When Ye Conghong was attacked, Sa Yazi instinctively wanted to run away.


Want to run?

Can you run? !

He soon discovered that the back of his neck, backpack, buttocks and legs were all stuck.

The stickiness is so strong that you can't break free.

And, that's not all.

The sticky stuff is cool and fluid, running down the back of the neck.


Ye Chong was completely scared to pee.

He wanted to turn around but couldn't.

Even if you want to see it, you can't see it at all.

The key is that the big tree behind him is also strange, making a strange sound.




It's like a monster that has been hungry for an unknown amount of time, and it's like a demon laughing mockingly.

I am Nima!

Ye Chong turned his right hand, and the blade of the starry sky flicked back, and cut off the thing stuck to the back of his neck with a puff.

Immediately afterwards, he leaned forward, and the blade of the starry sky slashed down against the tree trunk.

Deng Deng Deng!

Ye Chong staggered forward for a while, and finally stopped.


He swung his knife, then took a closer look.


Under the cold moonlight, there was nothing but the ordinary big tree.


Is this the heck?

Obviously I feel something, why is there nothing?

What was it that licked me just now?


Not lick me!

But bite me! "

Ye Chong's face suddenly changed drastically. He only felt that the part that was stuck by an unknown object just now began to feel numb, itchy, sore and painful, and it was burning, obviously swelling.

At this moment, he really wanted to grab, scratch, dig, tear...

However, he dared not.

If you do that, it may well be counterproductive.

Because if it is poisonous, the circulation will be accelerated.

If it is an unknown creature, it will startle the snake.


Just on the surface of my body.

Nothing drilled into the body.

There are a lot of mutated leeches in this primeval forest. They are so fierce that they want to burrow into them as soon as they touch the skin.

What I just encountered is not this kind of thing. "

Ye Chong relaxed a little, and quietly approached the big tree just now.

It's just that the moonlight is so cold that you can't see it clearly, but you can see it vaguely, and the surface of the big tree seems to be alive.

In other words, there are some black viscous liquids slowly wriggling.

From time to time, a small bubble suddenly popped up in some places, making a light crackling sound.

This is?



Has the lacquer tree become able to actively attack people after its aura is revived?

The point is that the viscous fluid is like a wriggling octopus.

Ye Chong cursed secretly in his heart, but his face was filled with joy. After all, it wasn't something that killed people.

In this day and age, not being able to die is a great joy.

At this time, there was a faint sound of thump, thump, thump, thump, from the dense forest in the distance, as if many heavyweight mutant beasts were approaching.

"Is it over?

Do you want to let people take a break?

If this goes on like this, I'm afraid my little life will end up here.

Can not be done.

Hide quickly.

If you don't rest, I'm afraid it will be over.


Where can I hide?

Surrounded by mutated sumac trees, they are all obscene things that can lick people, so it's better not to get close.

In addition, it is the ten thousand word grid stone array in front of you.

Forget it, forget it.

Wouldn't it be better to sleep on a big rock in the stone forest than to blow hair on a sumac tree? "

Ka Ka Ka!

Ye Chong cautiously walked straight to the stone forest.

As he walked in, he looked left and right, remembering the characteristics of the area he passed by.

no way.

What if I get lost?

Speaking of which, the Swastika Stone Forest looks like a labyrinth corridor, especially under the cold moonlight, it looks deep and mysterious, giving people an inexplicable cold feeling.

On the way in, I could see some wreckage, and for a while, I couldn't see what kind of creature it was. Some of the bones were darker, while others were bright white.

Ye Chong reached out and touched the wall of the stone forest next to it. It was cold, wet and slippery, and he realized that the vegetation covering the stone forest was moss.

After entering the swastika stone formation three to 40 meters away, the sound of footsteps outside became obvious, mixed with the low and powerful roar of beasts.

It sounds like there are a lot of mutant beasts, and they might even be monsters.

However, what is strange is that those guys are just wandering around the periphery of the stone forest, and it seems that they have no intention of entering the stone forest.

Zi Ye Chong felt relieved now.

Now that he was physically and mentally exhausted, let alone monsters, he was not in the mood to kill even ordinary mutant beasts.

no way.

I'm a bit exhausted physically.

At this time, the best way is to drink something, eat something, and then have a good night's sleep. You must be full of energy and burst into vitality again.

However, the more Ye Chong walked inside, the more nervous his expression became.

"Why is there so much fog?

There is obviously no fog outside the stone forest.

Why does the fog get thicker the further you go inside the stone forest?

And these fogs...

How is the diffuse speed so fast?

Is this the reason for the origin of the [-]D Maze?

and also.

The further you go in, the lower the temperature is obviously, so what's going on?

speak up.

I seem to be heading towards an ice hole, right? "

Seeing the dense fog, Ye Chong couldn't see the way clearly, so he stopped walking and stopped moving forward.


With a move of his mental strength, he probed forward.

What made his face change was that the mental power detection here was simply full of resistance and he couldn't move forward.

"How to do?

Am I staying in this stone corridor?

Or move on?

Or quit again? "

Ye Chong frowned slightly, and after a while, he finally started to walk inwards, but the speed became slower and slower, and his ears perked up.

Or to be more accurate, the ears have become more upright, at least that's what he thinks in his heart.

The fog has reached the point where the line of sight is less than one meter.

Especially under the cold moonlight, what you can see is vague and gloomy, which brings an indescribable sense of treachery.

Ye Chong was cautious and walked forward slowly. Suddenly, the shadow of Shilin appeared in front of his eyes again. It looked like a face in the shadow, so he didn't startle him.

However, after experiencing so many things, he has long been familiar with it.

What strange-shaped stone he has not seen?

What strange things have you never experienced?

Ye Chong reached out and put his hand on the stone forest in front of him, wanting to go around.


A scream that sounded like a scream suddenly sounded.

Ye Chonghaoxuan was so frightened that he sat down on the ground.

Followed by.

Da da da!

Shi Lin, who looked like a human face, quickly backed away and disappeared.

"what's the situation?

Isn't this Shilin?

Like a living person!

It's just a face.

Obviously warm.

I'll fuck it up.

What the hell is going on here?

Is someone playing hooligans here? "

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