Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 123 Strength is not allowed

Ye Chong shook his head slowly, and soon gave up his plan to choose the martial art refining department.

But at the same time, a helpless smile appeared on his face.

There are not many choices in front of him now.

One is the Martial Arts Combat Department.

One is the Martial Arts Command Department.

One is the Department of Martial Arts Studies.

Ye Chong knew very well in his heart that if he followed his original idea of ​​applying for the Martial Arts Academy, it would definitely be the most suitable for him to enter the Martial Arts Combat Department.

But now that he had other choices, he had to think about it seriously.

Especially in the current environment, the threat from mutant beasts is increasing day by day, and according to Yan Jinglei, the mutant beasts in the western mountains may not be easy.

You must know that most of the teachers of Jiuwu Academy come from the martial arts world that was hidden from the world in the old era. If any one of them was born in the world of the old era, he would undoubtedly become a god who summons wind and rain. exist.

For example, Li Yuanba back then was actually at most a registered disciple of the martial arts sect in the martial arts world, but he set off a storm in the secular world, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he swept the world.

If the martial arts world hadn't forcibly recalled him for fear of breaking the balance, it is estimated that the whole world would undergo major changes because of him alone.

However, not long ago, a group of martial arts masters who were stronger than not weaker than registered disciples like Li Yuanba suffered heavy losses under the ambushes and attacks of mutant beasts in the process of supporting Qinshan Town.

This shows what?

There is no doubt that, just like what Yan Jinglei said, the mutant beasts are strong enough now, to the point where they can stand up to martial arts masters.

It is very possible that among the mutant beasts that raided the teachers and students of Jiuwu Academy, many of them were monsters above S1 level, and there were even a large number of them.

Otherwise, someone like Yan Jinglei, who should be at least a junior or even an intermediate martial arts general, would still cause the teachers and students following him to be injured, and even pay the price of their lives or disappear?


The only explanation is that among those mutant beasts, there are a huge number of monsters above S1 level, and there are even many high-level monsters.

"So, if I choose to join the Martial Arts Department, I will soon face extremely serious and realistic problems.

That is to say, if the Nine Martial Arts Academy has missions again, I will most likely be one of them.

What else?

To participate in the battle, students from the Martial Arts Combat Department are not allowed to go, so should people from the Martial Arts Refining Department or the Martial Arts Refining Department be sent to die?


No matter in terms of actual combat ability or combat experience, students from the Martial Arts Combat Department are definitely more suitable, because they are fighters, fighters, and fighters. "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong scratched his head, looked around again, and couldn't help laughing at himself.

"Damn, although it was my original intention to enter the Martial Arts Combat Department, the current environment does not allow it. Looking at the current situation, I am afraid that the chances of getting a mission are not small. For me, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

Even if the teacher of the Martial Arts Combat Department has a high realm and strong strength, so what?

After all, I haven't advanced to the rank of warrior yet. With my own strength, maybe I can barely kill an S1 monster, but what if I meet two?

Or was it like the last time the teachers and students of the Jiuwu Academy were on a mission, they were ambushed and attacked?

If that's the case, with my current ability, the possibility of dying is very high.

and so……

Let me not consider the actual combat department of martial arts, right? "

no way.

Ye Chong knew in his heart that he thought this way, not because he was greedy for life and afraid of death, but because his own strength did not allow it.

As for the martial arts command department?

Ye Chong frowned.

The name of this department is very lofty, but I am afraid that it will not be able to escape the level of actual combat.

Otherwise, instead of cultivating command ability in actual combat, should we engage in theory behind closed doors?


The main faculty of Nine Martial Arts Academy are all from the world of martial arts. Like the universities in the old days, they will randomly set up a fancy professional blogger to cultivate a group of packaged waste?


Well, the problem is coming.

Since the students of the Martial Arts Command Department often participate in battles, the risks they face are not much different from those of the Martial Arts Combat Department.

" seems that my strength doesn't allow me to choose it."

Ye Chong touched the lobe of his ear. For some reason, his face felt a little hot, and he felt a little inexplicably embarrassed in his heart.

"Well, now there is only one option left - the Department of Martial Arts Studies.

Judging from Chen Bohu's introduction at the time, this major is mainly engaged in the research of martial arts skills and combat skills.

One of the most important purposes of this major is to research and improve basic martial arts and combat skills, making them easy to understand.

Or to be more precise.

It is through research, development and practice that some basic martial arts skills and combat skills are combined with reality, popularized and promoted to the general public, so that more people can master and practice them, and embark on the road of martial arts , Take the initiative to embrace the new era, so that in the deteriorating environment, we can break through the obstacles of the orcs and other threats, and create new glories for mankind.

It can also be put more simply.

The Department of Martial Arts Studies is a Martial Arts Teachers College, and the students it trains are all teachers who will popularize and promote Martial Arts in the future.

Although it is not yet possible for the newly enrolled students of the Martial Arts Academy to popularize and promote Martial Arts, it is only a matter of time.

The most important thing is that in the process of learning, they can make themselves comprehend a lot of things, and even have a great understanding of some difficult points.

That is to say, studying in the Department of Martial Arts has only advantages and no disadvantages for my cultivation of martial arts and combat skills.

After all, you need to be hard to strike iron.

I haven't cultivated martial arts skills and combat skills well, so how can I teach and educate people?



When Ye Chong thought of this, he couldn't help stretching his eyebrows and looking around.

He saw that the teachers in front were still introducing themselves one by one. To his surprise, the person making the introduction now was a young woman. From the outside, she might only look like 24 or [-] years old.

Can such a young man become a teacher at the Kyushu Martial Arts Academy?

How about her strength?

Junior martial arts fighter?

Intermediate martial arts fighter?

Advanced martial arts fighter?

still is……

Ye Chong smiled and shook his head.

With such a young appearance, it's not bad to be a martial artist. Ding Potian is only an intermediate martial arts fighter, and he can't be any higher.

But the problem is, including Yan Jinglei, the principal of Jiuwu Academy, and Chen Bohu, the executive vice-principal, are everyone so introverted, why don't they introduce their martial arts realm?

The young female teacher's self-introduction was very short, no more than ten seconds before and after, and then she showed a charming smile and walked away.

For some reason, Ye Chong immediately remembered her name—Zhou Xinxin.

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