After closing the patio door, Ye Chong stood in front of the window, looking out quietly.

He even quietly released his mental power and explored cautiously.

You can be sure, no one.

The mysterious black figure that appeared quietly left here again without a sound.

"This person's speed is so fast, coming in a blink of an eye, leaving in a blink of an eye, coming and going without a trace, he is definitely a master, at least much better than me in terms of body skills.

And mental power.

If it wasn't for my instinctive reaction, I woke up with a startled start, and I didn't even know that someone was watching me secretly, which shows that the other party's method of using mental power is very clever.

Undoubtedly, this man knew psychic skills, and performed them so well that I hardly noticed them.

He is a warrior!

There are very few people who are not warriors who practice spiritual power, because it is extremely difficult and very dangerous. If you don't pay attention, your spirit will short-circuit and become a member of the mentally ill.

Even if there are non-warriors like Lin Xiaomei and me who practice quietly, what they practice is a simplified version of spiritual power skills, not spiritual skills.

Strictly speaking, the detection of mental power is not a mental skill, but after practicing the mental power technique, the mental power can be improved, and it is accompanied by the strengthening of the mental perception ability.

Mental skills are different.

It is a means and skill to use mental power.

For example, both observation and detection, primitive and instinctive detection of mental power, is done by touching and colliding with the body and spirit of the target. When you detect the other party, the other party will also find out what you are doing.

However, the skills related to detection in the spiritual skills are not to touch and collide with the target stupidly, but to observe and observe closely like flying eyes.

This time, if the other party wasn't too presumptuous and too close, I wouldn't have noticed it at all.

Speaking of it, I also have to thank the bear stuff system, if the small characters were not suddenly distorted, I would not feel abnormal. "

Ye Chong sat cross-legged on the ground quietly, without any sleepiness.

The appearance of a strange black shadow made him a little uncertain.

That is a warrior.

Although he didn't know what level of martial artist the opponent was, he could make a preliminary inference after thinking about it.

A martial artist who has time to practice spiritual power skills, and has a body like a ghost, probably won't be at the level of a junior martial arts fighter.

Because people in this realm have just become martial artists, more time and energy should be spent on practicing basic martial arts skills, so as to stabilize their bodies, strengthen their vitality, and lay a solid foundation for future development.

Ye Chong's face changed.

If so, that black shadow is above the level of an intermediate martial arts fighter.

"In front of warriors of this level, I'm afraid I don't even have a chance to escape.

At the same time, it also illustrates a problem.

Although the number of students recruited by Kyushu Martial Arts Academy has expanded from 4000 to 5000 this time, there are very few warriors here.

the reason is simple.

Breaking through from a quasi warrior to becoming a warrior requires a lot of resources.

And these resources are not easily available to everyone.

Even the martial arts sects and families in the martial arts world, when it comes to the breakthrough of their disciples, they don't just wave their hands and squander them casually.

Now that there is a Martial Arts Academy, the Global Martial Arts Federation and the National Martial Arts Department jointly run the school, and the funds and resources are basically guaranteed, why not let the disciples who are about to break through go to the Martial Arts Academy to make a breakthrough?

Most importantly, the large amount of resources saved in this way can also be used in targeted breakthroughs for higher-level disciples. "

When Ye Chong thought of this, he frowned, stood up slowly, and looked out the window.

"I'm afraid it's not just that Kyushu Martial Arts Academy has fewer martial artists enrolled, but it's the same in every martial arts academy.

As a representative of powerful force, warriors, in the current turbulent and dangerous environment, no sect, family or institution is willing to let them go.

no way.

You have to use them to protect the safety of your foundation.

Therefore, the Kyushu Martial Arts Academy will not have many martial arts students, and the level will not be high. It is not bad to reach the middle stage of junior martial arts fighters, and will never exceed the high stage of junior martial arts fighters, let alone reach the peak of junior martial arts fighters. "


Ye Chong's expression changed.

"Damn it.

Could it be that the mysterious shadow is not a student, but a teacher?

What the hell!

If it's really a teacher, why don't you watch me dry?

It's not a good thing to be sneaky and sneaky! "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong was really a little confused.

After he came to Jiuwu Academy, he didn't have much contact with the teacher.

The most time is to participate in the double election in the big square.

But the problem is, the whole process did not offend any teacher.

Teachers from the four major departments of the Martial Arts Research Department, the Martial Arts Command Department, the Martial Arts Refining Department, and the Martial Arts Refining Department are calling for him to join?

Could it be that he didn't join, which made those teachers hate him?


Martial arts teacher is not a child!

Each of them has different personalities and tempers, but their status and realm are there, and it is impossible to feel bad about such a trivial matter.

Besides, Bao Sihai said that the selection of people with strong combat power to enter the Martial Arts Combat Department is because of Xiao Yan Jinglei's erm meaning, and it is all for the development of the Nine Martial Arts Academy.

Therefore, it is impossible for the teachers of the four major departments to trip him up because of this.

So, Bao Sihai?

Ye Chong smiled wryly and shook his head.

He knew in his heart that this was even more impossible.

In the big square, Bao Sihai gave him enough face, and of course he also gave Bao Sihai enough face, the two of them were not stupid, instead of creating a gap, they had a tacit understanding and got closer.

"Since that person can't be a student, and I didn't offend the teacher, who is he?

Isn't he from the Nine Martial Arts Academy?

it is good.


Then what are you watching me for?


There is no reason.

I have no acquaintances in Zhongdu, especially martial arts masters.

Moreover, martial arts masters outside of Jiuwu Academy will not easily smear into the school, go for a walk in the tiger's den, isn't their head sick?

It should still be the teacher of Nine Martial Arts Academy.

But the problem is still... he stays up in the middle of the night, why did he come to observe me?

Are you kidding me?


Because my mental power has changed from 5 units to 6 units just now, and I have broken through from a two-star quasi-warrior to a four-star quasi-warrior?

It just so happened that that person passed by and sensed this? "

Ye Chong didn't want to think wildly.


no way.

Being prepared for danger in times of peace and being cautious is one of the rules for surviving in the world of martial arts.

It's better to have a headache thinking about it than to be clicked unsuspectingly.


Even if you think about some things with your heart, you may not be able to understand them.

The only advantage is that there is an extra string in people's hearts, and they always remind themselves that danger may lurk not far away.

Before I knew it, the night passed.

Looking at the sky that was slowly brightening outside the window, Ye Chong's face was full of gloom, as if heavy rain was coming and dark clouds were overwhelming.

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