Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 194 The Pole Dancing Male Wolf

two hours later.

in a valley.

Ye Chong and Li Panpan stood back to back, looking at the red eyes that suddenly appeared around them, with a look of horror on their faces.

"Ye Chong, if you can go out, please tell my mother, I love her very much." Li Panpan's voice was hoarse, "And my father, in the next life, I will definitely work hard."

"You think too much." Ye Chong held the knife in his right hand, looked around, and said softly, "I won't give up 3 points. Before I earn this money, you must be alive."

"But..." Li Panpan's nose twitched, "There are too many of them, and... monsters, the two of us..."

"The two of us will fight together," Ye Chong's mouth curled up, his eyes flickering, "We will go home together!"


For some reason, Li Panpan burst into tears.

However, she knew very well.

Ye Chong is not even a one-star quasi-warrior now.

what does this mean?

It means that under normal circumstances, any S1 monster can easily kill him.

Even if he possesses a primary high-grade warrior weapon, so what?

For her from the martial arts sect, many things are common sense.

The huge gap in realm means that it is difficult to compete in strength.

She herself is a three-star quasi-martial artist, and she is very clear about the comparison of strength.

However, even if she knew this, she couldn't talk nonsense to him.

If courage and confidence are lost, they will die faster and worse.

"did not expect.

The last time I escaped from a mission, I entered the Wanzige Stone Forest.

But in the end, it was still inevitable to die.


Is it my fate?

It's really better to just freeze to death in the [-]D stone forest.

It was better than being completely eaten by these mutant beasts. "


While the group of beasts roared, they suddenly attacked them.

Li Panpan's body trembled, and a line of tears slid down his cheeks.

"Farewell, world! Farewell, all of you."

She turned around slowly and looked at the man beside her, with a look of tragic relief in her eyes.

It's not that she doesn't want to resist.

It's not that she has no courage.

It's not that she has a weak heart.

It's not that she's cowardly.

It is because the enemy is too powerful and there are too many, everything is impossible.


Would it be less painful to watch him die in the process of bloody battle?

Ye Chong obviously felt Li Panpan's mood swings.

However, he didn't turn around and didn't speak.

no way.

Turning around is looking for death, and talking is even more useless. What he can do now is to kill, kill, kill!

Mutant Hyena?

it is good!

Then have a good time!

Swish swish!




With three swipes of knives in a row, the three mutated hyenas that rushed forward all fell to the ground in two sections.

Followed by.

Ye Chong clung to Li Panpan's body and turned around.


The blade of the starry sky swung out.





Another two mutant hyenas were cut in half.

Li Panpan was a little confused.

This is a mutant hyena that is even crueler and fiercer than a mutant tiger among the mutant beasts. He killed five of them in the blink of an eye?

It's unbelievable that a one-star quasi-warrior can do this!

In the next moment, Ye Chong directly regarded Li Panpan as a pillar, and with this as the center, he rushed left and right, jumped up and down, the blade of the starry sky danced and flowed, and the remnants of mutant hyenas kept flying into the air.

A thick bloody smell permeated the valley.

At this moment, Li Panpan was immediately stunned, standing straight, motionless, with wonderful expressions on his face.

"Am I dreaming?

Otherwise, how is it possible?

I was stuck on the ground like a steel pipe, and he seemed to be the girl dancing on my steel pipe.

Do not!

no no!

I can feel his majesty and vitality, he is not a girl, but a male wolf.

But he is just a one-star quasi-warrior.

How on earth did he manage to split the mutant hyena in half with a single stroke of a knife?

For... why?

Why do I suddenly want to be such a steel pipe for the rest of my life, let him surround me forever, fly up and down, never stop? "

Swish swish!

Ye Chong kept waving the blade of the starry sky, one after another corpses flew into the air, and the stinky blood had already gathered into a river.

He didn't know what Li Panpan was thinking.

The only thing he knows is to kill kill kill.

no way.

Too much.

And they're all mutant hyenas.

These guys have too much reproductive ability, right?

How could there be such a large group?

"Speaking of which, Li Panpan performed well.

It seems that I am protecting her, but in fact, she has helped me a lot as a pillar.

At least I can calmly borrow strength from any part of her body, so that my fighting power soars.

The key is that she is really cooperative, her body is always tense, and she remains motionless.

Ha ha.

If things go on like this, even if I persist for another two or three hours, I won't have any problems.


It doesn't seem quite right. "


Ye Chong looked into the distance.

Under the cold moonlight, there are more than a dozen giant beasts that are more than twice the size of ordinary mutant hyenas walking slowly.


dong dong!

Boom boom boom!

The ground trembled accordingly.

"Hyena dog!" Li Panpan shook his body and exclaimed, "Ye Chong, they are S1 monster hyena dogs, much stronger than mutant hyenas!"

"Well, I saw it." Ye Chong knocked over a mutant hyena that was about to sneak over, and stared into the distance, "They are willing to come, but we can't help it."

"Maybe... we should try to break through?" Li Panpan said with a hint of hesitation and panic, "We can't beat them."

"Breakthrough?" Ye Chong swung his saber, and knocked the two mutated hyenas to the ground. "The two of us break through together? Impossible, that will only make us fall into heavy siege, and here, we still have a little geographical conditions."

The location where Ye Chong and Li Panpan are located is a high ground in the valley. Speaking of it, it is a small mound two or three meters high.

If it wasn't for this favorable location, the corpses of the mutated hyenas that had been slaughtered earlier would have drowned them.

If you leave here now and run away, not to mention the mutated hyenas surrounded by the inner three floors and the outer three floors, it will take a lot of time to rush out of this vast valley.


Where to run?

If you run, you will waste the last bit of geographical advantage, and you are simply asking for a dead end.

Ye Chong knew it very well.

The only correct choice he can make now is to defend this bloody battle at the commanding heights.

If you're lucky, when the gang of mutated hyenas devour their own kind, they may still have a chance to kill them.

However, now it seems that it is too late.

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