Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 19 Damn, I'm at a disadvantage!

Anyway, having nothing to do, Ye Chong climbed up the cliff on the south side of the valley.

Observing the spiritual energy column from the top of the mountain should be better than standing on the flat ground.

The cliff is straight up and down, and it is shaded, and the surface is not slippery, but for Ye Chong, this is not a problem.

However, his climbing speed is not very fast.

the reason is simple.

The cliffs are covered with all kinds of fruits, which look like big longan grapes, red and purple.

Ye Chong picked a few at random, put them in his mouth, and immediately turned into a sweet and delicious juice, which slid into his stomach.

That feeling is like a thirsty traveler in the desert drinking a handful of sweet spring, refreshing.

"It's a pity, I can't take such a good fruit back." Ye Chong smiled wryly and shook his head, "Otherwise, if you let Yuanyuan eat one, she will be so happy that she won't want it, right?"

Standing on the top of the mountain and looking down, the effect is much better.

It can be seen that the air waves in the spiritual energy column are tumbling and spinning continuously, like a volcanic eruption, but all the air and water mist ejected are green.

The aura of heaven and earth is full of vitality.

Just like a tropical rainforest, only the greenery can match this fresh vitality.


Ye Chong narrowed his eyes slightly and his face changed.

what happened?

I saw the huge green beam of light humming and trembling for a while, followed by a shaking, and then shattered into pieces, and soon dissipated, leaving only a circular black hole on the ground.

It only takes a few seconds for the huge beam of light to appear abnormal until it completely disappears.

Depend on!

Ye Chong cursed secretly, and then climbed down the cliff without hesitation.

It's just that it's easy to go up, but it's hard to go down.

It took him a full 10 minutes to reach the ground on the nearly [-]-meter cliff. In this way, he jumped down at the last ten meters or so, saving some time, otherwise, it would have taken longer.

When Ye Chong trotted to the edge of the circular black hole, he was a little confused immediately.

Then he circled around the circular black hole with a diameter of [-] meters, and his expression became really ugly.

This really seems to be different from the information I learned in the previous life.

Isn't it said in many materials and rumors that "a place where spiritual energy is gushing out, spiritual stones are everywhere, you can just pick it up at will, and if you are lucky, you may meet the best..."?

Didn't they also say that those who have a great chance can even discover the Blessed Spirit Fruit bred by the aura of heaven and earth? !

But, what the hell is there no bullshit here?

Could it be that this black hole is so big that everything fell into it?

When thinking of this, Ye Chong poked his head and looked into the black hole again, but the place where he saw was dark, and the wall of the hole was extremely smooth, like a metal surface.

"I'm going! This is really possible!" Ye Chong's eyebrows were directly wrinkled into pimples, his face was very ugly, "It is rumored that the spirit stones in places where the spirit is gushing are all crystallized during the process of the spirit surge The black hole is so big, if the spirit stone falls down, isn’t it like falling into the bottomless pit again?!”


Ye Chong looked up at the sky, wanting to cry but no tears.


I came all the way here, didn't even sleep, so Nima fixed this for me, I'm at a disadvantage!


When Ye Chong was looking depressed, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

Why is there no green in the sky this day?

Why didn't there be green mist just now?

Could it be that the aura disappeared so quickly?

You are mama!

If this aura disappears again, I will be so happy for nothing!


He immediately closed his eyes, felt a little, and then raised his eyebrows.


The aura is still there, but it's not as strong as when the aura column gushed out just now.

That's right!

Reiki is useful to all things in the world.

One of the most direct points is that it can be absorbed and absorbed.

this point is very important.

The spiritual energy absorbed and absorbed can subtly promote the mutation of the absorber.

Generally speaking, this kind of mutation is good, allowing the absorber to have a special ability without knowing it.

Even a stone, under the nourishment of aura, can become full of aura, possessing some unexpected characteristics.

Of course, the process of this mutation is long and cannot be completed overnight.

However, the more aura absorbed and absorbed, the shorter the time for mutation, the deeper the degree of mutation, and the stronger the characteristics of mutation.

Therefore, any creature with a little consciousness will absorb and absorb as much spiritual energy as possible, while those creatures without active consciousness, such as most flowers, plants and trees, will also keep asking for it instinctively.

That is to say, everything in the world is absorbing spiritual energy. When the source of spiritual energy stops erupting, the spiritual energy gradually becomes thinner, which is nothing more than a normal thing.

"The richness and quality of the aura in this world can be evaluated as excellent, but as time goes by, the aura will become weaker and weaker until it returns to its original appearance."

"So, for martial arts practitioners, now is the best time to practice, especially some exercises that require a lot of spiritual energy, and it is a good time to feel like a fish in water. Once you miss it, you will definitely regret it!"


Ye Chong raised his head to the sky, sighed softly, and couldn't help feeling excited.

"I have a great advantage now, that is, I have a full 100 years of experience in my previous life. Because of a coincidence, I have read a lot of books, so I have a deep memory of many martial arts skills, and I have practiced some of them myself."

"This allows me to have a unique condition in the process of martial arts cultivation - I don't have to worry about martial arts skills anymore, which is much better than those martial arts families or martial arts sects who cling to a family treasure of martial arts .”

When thinking of this, Ye Chong couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth.

"The right time, the right place, and the right people are all in place. If I can't carry forward the martial arts in this life, I'll be a worthless snack!"


Ye Chong looked at the bottomless black hole again in excitement, and couldn't help but look regretful again.

Hemp egg!

No matter how much he comforted himself, it couldn't compare to the excitement of getting one or two spirit stones!

Ye Chong still didn't give up.

Don't give up!

It will make people sad!

What if I was too hasty just now and lost my sight? !

Maybe there is a Lingshi hiding somewhere, waiting for him to touch it!

With a bright light in Ye Chong's eyes, he walked around the edge of the bottomless black hole again.

Very slow.


Not to mention, I found something.

After digging and digging for a long time, it was really dug out.

I go!

It looks like an egg, but it's really an egg when you dig it out.

That's right, this guy is not a good guy at first glance, but a bad guy.

To be precise, it was a dinosaur egg.

To be more specific, this rotten thing is a dinosaur egg fossil about the size of a goose egg.


Ye Chong raised his head to the sky, wanted to cry but had no tears, his eyes were almost red.

Hemp egg!

I thought I got a spirit stone anyway, but I didn't expect it to be a bad guy.

There are too many of this kind of crap in China, and they can't be sold at a good price.

It seems that this treasure hunt was a failure, and it feels like a disadvantage.

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