
Ye Chong's figure flickered, blooming every step of the way.

Not seeing much movement from him, he passed through the turbulent crowd and came to the girl on the ground.

The girl's face was as golden as paper, her breath was like gossamer, her eyes were closed tightly, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of her mouth.


Ye Chong raised his head, glanced coldly at the wooden platform, and then said coldly:

"Since you are teachers, you should be role models. Now, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the girl has been seriously injured and her life is not long, but you are sitting on the stage. Are you watching a monkey show?"

"Still appreciating, observing and enjoying the joy of killing?!"


There was an uproar on the wooden platform.

"Little guy, if you want to become an accomplished warrior, you need to sharpen your body in the situation of life and death in order to achieve yourself.

The girl in your arms is indecisive and indecisive in dealing with things, and has no clear judgment on the surrounding environment. She is seeking her own death, so why are you angry?

Speaking of which, for those who are not capable of force, those who do not understand things, and those who have improper strategies, it is better to die early than to die late, and to be injured early is worse than to be injured late, so as not to waste resources. "

"Hehe, that girl was just frightened and angry. She was seriously injured and passed out. She is safe and sound, so you don't have to worry too much."

"Student, I think your agility is not bad. Why don't you try it out next time. If you can still stand in the court after 10 minutes, then you are a student of the Martial Arts Department. This opportunity is rare and should not be missed."

"You kid, you dared to yell at the teacher of the Martial Arts Combat Department just now, you really have the guts!

If there is another time, you will be deducted [-] points in the name of violating the top ten disciplines, to see if you are not honest? ! "


Listening to the teacher on the wooden platform, Ye Chong couldn't help but feel a surge of blood, but he was also a little dazed.

He knew very well in his heart that what the teachers said was right, and training martial artists should not be based on love and lectures.

Seeing that he was hurt and wronged, he immediately went to appease him. It was not for his own good, but for his harm.

But Ye Chong felt awkward right now.

Especially when I saw the bleak face of the injured girl, I felt even more uncomfortable.

"If she's a man, I'm okay with that.

But she is a girl after all, it is very uncomfortable for you to ignore her when she suffered such a serious injury in front of everyone.

I, Kyushu, China, is a vast country. Since ancient times, martial arts have been used in the world. Male martial arts are the main force in the battle. Even if blood is splashed on the battlefield, it is normal for horse leather shrouds.


"But what?" Before Ye Chong could finish speaking, a male teacher who was five-year-old and three-year-old on the wooden platform sneered and said:

"But as a male martial artist, don't you only yell in the audience and uphold justice, but you just don't dare to go on stage and fight like a man, right?"

"Who said that?!" Ye Chong looked at the other party coldly, "I just don't bother to fight!"


There was an uproar on the wooden platform, and every teacher had a smile on his face.

"Ha ha!"


"What a nice boy!"

"That's right, that's right, don't let go of the female student, you can hold her tighter, so that she can die faster."

"Young man, please put her down. She was seriously injured, so it's better to lie flat. Well, I'll treat her, so you don't need to touch her."



Ye Chong shook his body, so he didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Now there is a deep doubt in his heart——

Ma Dan.

Are these guys sitting on the wooden platform really teachers?

One by one, they would not save their lives, but even sarcasm and sarcasm those who acted bravely, which is simply despicable and shameless.

At this moment, someone howled in the big circle: "Lao Ye! Lao Ye! Come on... Come on..."


Ye Chong stood up and looked over.

I saw Zhang Dong and the two girls eating at the next table in the restaurant, all holding their heads, being bombarded frantically by a group of guys in black sweaters.

The sound of bang bang bang can be heard from far away.

What the hell!

court death!

Ye Chong cursed angrily, and rushed over with two fists in hand.

When the two men in black sweaters saw someone daring to approach, they kicked them immediately.

But what they didn't expect was that the person who came was raised more than two meters high on the spot, and then kicked them hard in the face with two big feet.


Amidst two screams, the two crashed directly into the crowd in black sweaters.


All the black sweaters looked over, and everyone had a cold look in their eyes.

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and he walked straight forward without saying a word.



The third attacking man in black sweater swung his right fist straight, but he didn't want to collide with Ye Chong's right fist. Immediately, there was a clear sound of bone shattering, which was very sour to people's ears.

The fourth man in black hoodie jumped up to a height of more than two meters, his legs cut towards Ye Chong like scissors, but he didn't expect the latter to dodge or dodge at all, and bombarded down with his two fists like a hammer.




The cracking of bones and screams sounded almost simultaneously.

Then the fourth fell to the ground with a thud.


It doesn't stop there.

Ye Chong raised his big foot and stepped on it. The fourth person immediately passed out with feces and urine.

A bloody smell mixed with a warm and stinky smell began to waft from the scene, as well as the smell of urine.



Swish swish!

Ye Chong staggered his left and right feet, and immediately rushed into the group of black sweaters.




The sound of bone shattering and extremely miserable screams rang out completely.

The originally handsome black sweaters lost their aloofness.

Everyone was like stray dogs and cats being chased, with their tails clamped and they ran away frantically.


In the face of efficient, simple and practical steps, they can't run away, and they can't hide.

Click click!


The sound of the explosion continued to spread in all directions.

At this time, the teachers on the wooden platform were all taken aback.

Everyone was looking at Ye Chong with disbelief.

There is one question on their minds——

Is it right or wrong to use the worst provocation method to provoke this perverted beast just now?


Ye Chong's body changed to block the other black sweater's retreat, and then, under the other's horrified gaze, he slapped it like a fly.


Suddenly, a lot of space was vacated in front of him, and even more than half of the nearby big circle was vacated.


The scene suddenly became quiet.

There was no voice.

No panting.

No farts.

It was as if everyone at the scene had been petrified, transfixed by the blood of feces and urine.

It's just... everyone's eyes on Ye Chong were full of disbelief.

"Old...Old Ye," Zhang Dong's voice trembled, "Are you human?"

"Fuck!" Ye Chong looked at the other party with a look of disdain, "If I am not human, do you think you can still be human now?"

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