Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 110 Can You Kneel Again


The expressions of Mou Dao and Mou Laosan both changed.

Who the hell is this guy? !

Just after beating people until their legs and feet were completely broken, one kneeling and unable to move, and the other lying down and unable to move, why do you want people to stand up again?

How do you stand?

Why can't I stand up!

Why is this person so difficult?

This is clearly trying to kill our rhythm!

"Wait, wait, I'll make it up to you, spare us," Mou Dao's face turned pale, "1! I'll compensate you 1, okay? Let's just let this matter go? Is that okay?"

"What?!" The corners of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, "You guys wasted so much of my physical strength and precious time, and you just want to pay 1 yuan. Is this how your Mou family behaves? Is it... really special?" Do you take me for a beggar?!"

Da da da!

Ye Chong walked slowly to Mou Dao's side, supported his legs with both hands, and looked at him coldly.

" don't act recklessly, what do you want... want to do...what?" Mou Dao was sweating profusely, leaning back constantly, obviously afraid of being slapped by the other party.

At this time, even if he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that the guy in front of him who lived at the bottom of the skyscraper was really too powerful and cruel, so he shouldn't be easily provoked.



If time could be turned back, he would never be able to stand up for the bastard Mou Laosan again and do the stupid things in front of him.

He was afraid.

I am really afraid.

From the bones to the facial expressions, as well as the eyes, I am afraid.

He originally thought that he would achieve extraordinary things after working hard since he was a child. He even looked down on the formal disciples of the family in private, thinking that they were just from good backgrounds, and other than that, they could not compare to him in anything else.

Not to mention the mundane world candidate who lives at the bottom of the skyscraper.

However, now, he really started to worry that the person in front of him would kill him on the spot without even blinking an eye.

There is no doubt that this possibility exists.

Although the Kyushu Martial Arts Academy has regulations - martial arts can be fought, but one cannot commit suicide in vain, otherwise one will be punished severely.


Heavy punishment?

What heavy punishment?

Fines are heavy penalties.

Confinement is also a heavy punishment.

Performing dangerous missions for the academy is also a heavy punishment.

Is it really heavy to get such a heavy punishment for killing a person in the process of fighting?

Mou Dao's eyes flickered, and even his soul trembled.

Ye Chong didn't speak, just looked at the other party so coldly, and even inadvertently glanced at a dagger in Mou Dao's waist.


A stream of cold sweat flowed directly from Mou Dao's head, dripping to the ground, as if washed by water.

Now Mou Dao really has the urge to kneel down, but why is he kneeling on the ground now, okay?

"Can you kneel again?!"

Mou Dao screamed silently in his heart, and tears flowed down his face.

At this time, the three Mou family children standing aside all looked at Ye Chong with smiling faces.

"Please spare us?"

"Student, let Mou Dao go, he is seriously injured and needs to be treated as soon as possible."

"What are you going to do to let us go?"

"Oh my god, what happened to Mou Laosan? Did he faint?"


Ye Chong gave these people a cold look, expressionless, did not speak, but slowly stretched out his hand, and pulled out the beautiful dagger from Mou Dao's waist.

"Don't...don't mess around!" Mou Dao shivered and growled like a sieve, but his voice was hoarse, like a fish exposed to the air that kept opening its mouth.

"Brother...Brother, please...let him go." The tallest Mou family boy drooped his hands, and his face had already turned extremely pale.


Ye Chong pulled out the dagger, and suddenly the light flickered, and the cold air was overwhelming.

He nodded involuntarily, and the corner of his mouth curved slightly.

Then, he slowly swung the dagger and patted Mou Dao's face lightly.


Mou Dao wailed directly and fell to the ground, crying silently with his mouth wide open, criss-crossing spittle eggs, which made people feel a little distressed.

"What, do you think 1 yuan can really compensate me for my loss?" Ye Chong stood up, gently lifted the opponent's chin with his feet and said.

"No...I can't." Mou Dao's snot and tears were mixed together.

Seeing a long stream of viscous liquid flowing towards the upper of the shoe, Ye Chong immediately pulled his foot back.


Mou Dao's chin hit the ground, making a crisp sound, which was accompanied by a miserable howl.

"Is it a man?" Ye Chong raised his mouth, looked at Mou Laosan who was lying motionless on the ground, and then looked at Mou Dao.

As a result, the latter kept nodding his head, looking very vigorous, and his chin collided with the concrete floor, making a thumping sound.


Ye Chong threw the dagger beside Mou Dao's head, and said immediately, "I'm very busy, and I don't want to waste time with you."

"You now have two options."

"One, offer a satisfactory price to compensate for all my losses."

"Second, you swallow this dagger, and from now on you and I will owe nothing to each other."

"Okay, tell me now, what's your choice?"


Immediately there was a commotion erupting up and down the skyscraper.

"Hey, boy from the Mou family, lose your money quickly, or he will definitely kill you without blinking an eye."

"You idiot of the Mou family, your life is important! If you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood."

"I'll go, this buddy is amazing, he's definitely going to fight the Mou family, he's brave, not bad."

"A non-martial arts candidate from the Martial Arts Academy independently challenged the Mou family of the Martial Dao family. I'm afraid this news will spread throughout the entire Zhongdu City?"


"Losing money!" Mou Dao roared in a hoarse voice, as if he had exhausted all his strength, but his voice was still not loud, "I... choose to lose money."

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, he didn't speak, and looked at the other party calmly.

"10," Mou Dao gasped heavily, "I am willing to pay 10."

Ye Chong raised his right hand, looked over and over, and then slowly clenched into a fist.

"50," Mou Dao shrank, "I can only give so much, I'm really poor."


Ye Chong raised his toe, and the dagger flew up and landed in his hand. Then he flicked the dagger with one finger, making a clear sound.

Immediately afterwards, the dagger fell from the air and hit the concrete floor with a bang, before it missed Mou Dao's cheek.

"100 million, I can only get together 100 million at most, and I can't give out any more money, kill me!" Mou Dao looked at the other party in horror, just like a little white rabbit staring at the other party. big eagle.

"Okay, then 100 million." Ye Chong nodded with a smile, looked at the people around him, and then said: "Just listen to your boss, one million per person, on-the-spot transaction."

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