Soon, Ye Chong turned on the lamp in the study and sat down.

I took out the card and took a look, only to see that the back was indeed filled with small characters.

However, these words are too small.

Every word is as big as a grain of rice, right?

Can't get any bigger.

At first glance, the fine print looks like a printed pattern.

If someone hadn't reminded him, who would stare at the card in a daze?

"Huh? These characters are so small that ordinary people may not be able to read them clearly without tools."

"But for people like us, it's different. Even if the words are three points smaller, there is no problem."

Ye Chong quickly took the card and read it carefully.

After more than ten minutes, he raised his head and sighed.

Judging from the information introduced on the card, it basically gave a brief introduction to the internal processes and main institutions of Jiuwu Academy.

When introducing the tower, the following points were mainly mentioned:

First, newly registered students are allocated dormitories according to their student numbers in principle. The high or low student number represents the ranking.

For example, Ye Chong's student number is 3691, that is to say, his grades rank 5000st out of 3691 people. At the same time, his dormitory number is also 3691, which is located at the bottom of the skyscraper.

Second, the Chongtian Building has 81 floors and can accommodate up to [-] students at the same time. There are no public elevators, stairs, etc. The internal elevators of Chongtian Mountain are only used by the school to transport materials.

Third, the higher the floor of the skyscraper, the better the living environment, the better the welfare conditions, and the more cultivation resources you get.

Fourth, there are a total of 5000 new students registered this time.

among them:

The student number is between 3001-5000, the dormitory is on the first floor.

Students with student numbers between 2001 and 3000, the dormitory is on the second floor.

The student number is between 1001-2000, the dormitory is on the third floor.

For those with a student number of 1000 and below, the dormitory is on the fourth floor.

Fifth, in principle, the adjustment of the floor of the skyscraper will be done every six months. Under special circumstances, it will be postponed or advanced. The adjustment method will be determined based on personal realm and martial arts achievements. The specific content is subject to the notice.


After seeing this information, Ye Chong finally felt better, but it soon became extremely complicated again.

There is no doubt that the height of the floor in the skyscraper means the degree of attention a person receives, and also determines the level of development opportunities.

For those who have not yet become quasi-martial artists, it may not be obvious to them.

Because the quasi-martial artist didn't spend much money on his previous training, at most he could eat some supplementary martial arts pills, and tens of thousands of dollars would be considered a lot.

After all, it is useless to eat too much of Wudan. After you develop drug resistance, it will no longer help you break through the limit, and it can also play a role in recovery.

But it will be different if you wait until the breakthrough from a quasi-warrior to a warrior, and the cost of millions of dollars at every turn may not be able to stop it.

If one develops from the level of a martial artist to the level of a junior martial arts fighter, each level of improvement will be doubled, dozens of times, or even geometrically increased. Such an astronomical cost is definitely not something ordinary people can afford.

Therefore, for those who want to make great progress in martial arts, it is not enough to rely solely on talent and hard work, but also to have strong financial support.

If there is no strong financial support, there are only three ways to go.

The first way is very simple.

Just give up.

Stop pursuing your dreams on the martial arts journey.

Let the dream bubble burst, turn around and be an ordinary person, maybe you can still do well.

The second way is also simple.

If there is no wealth, create wealth.

The world is so big, and there are more than thousands of ways to make money. You may not be able to do it, but you may not be able to think of it.

If you have the time to hide in a corner and shrink your head to feel sorry for yourself, it is better to use your brain and think about how to make money.

If you can't think of it, it's easy to handle.

As a martial artist, speak with martial arts.

Since there is no world in front of you, then hold your head high and fight for the world.

Claiming, progressing, and improving in the battle, the big deal is that people will be killed.

Live well, die happily.

The third way is better.

That is to get support from external resources.

For example, in the Kyushu Martial Arts Academy, as long as you continue to practice hard, sharpen your body, improve your strength, and defeat your opponents, you will be able to rise higher and higher in the skyscrapers, and you will get more and more training resources.

"So, the skyscraper is of great significance to me. It is related to the speed of my future development, and also determines whether I will achieve in the future."

Just as Ye Chong was thinking about it secretly, there was a sudden knocking sound upstairs.


Ye Chong frowned.

Is this practicing?

If you practice at night, you are not afraid of affecting your neighbors?

He got up and came to the living room, looked up, and couldn't help but sigh.

It seems that this so-called living room is really used as a training hall.

But with such a tossing method upstairs, why not let the downstairs sleep and rest?

Ye Chong was already preoccupied now, and when he heard the commotion upstairs getting louder, he was really annoyed to death.

I don't know if the design of the skyscraper itself is bad, or is it intentional by the school?

The point is, aren't they all students of Martial Arts Academy now?

Why does it feel like the guy above is still practicing martial arts moves?

As a newcomer, Ye Chong really doesn't want to find trouble, but there are some things that you can't bear if you want to.

Just like now.

So much noise.

Can't meditate.

Can't meditate.

Can't practice.

Can't sleep.

It can only be quietly listening to the noise spreading around.

Hemp egg!

Ye Chong frowned, and opened the balcony door with a click. He wanted to shout upwards, but suddenly found that there was no thump, thump, thump, thump, thump outside.

"Is this good sound insulation or not?"

Ye Chong cursed secretly, stepped on the ground with one foot, jumped up to the balcony on the second floor.

Da da!

He knocked softly.


The patio door was pushed open suddenly, Hao Xuan missed Ye Chong.

I saw a tall, strong, bearded man standing at the door, asking angrily, "What's the matter?!"

"Oh, I'm your downstairs neighbor," Ye Chong frowned, "Can you lower your voice, I can't sleep."

"Downstairs is downstairs, and neighbors, neighbors are farts!" The strong man glanced at the other party with disdain, "Do you think it's noisy?"

When talking about this, the strong man smiled sarcastically, pointed upwards, and said, "Live up there, it won't be noisy there."

"How do you talk?" Ye Chong really didn't want to deal with this kind of person, "You can lower your voice, or change the time? In the middle of the night, it's not appropriate for you to make such a big noise?"

"What is appropriate or not? Where is the rule that you can't exercise in the middle of the night?" The strong man smiled contemptuously, and then said: "Well, for the sake of you being downstairs, I will keep my voice down."

"Okay! Thank you!" Ye Chong nodded, turned around and left.

Just solve the problem, one more thing is worse than one less thing, don't make a big deal out of small things.


The patio door was slammed shut.

Before closing, two words were squeezed out from the crack of the door:

"Sand sculpture!"

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