Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 147 Handling Opinions

"Okay, then I will punish you." Bao Sihai, who is tall and broad, looked at Ye Chong with a slightly appreciative gaze, nodded and said:

"First, you successfully broke into the big circle, which means you have obtained the qualification to enter the Martial Arts Actual Combat Department, but you didn't take the initiative to register the information. Instead, you let us teachers wait here. You are suspected of despising your elders and insulting the Martial Arts Actual Combat Department. 30 points as a punishment."

"Second, you wantonly broke into the big circle, brought chaos, affected others, and disqualified many people who should have entered the Martial Arts Actual Combat Department. You are suspected of disturbing order and provoking the authority of the Martial Arts Actual Combat Department. It is unforgivable. Deduct 50 points as a punishment."

"Third, you ignored it and left alone. You were asked to come back. You pretended not to know and refused to come back. It's really annoying. I will temporarily order you to deduct 10 points as a punishment."

"Fourth, before you broke into the big circle, you committed a crime as a student, disregarded your elders, and disrupted the order of double selection. You cannot escape the crime, and you should be deducted 50 points.

However, as a male warrior, you have a strong heart, which can be regarded as some warrior's arrogance and domineering. Moreover, the second handling opinion has already punished you. In order to avoid double punishment, 10 points will be deducted. "

"Fifth, the cause and effect are clear. In order to maintain the authority and dignity of the Martial Arts Department and ensure that the interests of others are not infringed, I order you to swipe your card on the recorder now, quickly, immediately, and join the Martial Arts Department. Make no mistakes!"

"Ye Chong, do you have any objections to my punishments for you?"


The huge square became lively like a volcanic eruption.

"Director Bao deserves to be the deputy director of the Martial Arts Combat Department. There are rewards and punishments, justified and well-founded. It's amazing. Ye Chong can't say anything."

"I'll go! Director Bao really knows how to settle accounts. He rewarded Ye Chong with 110 million points, and then deducted 100 million points. After all, he still rewarded Ye Chong with 10 points. Emmm, it seems not bad."

"Hehe, Director Bao's purpose for doing this... is actually very simple. He wants Ye Chong to join the Martial Arts Department. I'm afraid Ye Chong won't be able to escape."

"It's really enviable! I've tried my best, and I can't get in if I want to enter the martial arts combat department. Ye Chong is so good. With his strength, I can easily get in. I can't leave even if I want to, and I still have 10 points Take it for nothing, no one can stay."

"Ye Chong is stupid enough, don't you understand this matter? As long as you join the Martial Arts Combat Department, there will be absolutely good things going on, and priority will be given to treatment. This is a great opportunity."


"Lao Ye, what are you thinking?" Zhang Dong approached Ye Chong and whispered, "The opportunity is here, if you refuse, you will probably have a grudge against the teachers of the entire Jiuwu Academy. Unwelcome."

When talking about this, Zhang Dong raised his head, looked at the teachers on the wooden platform, and continued to Ye Chong:

"Lao Ye, I, Zhang Dong, dare to assure you that the teachers in the Martial Arts Combat Department are the best. I, Zhang Dong, will say something as your best friend. Brother, come on, let's join the Martial Arts Combat Department together. Let us two brothers become the right arm of the Martial Arts Department, no, the mainstay! I, Zhang Dong..."


Before Ye Chong could speak, there was a sound of vomiting, as if everyone had eaten their stomachs.

"Made, is this guy named Zhang Dong trying to persuade Ye Chong, or is he advertising himself? I'm afraid people won't know his name is Zhang Dong, right?"

"I'll go! It's a fight too! Haha, did you hear that Zhang Dong flattered me? It's a piece of cake, right?"

"Not only that, hehe, Zhang Dong said that he and Ye Chong are brothers. The relationship is so strong, no one will dare to provoke him in the future, right?"

"Brother? No, I think he is a gay friend, right?"

"Don't tell me, if they both join the Martial Arts Actual Combat Department, although they can't be called mainstays, they can still be regarded as a couple of celebrities, right?"

"Wow, it turns out that his name is Zhang Dong. He is very handsome. I like his nose."


For a while, there was a lot of whispering at the scene, saying everything.

No wonder.

The sources of students of Martial Arts Academy are complicated.

Some of them come from the martial arts sect and martial arts family in the martial arts world.

Part of it comes from current students, including universities and middle schools.

Another part comes from the society, and the industries vary widely.

In terms of age, the younger ones are only thirteen or fourteen years old, while the older ones are all over 40 and [-] years old.

Different ages and different experiences lead to different views and viewpoints when looking at the same thing, and even different focus points.

At this moment, although Ye Chong's face was still calm, his heart was already turbulent and agitated.

Seeing him looking at the tall and broad Bao Sihai, he said slowly:

"I agree with the punishment opinions from the first to the fourth, but I don't accept the fifth punishment opinion."

"Okay, then tell me why you don't accept it?" Bao Sihai, who is tall and broad, smiled slightly, "Tell me a reasonable reason."

"What the Martial Arts Combat Department needs are future masters in actual combat, that is, people who will soon become warriors," Ye Chong said in a calm voice, and continued:

"Too bad I'm not.

I'm not even a one-star quasi-warrior.

To become a warrior, there is still a long way to go.

Therefore, when I entered the Martial Arts Actual Combat Department, I would not be able to win glory for the department, but would discredit the Martial Arts Actual Combat Department. "

When he said this, a look of sadness appeared on Ye Chong's face, and then he said slowly:

"Therefore, as a student of Nine Provinces Martial Arts Academy, if I can't win glory for the academy, then I must strictly restrain myself and not discredit Nine Provinces Martial Arts Academy.

Director Bao, it is precisely for this purpose that I chose to reject the recruitment of the Martial Arts Combat Department today.

For the sake of the college, for the departments, and for the dear students, I am willing to give up my rights.

Thanks to me alone, I keep my heart to reflect the history. "


The teachers and students above and below the wooden platform all sprayed.

There are even... some people inadvertently released a warm smell, which was melodious and endless.

"Haha, Ye Chong is really selfless, give up the small self, and achieve the big self, awesome, awesome."

"Ye Chong fought hard not to enter the actual martial arts department. The key is, is he blackmailing himself? Or is he boasting?"

"Fuck! Ye Chong's violent impact on the big circle just now is definitely at the level of a lunatic. I'm afraid that a quasi-martial artist with three stars or above can't even catch a move in front of him? But he said that entering the martial arts combat system will To discredit the department, does anyone believe it?"


At this time, Zhang Dong approached Ye Chong and said loudly:

"Lao Ye, it's okay, if you don't know anything, or if you don't have a good foundation, just ask me, Zhang Dong.

Although I, Zhang Dong, have no skills, I am a three-star quasi-warrior. I think I was the one who defeated countless quasi-warriors back then.

Hahaha, Ye Chong, you have entered the martial arts combat department, I, Zhang Dong, will cover you, don't be afraid! "


There was a burst of laughter at the scene.

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