Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 1916, Deduction

After Ye Chong left Kunwang Island, he was a little hesitant for a while, not knowing where to go?

According to his original idea, if Kun King Dapeng was willing to accept him, he would live on Kun King Island for a while.

With the protection of the Great Beast God, it is completely possible to relax and think about what to do in the future.

It's just that I didn't expect that what I said from the bottom of my heart would result in being driven away.

Whether Kun Wang Dapeng really wanted to kill him was unknown, but at least one thing was clear.

The other party didn't want to have more contact with him, the "father killer".

This is understandable.

After all, the Night King, as the great beast god who ruled one side, played an important role in the beast clan. His fall was of great importance, and no one wanted to get involved with his death.

But in this way, Ye Chong really fell into a helpless situation.

In fact, if Kun Wang Dapeng really had his own judgment, he could use other methods to deal with this problem.

Not to mention anything else, if a big beast god really wanted to keep Ye Chong, would he really be able to leave?

It seems that the human heart is unpredictable, and the animal heart is even more unpredictable.

At this moment, Ye Chong looked around in a daze.

After becoming an unpopular figure, it would be impossible for him to find a small island in this deep ocean for a short stay.

After all, Kun Wang Dapeng is the master of this sea world, and what happens in the domain will not escape his eyes.

Ye Chong couldn't help but look towards the west, that was the human race's world.

Familiar cities soon appeared in his mind.

He yearns for a life in the human race.

However, the pain of being dependent on others grows in my heart.

If he went, he didn't want to enter the city of the human race. Perhaps a barren area like Biyuan Community was the most suitable place for him to stay.


There are also bad memories there.

The record he was once proud of now brought him the self-blame of killing his clansmen.

Instead of going to such a place, it is better to find a place that is more deserted.

However, if you really want to do that, there is no need to return to the realm of the human race and add to your soul.

What's more, after he witnessed the performance of Tang Wang, Tang Shiyi and a group of insect orcs in the Palace of the Night King, he had already roughly deduced the cause of his father's death.

Under such circumstances, it is definitely not something he can do to let him return to the human race and stay away from the land of right and wrong.

He wants revenge.

This is bloody revenge that must be avenged.

But after returning to the human race, they are restricted everywhere and cannot be free, and revenge will become a fantasy.

Moreover, he has suspected for a long time that even if he left Cold Winter City privately and was not discovered by anyone including the Tyrant King Wang Bao, once the incident of the Night Palace spread to the human race, the Tyrant King Wang Bao would definitely confirm that he was Ye Chong. where.

If he can't be found at that time, he will naturally know that he has left Lin Dong.

And naturally, Ye Chong would equate the Night Palace incident with Ye Chong.

Then he would really be speechless.

The most frightening thing is that with this incident, if he returns to the human race, he will be subject to stricter monitoring. If he wants to leave in the future, it may not be so easy.

Tyrant Wang Bao will definitely restrict his freedom for various reasons such as safety.

That would be a pain.

At that time, he couldn't help but leave by force, it would be too easy to be labeled as a defector.

After all, before the truth of the night palace incident came to light, what else could he not do, a man who dared to kill his father?

Therefore, it is impossible for him to return to the human race now.

Going back is looking for discomfort, even death.

Ye Chong also didn't want to go to Beast City.

The experience of Yuanci City not long ago told him that if he wanted to stay in these beast cities before the incident of the Night Palace, he would be asking for trouble, or even throwing himself into a trap.

Not to mention anything else, just a genetic test will make him feel uncomfortable.

"It seems that I can only find a random place to stay for a while, and I can't just float in the sky forever."

Soon, Ye Chong headed straight to the north.

far north.

Deserted and deserted.

This is the home of the Wood Orcs.

Ye Chong found a place with mountains and water, and settled down.

He needs to calm down and think about it in a place where no one will disturb him, what should he do next?

However, he soon discovered that he was too optimistic.

That night, not long after he lay down to rest, he was attacked by a small group of wood beasts.

Fortunately, all the orcs who came were beast generals, and they were quickly wiped out by him lightly.

This annoyed him a little.

Speaking of which, before entering the extreme north this time, he had deified himself as an intermediate warrior-level realm, and for him, an extraordinary person, he could not be more low-key.

Moreover, in the land of the extreme north, he hardly touched a single plant or tree, and he even knew that some wooden beast hearts could be easily hunted, so he chose to ignore them without hesitation.

He really didn't want to cause any more trouble.

Even so, however, trouble found him.

After Ye Chong cleaned up the wooden beasts, he put his hands behind his back again and lay down.

Change places?

No need.

Everything he did has long been seen by the ordinary wood beasts around him, and no matter where he goes, he will be quickly locked.

He now only hoped that these general-level wood beasts attacking him were just a group of rogues from the wood beast clan and would not cause any additional trouble.

Otherwise, under the chain reaction, not to mention that this place is impossible to stay now, I am afraid that the entire northern land, the home of wood beasts, will not have a place for Ye Chong.

Then he really didn't know where else to go.

Ye Chong also thought about showing the strength of a god-level existence directly to scare away those sleazy things.

However, reason told him that if he really did this, there would undoubtedly be an existence of the same level, and even a great god-level existence might appear.

At that time, I am afraid it will not be a matter of whether he can stay in the extreme north, but a question of whether he can leave alive.

Half asleep and half awake, Ye Chong thought about various ways to kill Mantis King, but every deduction would make him wake up in the shocking season of failure.

too difficult.

With his current strength, wanting to hunt and kill Mantis King is really beyond his control.


Ye Chong suddenly thought that if the Mantis King was not in perfect condition, but suffered a serious injury, perhaps it would be a real chance for him to succeed.

It's not easy to get the mantis king injured.

"Rather than this, it's more practical to increase my strength quickly, and, I have so many beast pills that can help me, realizing the leap is not a problem.

To do so, however, requires an ideal location.


Can it work? "

Also at this time.

Ye Chong raised his eyebrows suddenly, looked at the grass forest on one side, and his face suddenly became gloomy.

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