
Tables, chairs and benches rattled.

Zhang Jun stood up in a panic.

For a moment, the female foreman and waitress at the bar all looked over with somewhat surprised eyes, and at the front desk farther away, the lobby manager and three or four waiters all raised their heads, their faces full of doubts.

"Sir, don't worry, haha, sit down quickly, sit down quickly," Zhang Jun stood in front of Ye Chong with a smile on his face, "Haha, our Zhongdu Hotel recently served a new dish of pan-fried foie gras, which tastes really delicious. Not bad, sir, if you are free tonight, how about I ask you to try it?"

"Mr. Zhang, you're welcome. I'm in a hurry, so I'll treat you another day." Ye Chong waved his hand, "It's my fault too! My friend sent me these black truffles, and said they were in a hurry, and the price is negotiable , I was so happy, I happened to be next to the Zhongdu Hotel again, so I wanted to come in and find a good drink, but I didn't expect... oh... I left!"

"Don't, don't, sir, wait, let's talk again." Zhang Jun was really anxious, beads of sweat rolled down his forehead.

no way.

He was about to fall off the most dangerous cliff in his career, and he finally saw a straw stretching over him. Whether it could save his life or not, he just grabbed it first.

Otherwise, it would be death, or the kind of body smashed to pieces.

"Mr. Zhang, what are you...what are you doing?" Ye Chong covered his backpack with both hands, "The customer is still waiting for me to deliver the goods, who is to blame for the delay?"

"Hey, sir, listen to me," Zhang Jun rubbed his hands together, his face was a little red, he was afraid that if there was no one here, there would be a possibility of doing something, "Haha, I dare not say anything else, look at the whole world In Zhongdu, there are only things that others can’t afford, and there is absolutely no price that our Zhongdu Hotel can’t afford.”

"Huh?" When Ye Chong heard this, the corners of his mouth could not help but turned up, and he looked at the other party with a half-smile, "Boss Zhang's words...hehe...I'm afraid I'm talking too much?"

"Full? It doesn't exist." Zhang Jun touched Ye Chong's arm lightly, and laughed, "To tell you the truth, before the new era, I have participated in many world-class food auctions on behalf of Zhongdu Hotel .”

"I remember that in this place of Zhongdu, as long as our Zhongdu Hotel makes a move, there is no ingredient that cannot be taken away.

Take that auction a year ago, for example.

The starting price for a 259kg blue flag tuna is 300 million yuan, but our Zhongdu Hotel finally won it at a price of 1200 million yuan.

Haha, although there is a lot of premium, our Zhongdu Hotel has to take down the words Zhongdu Hotel for nothing else. "

"Excellent." Ye Chong smiled slightly and nodded, "The Zhongdu Hotel really is a big deal."

"Haha, sir, Zhongdu Hotel is known as the number one restaurant for top-notch gourmet food in the industry, and it is by no means a vain name." Zhang Jun said proudly:

"The ingredients that can be eaten in other places can definitely be eaten in Zhongdu Hotel, and it will definitely be better. If you want to eat the delicious food in Zhongdu Hotel, there is basically no food in it. possible."

"Mr. Zhang, are you a little full of words?" Ye Chong patted his shoulder bag lightly, "The private club I'm going to send these things to, whether it's the quality of the ingredients or the level of cooking skills, I'm afraid It will not be lower than Zhongdu Hotel.”

"What? A private club?" Zhang Jun's face changed slightly, looking a little unnatural.

A private club can be large or small, simple or luxurious, open or dark, it may be a gathering place for billionaires, or it may be a place for ordinary people to have fun.

Who can tell clearly the level of ingredients and cooking level inside?

What if it is an unborn private kitchen descendant or official cuisine inheritance?

"I remember that the dishes made by this private club are very low-key and luxurious." Ye Chong smiled slightly and looked at the other party. "After all, the banquet is for celebrities, and everyone has seen the world."

"Yes, yes, what you said is right," Zhang Jun nodded, "The central capital is rich and prosperous, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and there are many talented people. The private club where the delivery is made by Mr. What they are looking at is not simple. I wonder if Mr. Zhang can open his eyes?"

"Hehe, Zhang is always a showman, full of vigor, if I don't show you this guy today, I will be stingy, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out of this door." Ye Chong glanced at the other party with a half-smile, and then carried his backpack After putting it on the bar table, Chi La unzipped it.

"Oh, sir, I laughed." Zhang Jun rubbed his hands and hurried to the bar table, his eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "The main reason is that I smell the fragrance in the bag of the gentleman, haha, I am so intoxicated, it is difficult since……"

Halfway through Zhang Jun's speech, he stopped abruptly. He stared straight at the palm-sized black truffle that Ye Chong took out from his bag, his face full of excitement.


He looked at Ye Chong with deep expectation.

"Mr. Zhang, please," Ye Chong smiled slightly, tilted his head, and made a gesture of invitation, "You are welcome."

Zhang Jun rubbed his hands, wiped his thighs on both sides, and then leaned over and carefully picked up the black truffle.


Heavy panting began to sound.

Interestingly, the female foreman at the bar and the tall waitress all walked over quietly, all blinking in amazement.

Among them, the tall waitress even kept moving her nose, and her eyes gradually blurred, as if her graceful body was about to completely melt in happiness.

Several waiters and guests at the front desk also looked over one after another, each with a look of curiosity in their eyes.

If it wasn't for work discipline, I'm afraid all of them would come over to find out.

After all, there are not too many things that can make the well-informed deputy general manager of the purchasing center scramble.

Da da da!

Several guests who were going through the formalities couldn't wait any longer, and rushed to the bar one after another.

The manager in the lobby looked happy, and followed the guests unhurriedly towards the bar.

"Sir, these black truffles are of high quality and firm in texture. They are really the best." Zhang Jun held the palm-sized black truffle in both hands and sniffed it gently. "Judging from the color, fragrance and feel of the black truffle, it It was excavated within 24 hours, judging from the little black soil stained on it, it was produced in the Leqing Mountains."

"Huh?" Ye Chong raised his mouth and nodded, "Mr. Zhang has good eyesight! My friend really went to the Leqing Mountains not long ago."

"Sir, let's go to my office." Zhang Jun turned his head to look at the people who surrounded him, and frowned casually, "I invite you to drink tea."

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