Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 108 It's really not a problem

Five against one.

Simultaneously attack.

There was a lot of noise.

The momentum is like a rainbow.

It was like five lions rounding up a single bull.


There was a commotion on the tower.

Such a wonderful scene, for those who are determined to make great strides in martial arts, is full of bloody excitement, much better than watching some bad movies.

Ye Chong was neither happy nor angry, the wind was calm and calm, and his eyes were like autumn water, motionless.

It's just that his eyes didn't move, but his hands and feet moved, and they moved very violently.

In the blink of an eye, his right hand turned into a palm and struck from bottom to top.



There was a loud bang, and a miserable cry sounded.

Mou Dao's right forearm was broken directly from the middle, and his right palm suddenly drooped, as if it was only connected with a thin layer of skin.

The above actions are a long story, but the actual time is extremely short, three minutes faster than blinking.

Almost at the same time, Ye Chong's left foot flicked upwards, and the electric shot came out, just in time to kick Mou Laosan's right knee socket.



Before Boss Mou kicked the target, his right thigh lost contact with his right calf. He immediately screamed and sat on the ground.

At this time, he was surprised to find:

"Hey, why do my heels grow forward? It's amazing!"

At almost the same time that Mou Laosan was kicked, Ye Chong leaned forward and kicked his right foot out in reverse.

At the same time, his left foot suddenly kicked to the left rear.

At the same time, his hands stretched upwards, just enough to grab two wrists.

As a result, an interesting scene appeared.





The other two Mou family disciples all flew out, and the tallest Mou family disciple had a pale face, hanging his hands, his fists were severed from his wrists.


It was as if a pot had exploded on the tower, and there was a lot of noise.

"Fuck! This brother is overbearing!"

"Violence! Mad, this is violence, it's so beautiful!"

"Five people fucked one, and all of them were fucked up by one, my mother, this is very exciting!"

"Who is this person? Why does he live on the bottom floor of the skyscraper? It doesn't make sense. He should be a four-star quasi-warrior, right?"

"I think it might be a martial artist."

"Nice! This is the biggest news of Jiuwu Academy recently!"

"The biggest news is not the biggest news. The fact that the teachers and the masters of the martial arts sect and martial arts family set up missions is worthy of the biggest news."

"Yeah, why haven't you come back yet? I'm afraid it's not a very important task?"

"Hey, if the official disciples of the Mou family are here, I'm afraid this bratty little brother will be in trouble?"

"Actually, this guy called Mou Dao is quite powerful, and he can basically reach the general level of an official disciple of the Mou family, right? He didn't have a mission this time, mainly due to his lack of qualifications."

"Why are you not qualified enough?"

"What else could it be? You think that the formal disciples of the Mou family are willing to play with these disciples with other surnames who are given surnames. It's impossible, haha!"


All of a sudden, there was a lot of noise from the towering tower, saying everything.

However, there are obviously the most people watching the excitement here. Perhaps for them, as long as there is chaos, there will be battles, there will be excitement, and there will be good shows to watch.

This is an essential enjoyment in life.

Hearing the screams and the uproar around him, Ye Chong looked calm and indifferent.

As if everything that happened in front of him had nothing to do with him.

However, if you look carefully, you will find that his eyes are not silent, but a look of satisfaction overflowing.

Of course, he deserves pride and pride.

The practice of "Body Building Technique" allowed him to improve his physique far beyond ordinary people before the spiritual energy recovered, and after the spiritual energy recovered, under the raging spiritual energy storm, his body was broken and rebuilt, It also brought the cultivation of "Body Building Technique" to a new level.

The body data detected by the fully enclosed body measuring machine is 18 (7), but that is the data disguised by the bear game system.

In fact, the real data of his body is 20 (9), which is the physical data of a serious two-star quasi-warrior.

What's more, it's more than that.

You know, his body was broken into pieces under the effect of the spiritual energy storm.

What does it mean?

Do not break or stand.

Big break and big stand.

Break first and then stand.

Stand proudly.

This statement in "Building Body Art" is not just a joke.

Because the body and physique have been broken and erected, it is equivalent to tempering the original foundation of the body.

This is the cleansing of the deepest part of the body.

So what are the benefits of doing so?

Very simple.

Take building a house as an example.

The design drawings remain the same, but the materials are different.

For example, some houses are built with grass, some with wood, and some with steel...

Then, after the finished house is painted, from the surface point of view, there is no difference.

But, actually?

The difference is too big.

Maybe after a gust of wind, the thatched house fell down.

Maybe there was a big fire and the wooden house was destroyed.

However, a house with a cast steel frame will not collapse easily despite the wind, rain, and fire. After all, it is much stronger than a wooden house or a straw house.

The breaking and standing of the body is to make the ordinary body more tenacious and tough, and at the same time, the ability to resist external blows is also stronger.

Ye Chong's body data is 20 (9), compared with the two-star quasi-warrior who is also 20 (9) but has not undergone a big break, his body will of course be stronger and tougher.

Without considering the skills and skills, of course he will crush the opponent.

Because his body's various resistances are more prominent, his strength is stronger, his reaction is more sensitive, his body is more flexible, and his speed is faster.

It doesn't stop there.

In the last life, Ye Chong's body skills were very good.

In this life, once you start to practice again, it will be natural, and it will be a matter of course, especially in the process of trial, the progress is very great.

Therefore, with the strength much stronger than the average two-star quasi-warrior, Ye Chong defeated Mou Dao and others in one fell swoop, which is really nothing.

At this moment, Mou Dao broke his arm, Mou Laosan broke his leg, and the other three also lost their arms or legs. All five of them were severely injured and their expressions were sluggish.

"Why, it took me so much effort to meet your request," Ye Chong raised the corner of his mouth, "Are you planning to not even say thank you?"



You've been crippled, and you still want to say thank you?

what does it mean?

Mu Dao held the broken arm of his right hand with his left hand, and asked with a livid face:

"What did we ask for?"

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