Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 17 'Oumuamua

"Ye Chong, it's so scary, should we hide?" Niu Yuanyuan slid off Ye Chong's back, looking a little pale, "Did you feel it? The ground seems to be shaking!"

"I feel it!" Ye Chong stared at the falling light green luminous body with piercing eyes, "However, I think the earth is not trembling, but cheering, like a fish that is dying of thirst, going crazy to welcome the coming rain.”

"Ye Chong, I used to watch the Science Discovery Channel, and it said that a star with a diameter of tens of meters could completely destroy our planet." Niu Yuanyuan's voice was calm, but she couldn't hide the trace of fear in her eyes, "Oumua The length of Mo is more than 400 meters, and the width is also 40 meters away. If it really falls, the consequences will be unimaginable."

"No, Yuanyuan, it's not falling!" Ye Chong's eyes sparkled, "It's landing! Or to be more precise, 'Oumuamua should be making a forced landing."

"What?! Ye Chong, what are you talking about?" Niu Yuanyuan was obviously taken aback when she heard what the other person said, "You mean, 'Oumuamua didn't fall passively, but someone controlled it to land from above?! "

"Yes!" Ye Chong nodded slowly, "However, I don't know who is controlling it, but it's probably not a human being! Besides, something must have happened! Otherwise, 'Oumuamua chose to land at this time, it seems Isn’t it too ostentatious?!”

"Ye Chong, you mean... 'Oumuamua is a spaceship, right?" Niu Yuanyuan's eyes widened with shock, "Alien UFOs?! But aren't they all round?" Disc-shaped?"

Ye Chong didn't speak, but stared at the distant sky with piercing eyes, frowning, and slowly shook his head.

By this time, the streets and alleys were already full of people, making noise and chaos.

Everyone looked at 'Oumuamua, full of fear and disbelief.


Oumuamua finally fell to the ground, the ground shook, and a huge green light group suddenly rose, and then spread in all directions.


The green light wave is like a surging tide, submerging everything in it.


Strangely, the people in the streets and alleys quickly calmed down from panic and confusion after being covered by green light waves.

Because they found that these green light waves did not cause harm, but instead made people feel relaxed and happy, as if troubles and sorrows were swept away, physical illnesses were alleviated, and everything became better.

At this moment, everyone seemed to have stretched eyebrows, rosy complexion, and a good mood.

Even, an old man in a wheelchair stood up tremblingly and took a small step forward, his old face was full of joy.

There was also an old lady with a bloated figure, who turned around in a circle, and she looked more flexible than a ballet dancer, and she laughed like a silver bell.

The most interesting thing is that the green plants in the green belts all look like they are drunk, staggering, poking around, as if alive.

The most astonishing thing was that all kinds of small animals had sprung up all over the streets, staying motionless on the ground.

If someone took a closer look, they would find a gleam of excitement in the eyes of small animals like stray cats and dogs.

They all chose to squat on the ground, staring straight at the sky where 'Oumuamua landed.

As for those insects, ants, birds, etc., their behavior is also very strange.

At first they all looked very busy, but now, they were surprisingly quiet, as if petrified, motionless, even if someone passed by them, they couldn't attract their attention at all.


This world seems a little different.


This is aura!

Ye Chong's face was startled, his heart was shocked, and his eyes were soon filled with ecstasy.

There is no doubt that these green light clusters are actually liquefied aura clusters.

Otherwise, it is impossible for everything to become vigorous and thriving all at once.

What's more, in his previous life experience, he had already dealt with spiritual energy. Although the resource of spiritual energy at that time was not so rich, there is no doubt that the breath is completely the same, and it is the root of the same aura between heaven and earth. gas.

"Am I dreaming?" Ye Chong was a little dazed, "Oumuamua landed on the earth today when I was reborn 100 years ago, and this barren world has actually recovered its aura."


Ye Chong looked around with piercing eyes.

I saw that in the process of spreading in all directions, the liquefied aura began to gasify continuously, and the speed was extremely fast.

After a short time, the green light group between the sky and the earth disappeared and returned to its original appearance.

"Ye Chong, this doesn't seem to be the same as what was said on the Science Discovery Channel, we are still alive!" Niu Yuanyuan's face was rosy and she was surprised, "And I don't feel uncomfortable at all, even very comfortable, what's going on? Am I dreaming?"

"Yuanyuan, you are not dreaming!" Ye Chong said slowly, his eyes sparkling:

"We are witnessing a miracle! That 'Oumuamua is not an ordinary star, nor is it an alien spacecraft, but a spiritual energy cluster. It collided with the earth, but it did not destroy the earth, but Let the earth have real vitality."

"Ye Chong, how do you know this?" Niu Yuanyuan was surprised and puzzled, "You give me a very different feeling from before. Now you are like an omniscient prophet, and you are like an omniscient prophet." A saint who has been through it all."

"I am not a prophet, let alone a saint, but a real me who woke up from a dream." Ye Chong smiled, "Yuanyuan, I am honored to welcome and face such a brand new world with you , I think, a new life has begun!"


Suddenly, at the position where 'Oumuamua landed, there was a dull sound.

Followed by.

I saw a thick green beam of light erupting upwards from the ground, majestic and majestic.


The entire night sky began to rippling with dense and flowing green mist, which was endless and continuous.

All of a sudden, everything in the world fell into a joyful madness.

what? !

Ye Chong's face changed suddenly, and his eyes were filled with disbelief.

What the hell is going on here? !

Has the earth seal been opened? !

Could it be that 'Oumuamua's visit to the earth is not just as simple as bringing rich aura, but to stimulate the aura seal deep in the earth's core? !

When thinking of this, Ye Chong stretched out his hand to grab his breath, felt slightly, his face brightened, and he nodded.

That's right!

The legendary world of spirit veins deep in the core of the earth has been unsealed!

This side of the world has truly entered the great era of aura recovery!

Whether it is joy or sorrow, there is no way to judge.

Whether it is a blessing or a disaster, who has the final say?

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