pondering inwardly.

The reason why there is a phenomenon of gathering and dispersing, may be related to his divine body being baptized by two consecutive beast pill explosions.

The bright yellow animal pill that detonated on its own initiative.

The dark green animal pill of a refined man.

These are all middle-level god inner alchemy, with great power, and the explosion at close range, the instant impact on his divine body is not trivial.

Perhaps it was precisely because of the stress response caused by this that his divine body achieved a leap-like progress while being unable to bear the violent pressure.

Speaking of which, Ye Chong's divine body was affected by the inner alchemy explosion, which happened before, and more than once or twice.

"It is normal for quantitative changes to accumulate so that qualitative changes occur..."


"Does this experience mean that as long as I can keep my five-colored golden elixir alive, then I can be brought back to life?"

When thinking of this, Ye Chong couldn't help frowning.

He didn't know if his thinking was right, but he knew that in the future, it was really necessary to put the protection of the Five Color Golden Pill first.

As for the other parts of the divine body, compared with the colorful golden elixir, it seems a bit indifferent.

At this time, Ye Chong's face suddenly changed, he raised his left hand, and looked at the palm.

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