Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 1914, I don't know whether it is good news or bad news

The skinny man smiled and said, "Is it possible that you can manipulate us as you like after you have been diagnosed with insects?"

"You're overthinking it," Tang Shiyi grinned. "The so-called insect Gu is nothing more than giving you the aura of the insect or beast race. To put it simply, it is the fusion of different races."

"Don't listen to his nonsense." The huge man shouted, "Once we are planted with the bug, we will become puppets, without self-awareness, and the controller will not hesitate to execute us if we commit suicide."

"Tang Shiyi," the skinny man looked straight out of the mask, "Night King...was he killed because you were also poisoned by insects?"

"Bastard!" Tang Shiyi's complexion changed, and he yelled sternly, "Do you think that if you don't want to be treated for worms, you don't need to be treated?! When your divine power is exhausted, why don't you be obedient?!


Just a word of caution.

It is impossible to self-destruct in the insect cover.


In less than half a day, your divine power will be exhausted.

However, you can continue to attack, which will consume faster.

Hahaha. "

Ye Chong looked left and right, his eyes narrowed.

Also at this time.


The overwhelming coercion descended, and strange voices sounded.

A figure appeared out of nowhere.

"Mantis King!"

All the worm orcs on the scene knelt down in unison amidst loud shouts.

Ye Chong also knelt down on the ground, but there seemed to be anger burning in his eyes.

The mantis king looks a bit shriveled, a bit like Tang Shiyi, although he is in human form, but he has the aura of a mantis monster.

"Why, haven't you planted Gu yet?" Mantis King looked at Tang Shishi.

"Speak to the Mantis King," Tang Shiyi bowed and said, "Within two hours, their divine power can be exhausted. When the Gu planting is completed, report to the Mantis King as soon as possible."

"Are they... still unwilling?" Mantis King's voice sounded hollow.

"Tell Mantis King, the birdmen of the Beast Race have always been very stubborn." Tang Shixi continued, "However, please rest assured, Mantis King, they will soon become obedient insect babies."


Mantis King raised his hand, and the huge mask disappeared instantly.

When everyone was stunned, King Tang slapped down with his big hand.


Twenty or so beastmen were all knocked to the ground, blood splashing out.

Soon at the next moment, Mantis King raised his big hand upwards.

Swish swish!

The remnants of beastmen flew in all directions.

"Eat them all," Mantis King said rumblingly.

Soon, only the bodies of five beast gods from the Flesh Mold Lake were left on the scene.

Mantis King looked at Tang Shishi: "Okay, now we can plant Gu."

"Yes, Mantis King." Tang Shiyi leaned over and said.

at the same time.

Mantis King's body collapsed like water mist, as if he had never appeared before.

Soon the next moment came, and the scene fell into chaos.

More than a thousand beast generals and beastmen began to snatch the corpses of those beast generals and beastmen.

Tang Shiyi and other beast gods entered the side room with five half-dead beast gods.

Cha Cha Cha!

Weird and piercing voices came from their mouths, obviously looking impatient.

Ye Chong was mixed among the crowd of insects and beasts, like rootless duckweed drifting with the tide.

Although he didn't eat the remains of the beastmen, his body was stained with blood, and his heart continued to slip in the bottomless abyss.

Not long after, Ye Chong left the Night Palace with the retreating worm orc team.

Speaking of which, he is a little scared now.

If he really couldn't hold back his hand not long ago, he might not be able to leave the Night Palace.

Judging from the strength shown by Mantis King, the great beast god, it is simply not something he can contend with now.

He didn't even know where the other party was.

Perhaps Mantis King has been observing in the dark of the Night Palace from beginning to end. As long as he, Ye Chong, moves slightly, he will be spotted and locked by the other party instantly.

Ye Chong is a little suspicious now, what happened in the Night Palace, is the mantis king deliberately fishing, waiting for the night king's people to automatically take the bait, and then be controlled or killed.

Ye Chong didn't dare to stay in Night King City, but left there early.

After all this, he was heartbroken and pained, but he also built up a sliver of confidence—the apotheosis skill he obtained when he cast Transcendence was really good, even a big beast god like Mantis King couldn't find any flaws.

In other words, in the God Slaughter War, if he had really turned into a worm orc, he should have been able to avoid the lock of the Kun King or even the Tyrant King, and thus quietly left.

However, this obviously requires a prerequisite - one's own trajectory of action is not locked.

This requires adapting measures to local conditions in the real environment, and it can be realized with the help of shielding techniques and other means.

But then again, once he has been locked, even if he is ever-changing, he will be caught by those big beast gods.

"In short, it's not like there's no chance."

Ye Chong frowned, his mind full of thoughts.

"It's probably because of my own ability that King Tang and Tang Shiyi dared to blame me for my father's death."

When thinking of this, Ye Chong couldn't help feeling another pain in his heart.


The father I have never seen...

Just leave? "

Ye Chong's resentment towards his father, which was still buried in his heart, finally dissipated, and was replaced by deep yearning.

At the same time, a monstrous anger also began to burn in his heart, and it was burning Tang Wang, Tang Shiyi and all the insects and beasts in his mind to pieces.

At this moment, Ye Chong was patrolling outside the Night King City with a team of land orcs.

As the god of war, with the ability to deify, coupled with the help of shielding and faceless techniques, he is already familiar with replacing a beast general in the team without knowing it. a plate of.

"Gene Era"

And the reason why he didn't completely stay away from Night King City was because he still couldn't let go of the concern in his heart.

He really wanted to know that his father was still alive, so he would definitely do his best to rescue his father, even if he died for it.

However, the gossip of this land orc team along the way made him confirm one thing in pain——

The father is really gone.

Because the night king's fire that swears the king's dignity in the night king's palace has been extinguished.

In addition, from the words of the land orc team, he also learned a piece of information-his statement that Ye Chong killed his father has been widely recognized within the orc clan.

I'm afraid this accusation will not be washed away for a while.

However, he also got a piece of news that he didn't know whether it was good news or bad news——

Ye Xiao is not dead.

Ye Chong came up with the idea of ​​wanting to meet the other party.

It's just that he is conflicted in his heart.

They were clearly sworn enemies, but they suddenly became brothers connected by blood.

It was hard to turn an enemy into a friend, but suddenly one day it turned into a revenge for killing his father.

For a while, Ye Chong didn't know how to deal with himself.

He hoped that Ye Xiao had nothing to do with his father's death.

But would Ye Xiao think Ye Chong was innocent?

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