Fairy way

Chapter 1233, Meeting Acquaintances

Lin Xi was confused.

Blackhand was silent.

Jiang Xiaoxi was also puzzled: "Why did Buddhism send you a monk?"

"This is also the question I want to ask." Lin Xi spread his hands: "Maybe he wants to send a powerful Buddhist monk to be my free thug, and then make my conscience uneasy and return the Jingchen Buddha beads back."

"Fomen is so scheming."

Lin Xi thought of the Buddhism in the lower realm, and what happened to Yu Du'e, and smiled: "That's right, the Buddhism is actually very scheming."

"Where is this monk now?"

"I'm waiting in Qingyun Hall."

"I gonna go see."

Jiang Xiaoxi was full of interest: "I want to see it too."

"Don't join in the fun, go to the Holy Land if you have time, and spend more time on cultivation." Lin Xi instructed.

Jiang Xiaoxi's talent is extremely high, but she's too loose and playful, interested in everything, so her level rises very slowly.

Her natal spirit beast is the ancient beast Zhaoye Lion, which has great potential. Logically speaking, the beast soul should have been fused with the primordial spirit long ago to reach the state of fusion.

But she has just reached the peak of becoming a god now.

Progress is indeed slow.

Although Lin Xi was very happy to be helped to manage the Wenxinhui, he didn't want to delay Jiang Xiaoxi's cultivation.

It's just a pity that Daoist Huo went out to experience the world of mortals, and he doesn't know where he is now.

Jiang Xiaoxi pursed her lips, but she still listened to the persuasion honestly and went to the Holy Land to gain enlightenment.

Lin Xi flew to Qingyun Hall.

Wenxinhui is a rather loose organization.

Everyone approves of Lin Xi's ascension plan, so they can't help but look forward to the scene of Literary Mind Realm's ascension, so they will naturally make some preparations for the future.

Jiang Chen built a Qingyun Hall, the owner of the Ruthless Valley built a Ruthless Hall, and the master of the Confucianism Sect naturally built a Confucian Hall.

Although everyone is a polished commander.

But at least there is still a sense of ritual.

When Lin Xi came to Qingyunzong, Master Huifa was waiting at the door.

Huifa has a calm face and a peaceful breath. Standing with him, he can't help calming down, getting rid of distracting thoughts, and feeling that he is more pure.

Because the eminent monks of the three sects of Buddhism gathered at the Foxin Temple to discuss the Tao, this benefited Huifa a lot, and the cultivation of Buddhism became more exquisite.

The reincarnation of Arhat is really different.

"Master Huifa, long time no see." Lin Xi flew down with a smile.

Huifa clasped his hands together, with Buddha's light on his face: "Amitabha, I have seen Donor Lin, and the realm of Donor Lin has improved even more since I haven't seen him for a long time."

"Master, don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything. If there is anything, we can just talk about it, and it will be troublesome to go round and round."

Lin Xi asked directly: "Listen to Xiao Xi, you brought a monk for me?"

Huifa's expression was strange: "If you want to say that, you are right."

"What do you Buddhists think? If you really want to go back to the Jingchen Buddhist beads and exchange them with bodhi seeds, don't do such nonsense, and send another monk to come, so I will compromise?"

Huifa was helpless: "The bodhi seed is a treasure of Buddhism, how can it be so easy to take out."

"Hey." Lin Xi hated iron for being weak: "If you can't let go of the child, you can't let go of the wolf, master."


Master Huifa didn't understand why Lin Xi was so obsessed with Bodhi.

He was silent for a moment: "Perhaps you will like the gift that Buddhism prepared for you."

"It's just a monk, why should I like it?" Lin Xi was indignant.

"...Maybe the temple made a mistake, the first one told me that Junior Brother Huixin is very important to you."

Lin Xi was very angry: "Why is a Buddhist practice very important to me?"

Huifa was a little innocent, so he turned his attention to a certain figure in Qingyun Hall for help.

That is a Buddhist monk.

He was wearing a monk's robe, but he seemed a little uncomfortable. He rolled up his sleeves and trousers awkwardly, as if it would make him more comfortable.

This Buddhist cultivator was tall and burly, and he looked a bit heavy. His facial features were not good-looking, but they were distinct, and his face was full of determination.

Just looking at this man, I felt like meeting a tall stone Buddha.

Seeing Lin Xi, the Buddhist cultivator had a pleasant and honest smile on his face: "Lin Xi."

The angry expression on Lin Xi's face suddenly turned into astonishment, and then stretched into joy.

There is an inexplicable touch of meeting an old friend in a foreign land.

"Shi Zhong!!" Lin Xi went up to him without hesitation.

The two gave each other a big hug in a manly way.

That's right, the person sent by Buddhism turned out to be Shi Zhong.

This was really a surprise.

Shi Zhong's body became even more burly, like a hill, which contained a huge power, connected to the earth, and had the breath of a Buddha.

"Fit body state, I didn't expect you to reach this state without making a sound." Lin Xi was sincerely delighted: "It just so happened that I got a top-notch Lingbao, a treasure of earth attribute, which is just right for you. I will ask the suzerain for it later. Come to you."

Hearing these familiar words, Shi Zhong scratched his head and smiled honestly.

This conversation has happened many times.

Every time she came across something suitable for Shi Zhong, Lin Xi would give it away unceremoniously. ,

Even though they haven't seen each other for so long, the relationship between the two still doesn't seem to be at all unfamiliar.

Huifa smiled knowingly at the side.

Sure enough.

How could the first seat lie to me?

"Come, come, sit first, sit first, this is our own territory, and also our base in the spirit world, just like our own home." Lin Xi smiled.

Huifa felt very helpless.

He has been here so many times, but he has never been treated like this.

After Shi Zhong sat down, Lin Xi asked curiously, "Why did you come to the spirit world?"

"I originally practiced in Buddhism, and I planned to improve my strength quickly and go to the spirit world to help you." Shi Zhong said: "Then I was suddenly sent to the spirit world by Dawei Temple and joined Foxin Temple."

He is willing to join Buddhism in order to improve his strength.

Then I kept my ears shut and focused on practicing.

I have absolutely no idea what happened during this time.

Then he was sent to the spirit world in a daze.

When he arrived in the spirit world, he learned about some things about Lin Xi, and then he was ordered by the chief to come to Lin Xi to establish a good relationship. Of course, he came very happy.

"Buddhism really has a way to communicate with the upper and lower realms, but you are obviously only a fit monk." Lin Xi was very puzzled.

Huifa said from the side: "Foxin Temple helps people in the lower world to complete the Dharma Gate of the Dao, but it is very cherished, and it will cost a lot to perform it."

He didn't care about these at first, so he didn't know.

Because of Lin Xi's matter, he learned so many things that he didn't know before.

Lin Xi was thoughtful.

How come it sounds the same as those people in gold robes.

At the beginning, he discovered that the people in the golden robes of the lower realm could "ascend" through a special method and directly come to the spirit realm.

Huifa emphasized the point of "paying a great price".

But Lin Xi pretended not to hear, but looked at Shi Zhong's bald head, a little disliked: "Why shave your bald head, quickly, grow it back."

"I don't like it either, but the Buddhists insist that I do this." Shi Zhong scratched his head.

Then the spiritual power gathered, and the black hair protruded from the scalp, turning into an inch-short naked.

Lin Xi said again: "You don't really believe in Buddhism, so don't wear this monk's robe. Anyway, now that Foxin Temple has sent you here, it definitely doesn't want you."

Shi Zhong didn't hesitate, and immediately took off his monk's robe and changed into ordinary clothes.

Now it's exactly what it used to be.

Huifa smiled wryly at the side: "Junior Brother Huixin, you are the reincarnation of Arhat, and you have already attained such a high level of cultivation in Buddhism, it is very likely that you will prove the position of Arhat again in the future..."

"Senior brother, I don't really like to practice Buddhism, so most of the time I'm actually comprehending the law of the earth." Shi Zhong bowed his head and said embarrassedly.

After all, he has reached his present state with the help of Buddhism.

It seemed so heartless.

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