Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 1908, It's a lonely turn

Before Ye Chong had time to speak, a beast soldier rushed over to the front left and shouted, "Don't you know martial law?! Hurry up!"

"Martial law is not a commandment," the bear orc man muttered, "you are still not allowed to speak?"


When the beast soldier raised his hand, he was slapped across the face, causing the big bear orc man to turn half a circle with a groan.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Seeing that something was wrong, Ye Chong immediately covered his mouth and walked away quickly.

However, the doubts in his heart became bigger and bigger.

It seems that this martial law is really not simple.

"What exactly happened that will make Yuanci City become an enemy?"

Speaking of which, Night King City is the main city under the rule of Night King, while Yuanci City and Pixiu City and other big orc cities are the outer cities of Night King City.

According to the Beast Army and the Bear Beastman, the order of martial law was issued by Night King City, which shows that the cause of the incident most likely came from Night King City, not Yuanci City itself.

If that's the case, it means it wasn't him who was found.

Moreover, the martial law of the beast army is purely martial law, and there is no large-scale arrest, which also supports the above judgment to a certain extent.

In addition, [-]% is not a human race god of war who came to Yuanci City.

Otherwise, martial law is useless at all, and the Great Beast God should come forward to solve the problem.

Ye Chong thought all the way, and after returning to the inn, he brought the glutinous rice cakes he bought nearby into the house.

He thought about it.

not going out.

Look at the situation first.

If you go out of the city rashly at this time, you will easily become a target.

But not long after Ye Chong sat down, there was a knock on the door.

It was the owner of the inn.

is a woman.

Rabbit orcs.

very young.

Not very beautiful, but full of youthful vitality.

When Ye Chong saw her for the first time, a few words came to mind - bunny girl.

Soon, Ye Chong let the other party into the room.

"Mr. Hu," the bunny girl brushed her hair lightly and smiled sweetly, "There is a notice from above saying that guests staying in the hotel need to undergo a physical examination. Don't forget it at three o'clock in the afternoon."

"What?" Ye Chong was taken aback, "Physical examination?"

"Oh, it's genetic testing," the bunny girl smiled coquettishly, "It's actually very fast, it seems like spitting is enough."

"Why did you do this?" Ye Chong couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

"Oh, I don't know," the bunny girl twisted her body slightly, "It's a notification from above."

"What if I forget to do it?" Ye Chong laughed.

"It's okay, Mr. Hu," the bunny girl put her hands behind her back, looking forward, "I'll let you know when it's almost time."

"Oh, I see," Ye Chong nodded, "Do you have to do it?"

"Yes, Mr. Hu," said the bunny girl, "If you don't do it, you may not be able to stay in the hotel, and you have to go to the relevant department to explain the situation."

"It seems quite strict." Ye Chong continued, "You do it too?"

"Hehe, of course I did," the bunny girl smiled coquettishly, "everyone in the city has to do it."

"How to do it specifically..." Ye Chong looked at the other party with a half-smile, "Sister, can you teach me?"


The bunny girl covered her mouth and laughed tremblingly: "You can't just spit?"

"No way," Ye Chong said with a smile, "I'll see if you spit it out?"

"Annoying," the bunny girl spat lightly, turned around and left, "Don't forget, it's three o'clock in the afternoon, hehe, talk less, save some spit."

"Sister," Ye Chong took two steps forward, "I really don't know how to spit with my mouth."

"I hate it." The bunny girl gently closed the door and walked to another room.

Call ~

Ye Chong frowned slightly and let out a long breath.

His current form is a fox orc. There is no flaw in his body and appearance, and there is no problem with his breath, but his body genetic data cannot be changed, at least he can't do it now.

If you really participate in the afternoon test, it means that you will expose your identity.

But if he does not participate in the afternoon test, he will immediately become the object of suspicion.

Fortunately, this is just sampling for genetic testing. It will take a certain amount of time for the genetic data to come out, and this time difference should be enough for him to find a way to leave.

However, when the genetic data comes out...

Ye Chong frowned.

"Still troublesome.

A descendant of the Tianlong clan and the Yexiao clan, but dressed up as a fox orc, no matter how you explain it, you can't get rid of the suspicion of spies.

The most important thing is that many of the top management of the orc clan, especially the Night King City, know my identity. Once they saw my genetic data, they knew it was me.

Moreover, they don't need to think about why I sneaked into the land of the orcs.

At that time, if you want to sneak a look at... him, I'm afraid it won't be so easy. "

this afternoon.

Two fifty.

The bunny girl arrived as promised.

Ye Chong flirted with each other casually, cultivated his sentiments, and then went downstairs together.

In the lobby of the inn, there were three inspectors who were tightly covered, but it could be seen that they were three women. Behind them, there were two beast soldiers, looking fiercely at each of them, and staring at each other fiercely.

Not long after, the lobby was full of people, many of whom were merchants outside the inn.

To Ye Chong's surprise, although there were a lot of people at the scene, everyone lined up in an orderly manner without any noise, which was much better than the gathering of human races he saw in the empire .

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the test began.

Ye Chong was ranked seventh.

Detection is fast.

No. 1 inspector checks the animal tag, No. 2 inspector is in charge of registration, No. 3 inspector provides a small bag, and the inspected person spits into it to complete the task.

When Ye Chong saw this scene, the corners of his mouth twitched.

It seems that the bunny girl is right, it is indeed very simple, it is because she thinks too much.

Speaking of it, for a transcendent like him, it is really not difficult to condense some gene-free body fluids that look like saliva and spit them out.

Seeing that the sixth person has started to register, Ye Chong smiled slightly, took out the beast card, and handed it to the No.1 inspector.

Also at this time.

A beast soldier who looked like an insect orc suddenly said, "Wait! I just received the notice to change the saliva test to a blood test."


Hearing this, Ye Chong's heart skipped a beat.

blood draw?

This is so...

It's my turn soon, is this a lonely turn?

Ye Chong looked at the beast soldier who was speaking in depression, and then realized that the other party was a communication soldier.

Speaking of which, the Zerg Beast Clan had a unique advantage in communication since ancient times. As for whether to transmit signals through sound waves or smells, etc., he didn't know.

Soon, the three inspectors opened the large bag next to them, and took out a lot of things like needles, needle tubes and test tubes. It looked like they had been prepared for a long time.

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