"Personality?" Ye Chong's mouth curled up, "My personality is very irritable, do you want to try it?"

"Hey, buddy, it's my fault, excuse me, hehe." Zhang Dong immediately took a step back, waved his hands and said with a smile:

"The title of lunatic is not something ordinary people can get.

The reason why President Yan is called a lunatic is not because of a problem with his head, but because of his advanced military strength and amazing combat power, he is as desperate as a lunatic in battle.

I just heard about it this afternoon.

The last time the teachers and students of Jiuwu Academy went on a mission, if Principal Yan hadn't been there, half of the students would have died there. "

"What?!" Ye Chong frowned, "Is the mutant beast really that powerful?"

"Yes," Zhang Dong looked at the other party with admiration in his gaze, "or you are the person I, Zhang Dong admires the most right now."

"Hey, Lao Ye, your judgment is really right.

The teachers of Nine Martial Arts Academy did not encounter a wave of beasts, but were ambushed and attacked by monsters above S1 level.

If Principal Yan hadn't reacted quickly and led the teachers to launch a crazy counterattack, the result would have been really hard to say. "

When he said this, Zhang Dong turned his head to look in the direction of the wooden platform, lowered his voice and continued:

"Many students who participated in the mission had mental problems after returning. It should be that the scene of the mission was too bloody and brutal, and they were stimulated.

Do you know why this two-way choice is more cruel, violent and strict than the rumors on the campus network forum? "

Ye Chong frowned, shook his head slowly, and did not speak.

"Hey, because of this mission, Principal Yan discovered many problems," Zhang Dong continued:

"Whether it's students from the Martial Dao Sect or the Martial Dao Family, or those of us who normally apply for the exam, many problems have been exposed.

The biggest problem is that the psychological quality is not strong enough, and it lacks the heart of a warrior.

As soon as those monsters above S1 charged down, the psychological defense of the students collapsed.

no way.

Who has seen such a scene?

The ferocious and terrifying mutant beasts cannibalize people alive in front of them. For these people who grew up in the greenhouse, can they bear it?

Anyway, if it was me, I would probably be paralyzed on the ground.

And ah.

But it's not just the poor mental quality.

Practical experience is also seriously lacking.

Obviously, three or five people can cooperate with each other to deal with S1 level monsters for a period of time.

However, it turned out that an S1-level monster was chasing ten quasi-warriors above two stars.


My heart is broken!

A plate of loose sand!


A crushing defeat!

Even some teachers who have just grown up are like this.

Lao Ye, tell me, can our Jiuwu Academy be less strict?

It is not strict!

If you can't practice it in school, if you go to the battlefield, then it's cannon fodder.

Do not!


It should be said that it is giving free food to other mutant beasts. "

"So, by saying so much, you are actually telling me that the title of lunatic is a supreme honor to me?" Ye Chong raised his lips, "Well, I'll accept it for now."

"Lao Ye, it's up to you whether you accept it or not," Zhang Dong waved his hand, "If everyone thinks you're crazy, then you can't refuse at all."

"Also, Lao Ye, the word lunatic actually has a deeper meaning—turning the tide by one person.

Hehe, before there was Crazy Yan who rescued the teachers and students of Jiuwu Academy from the crowd of monsters, now there is Crazy Ye who turned the tide and rescued Zhang Daxiaxian and his wife, congratulations! "

"Get out!" Ye Chong gave the other party a contemptuous look, and let out a low growl, "Say, where are you going to eat? I'm starving to death."

"Yes, yes, I'm treating you to a big meal today. Let's go," Zhang Dong grinned and pointed in the direction of the restaurant, "Hurry up, I'm afraid you won't have a big meal if you go late."

"..." Ye Chong's face turned green, "What you said about treating me to a big meal is in a free restaurant."

"Yes, what's the problem?" Zhang Dong blinked, "If you don't eat a big meal in the hall, do you still have to go to the small hall upstairs to have a small meal? Doesn't it cost money? I'm not stupid .”


Ye Chong's face changed, and he looked at Zhang Dong with a look of deep disappointment, then he snorted angrily, turned and left.


Eating a free meal in the lobby of a free restaurant is not eating a free buffet?

Why do you still need someone to ask for this?

"Hey, Lao Ye, look at you petty, I said I invited you, at least let me have a look," Zhang Dong shouted, and hurried a few steps, "At least let me serve the plate or something It’s really not possible, I...what the hell...I will let you bite half of the meat buns for one person?"

At this moment, a deep voice came from the direction of the wooden platform:

"That classmate, come back!"

"We are all waiting for you here, but you are fine, just turn around and leave like a normal person, are you embarrassed?!"


Zhang Dong stopped immediately, pointed to his nose and said, "Teacher, you called me? What's the matter?"

The tall and strong male teacher on the wooden platform looked cold and said angrily to Zhang Dong: "Call your friend back! Who told him to go?!"


Zhang Dong was stunned for a moment, and immediately hurried two steps away, patted Ye Chong's arm and said, "Lao Ye, wait, didn't you hear the teacher call you?"

"I'm in a hurry to go to the restaurant to eat a free meal. If I don't have it, wouldn't it be a disappointment to the friendship of your old man?" Ye Chong didn't bother to look back, and continued to walk forward, his stomach barking loudly. , "Damn it, you told me to bite half of the steamed stuffed bun, don't be so reckless then!"

"I'll go, Lao Ye, I'll give you all the meat buns, you wait!" Zhang Dong pulled Ye Chong, but he couldn't hold back, so Xuan didn't bring himself a big somersault, "Crazy you! Lao Ye !"

"If you dare to take another step forward, you will be punished for violating the top ten disciplines on campus, and you will be deducted 10 points!" The tall and broad male teacher stood on the wooden platform with his hands on his hips, angrily, "I don't believe me Bao Sihai can't deal with you kid!"


Ye Chong's left foot that had just stepped up suddenly hovered in the air.

I saw his eyes narrowed slightly, and he was about to drop his big feet down.

"From now on, everyone counts for me, one step is 10 points, and ten steps is 100 million points!" The tall and broad Bao Sihai said with an irresistible majesty in his voice, "After the points are deducted, Then sweep the floor out, wherever you came from, then go back.”

Ka Ka Ka!

The veins on Ye Chong's forehead were throbbing violently.

It’s impossible not to jump violently, is it still violent?

One step is one hundred thousand points, ten steps is one million points.

Ma Dan.

For every student, the points of the Martial Arts Academy are the most important treasure, and it is simply life.

Without it, it means that there are no cultivation resources.

There is no weapon of the warrior.

There is no martial arts elixir.

There are no martial arts skills.

No combat skills.

No... everything!

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