Fairy way

Chapter 299, Giving Relics

Lin Xi rarely saw Han Li in such a hurry.

According to what he meant, Qing Yunzong had encountered a difficult problem.

This is strange.

Qing Yunzong is one of the top ten, and it is definitely a hegemonic existence in the Shitang Dynasty. There is nothing worthy of such attention.

Besides, why do you need yourself for such a big event?

But Han Li understood what he said next.

"Not long ago, a medium-sized spiritual mine was discovered on the eastern border of the Shitang Dynasty. Shengjing Xianfu, Yaochi, and Jianchi jointly issued an invitation to Qingyunzong to fight. In the competition, the winner has the ownership of the spirit mine."

Three of the top ten sects came together.

Obviously the comer is not good.

The relationship between Qing Yunzong, Yaochi and Jianzong is very bad, which is well known to the world.

Lin Xi frowned: "What does the spirit mine discovered on the border of the Shitang Dynasty have to do with them?"

"The location of this spiritual mine is a little tricky. Half belong to the Shitang Dynasty, and half are outside the country. Therefore, other sects have a reason to fight for it. This is also a rule in the world of cultivating immortals." Han Li was helpless.

Under normal circumstances, no one will come to fight.

Because it is clearly Qing Yunzong's own stuff.

But for some reason, the people from these three sects suddenly took this opportunity to make trouble, which caught Qing Yunzong a little off guard.

"It's just a medium-sized spiritual mine, is it worth making such a big fuss?"

"Of course it's not worth it." Han Li said: "You can't give up the Lingmine. If this happens, won't the Qingyun sect be ridiculed by the world?"

If the spiritual mine found at the door of his own house was taken away by another family.

This is too funny.

Qing Yunzong couldn't afford to lose face like this.

It is even more unacceptable to watch the people of Yaochi Jianzong carry the spirit stones at the door of their house every day.

Lin Xi immediately understood the seriousness of the matter.

This has nothing to do with spirit mines at all.

Even if there is no spiritual mine, there will be other reasons for these three sects to join forces.

"Let's forget Yaochi and Jianzong, Shengjing Immortal Mansion is for fun." Lin Xi complained.

Except for Dawei Temple, which does not show mountains or water, among the top ten sects, Shengjing Immortal Mansion should be recognized as the most powerful, and the monks in the sect know how to fight best.

Qing Yunzong's kung fu emphasizes the uprightness and grandeur, adhering to the spirit of heaven and earth, and will be slightly inferior in fighting skills.

Han Li said: "It's not that girl Ziyue who cheated Shengjing Immortal Mansion with a large amount of spiritual stones, and now those disciples of Shengjing Immortal Mansion are here to take revenge."

Lin Xi recalled it all at once.

Yi Qingchu.

The leader of the young generation in Shengjing Xianfu.

Together with four other senior brothers, blood sacrifices to evil cultivators, in an attempt to resurrect the ancient beast Qiongqi, but Ziyue bumped into him, which caused a conflict.

"Qingyunzong attaches great importance to this matter. The suzerain personally ordered that it is okay to lose to Shengjing Immortal Mansion, but absolutely not to lose to Yaochi and Jianzong." Han Li said.

It can be seen how much the Sovereign hates Yaochi and Jianzong.

Lin Xi asked in a low voice: "You mean you are going to let me go?"

"Nonsense!" Han Li stared: "I don't know what you mean, kid. You can barely compete with Jindan in the middle stage of foundation establishment. Now that you have a new magic weapon, you still refuse to contribute?"

"There are quite a few powerful Foundation Establishment disciples in the sect."

"As a true disciple, stop talking nonsense, the time has come when the sect needs you."

"Okay, okay, when will the people from these three sects come?"

"Three days later."

"It's so fast, there is not much preparation time."

"Stop talking nonsense, if you can win, I guarantee that the sect will reward you greatly."

Lin Xi muttered softly, "I'm not short of money."

Han Li looked at the boy helplessly.

He knew that Lin Xi was indeed not short of money.

He took out the 800 million spirit stones rewarded by the sect without any distress.

"By the way, Lao Han, let me recommend someone to you."


"Stone heavy."

Han Li frowned: "Is it the Foundation Establishment disciple who has a particularly good relationship with you? What state is he now?"

"It should be in the late stage of Foundation Establishment."

"Don't act nonsense, the Dou Fa sect attaches great importance to it this time, and there is no room for sloppy. Even if you have a good relationship, you can still take care of him in other aspects. This time Dou Fa is absolutely not."

Lin Xi shook her head: "Of course I know this. I can assure you that Shi Zhong's strength is definitely not bad, and he can be ranked among the top five in the foundation establishment of the sect."


"At least the top five." Lin Xi vowed.

Shi Zhong kept a low profile in the sect, so no one paid attention to him.

Han Li thought for a while: "Since he is strong enough, then hurry up and fight on the ladder. As long as he ranks well, he will naturally be able to participate in this fight."

"Three days is not enough time."

"What do you mean?"

"Shi Zhong is proficient in defense. It is estimated that a fight will take a long time, and it is too late to rank."

Han Li hesitated.

Lin Xi's strength is obvious to all, and he is also a true disciple, so it is no problem to participate in this martial arts battle.

But such an unremarkable disciple as Shi Zhong...

"Okay, I see. I'll find a way to arrange it." Han Li nodded.

This fight is an opportunity for Shi Zhong to show off his skills.

As long as it is valued by the sect, the road to cultivation in the future will naturally be much smoother.

"Thank you." Lin Xi chuckled, "Old Han, I brought you something nice back."


"Things that are of great benefit to your cultivation."

Han Li laughed: "Don't worry about it, I am now at the peak of Nascent Soul, and I am only half a step away from becoming a god. There are too few spiritual objects and magical medicines that are useful to me, and I can't get them easily."

"Really not?"

"No need, keep any good things for yourself. You disciples are the future of the sect."

Lin Xi said: "Then I won't give you this relic that can increase the probability of breaking through to transform into a god."

"Wait, what did you say?"

"Relic, something that can increase the probability of breaking through to transform into a god."

"Didn't it mean that relics can only increase the probability of cohesive Nascent Soul!"

"It's just a rumor. The disciples of Dawei Temple and I refuted the rumors, and the little white dragon who swallowed the relic told me himself that this thing can help break through the transformation of the gods."

"Really!" Han Li's voice trembled.

"Of course, I won't lie to you."

Han Li scratched his ears and cheeks, a little embarrassed: "Cough, what, Junior Brother Lin..."

Seeing Han Li's embarrassing look, Lin Xi laughed, and then took out a very clear and golden pebble from the picture of mountains and rivers: "I was going to send it to you."

Anyway, Lin Xi still has one.

The relic is the most precious treasure of Buddhism.

It is impossible to spread it easily.

Therefore, the outside world has not yet reached a conclusion on its effectiveness.

Han Li got the relic like a treasure, and said excitedly, "Then I'll go first."

After all, it turned into a ray of light and disappeared.

He didn't even want to wait for a moment, he wanted to feel the extraordinaryness of the relic right away.

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