Some black truffles are very soft in texture, but some black truffles are not like this. Speaking of them, they are like black iron blocks with a particularly high density.

What has happened here?

Ye Chong thought about it, but he didn't understand it. When there was a pig crying in the distance, he immediately stopped thinking about it.

Thinking what?

What's on your mind?

Pigs can eat this stuff, but people can't?

When thinking of this, Ye Chong smiled.

"Anyway, these mutated wild boars are vying to eat these things, and it is estimated that people will be fine if they eat them.

Didn't you say that compressed biscuits are also hard?

I have never seen anyone eat to death.


In case these heavy and hard things really deteriorate or break or something, then throw them away.

Anyway, it doesn't take up much space in this bag, and this weight is nothing to me. "

Ye Chong was thinking about it, but the work in his hands didn't stop, and he kept increasing the speed.

no way.

The sound of pigs in the distance is not quite right.

One after another.

one after another.

more and more.

It's getting louder.

"Damn, are there a lot of mutated wild boars gathering here?"

"Also, what's the matter with those wild boar's calls? It seems that the sound has changed?"

"Is there any need to be so angry?"

Swish swish!

Ye Chong's movements were quick, and there were too many black truffles in the pit, so it was easy to dig.

In fact, it's more like picking up.

It didn't take long, and the backpack was almost full, full of it.

However, there are still a lot of black truffles left in the big pit, which makes people feel a little distressed.

Boom boom boom!

Heavy running sounds and perverted pig calls came from all directions in the valley woodland.


When Ye Chong thought of this word, Sa Yazi ran away.

This is great!

Thousands of pigs are galloping.

The group of pigs cheered.

There was too much movement.

It's a bit like being in the Avorika prairie all at once.

The lion attacked, and the beasts ran wildly, rumbling, earth-shattering.

But the problem is, now it's just the other way around.

Thousands of pigs attacked, the cowards fled wildly, rumbled, and the earth shook.

However, Ye Chong was obviously not afraid at all.

What are you afraid of?

He is very aware of his own strength.

Take agility as an example, in fact, the most difficult thing is the ability to dodge and move in a cramped space. The test is the sensitivity, reactivity, coordination and accuracy of the body, and it also includes eyesight, physical strength, endurance and No matter which part of the mental effort goes wrong, it is an unforgivable mistake, and there is only one possible result, and that is death.

But once you get to a vast space, it's much easier.

Just like now, if you are attacked by thousands of pigs, why are you still running around in place?

run chant.

Speed ​​is king.

If you can't even run a pig, you might as well die.

However, Ye Chong thought so, and when he really ran, his expression changed.

These mutated wild boars run too fast.

If in the old days the speed of a cheetah was used to describe fast, then it must be changed now.

Ye Chong galloped again and again, observing the pigs behind him.

"Damn, I didn't expect pigs to run so handsomely? And they have strong explosive power and good stamina. Compared with them, cheetahs are definitely crushed.

The point is, what do these pigs want to do?

I have already rushed out of the Leqing Mountains, and I am about to enter the suburbs of Zhongdu, why are they still following me?

Damn, this movement..."

Ye Chong was a little worried, his face turned bitter.

What would happen if he rushed into Zhongdu City like this?

In case of hurting someone or something, whose responsibility is it?

The key is that he will go to the Leqing Mountains to dig truffles in the future.

Every time there is such a battle, it is because people all over the world don't know what he did in Leqing Mountain, right?

People nowadays are not stupid, one is smarter than the other.

You can figure it out at a glance.

A person repeatedly risked his life to enter the Leqing Mountains densely populated by mutant beasts, what was he doing?

The wages of avarice is death.

Even babies who have just crawled out understand this truth.

Hemp egg!

Ye Chong cursed secretly, turned around and ran down the Leqing Mountains.

three hours later.

Ye Chong returned to the Nanhu community wet.

As soon as he entered the room, he put down his backpack in a hurry, and then rushed to the bathroom to take a shower.


After washing, he put on his bathrobe and sat on the sofa.

"If I hadn't jumped into the river in a hurry, I guess I..."

"Damn, whoever you mess with in the future, you can't mess with these reckless pigs."

"Thanks to the fact that the backpack I bought is waterproof, otherwise, all the gains from a hard night's work would have been lost in vain."

Ye Chong understood very well.

Perhaps it is the most worry-free thing to wipe out all these mutant wild boars.

But the question is, can it be destroyed?

Even if it can be destroyed, how long will it take?

Besides, if this large group of wild boars were wiped out, would there be any other mutant beasts?

Could he wipe out all the mutant beasts in the Leqing Mountains?


Most importantly, without the help of these mutated wild boars, it would be difficult for him to spot the truffles.

and also.

Without the existence of these mutated wild boars, I am afraid that delicious truffles would not grow in the woodland.

It is true that wild boars like to eat truffles, and it is also true that truffles are inseparable from the moisture of wild boar excrement.

That is to say, the mutated wild boar and the truffle are closely related.

However, without the delicacy of truffles, the mutated wild boar would at most lose a mouthful of food, and if the truffles lacked the nourishment of the mutated wild boar, there would be no way out.

"It's impossible to kill all the mutated wild boars. I have to think of a way. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be difficult to make money by selling truffles."

Ye Chong stood up and walked around the room twice, but he didn't think of any good solution, so he had to stop thinking about it.


He came to the study with his backpack.


He opened the storage room under the bookcase.

Inside is a large storage space, and further inside is a uniformly configured safe. Of course, he has already changed the password.

In fact, he took a fancy to this house at the beginning, and a very important factor was the relatively large safe.

Soon, he pressed the fingerprint on his hand, then entered the password, turned it lightly, clicked, and the safe opened.

On the top floor of the safe are ten gold bricks, which he picked up from the small island bank in the Yingdao Islands during his trials.

On the bottom layer of the safe, there are several film bags, which contain some mutant animal materials collected during the trial.

Next, Ye Chong took out a membrane bag from his backpack, which contained dark black truffles, probably weighing more than 10 kilograms.

Soon, he opened the film bag, closed his eyes and smelled it, his eyebrows stretched, his head shook, and he looked very intoxicated.

Afterwards, he gently pulled the seal of the film bag, and placed the black truffle in the middle layer of the safe.

At this moment, Ye Chong looked at these things in the safe, and couldn't help but have a happy and joyful smile on his face.

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