The martial arts of the heavens start from Wudang

Chapter 65 Brother Lian, you really know how to speak Chapter [-]

Yang Lianting walked through the corridor and walked into a small courtyard.

In front of the door, the two maids saw that they squatted down to salute, "Mr. Yang."

Yang Lianting ignored her and went straight into the room.

In the room, there was a faint fragrance.

Yang Lianting walked straight into the room without stopping.

In front of a large dressing table, a figure sat sideways, dressed in a red shirt, holding an embroidery trellis in his left hand, and an embroidery needle in his right hand, pulling and pulling, but embroidering.

Yang Lianting stood behind him, smelling the fragrance from the person in front of him, but didn't speak.

a long time.

The embroidery needle in the man's hand stopped, but he seemed to have embroidered something in his hand.

Turning around, I saw the face of a woman with a face like white jade, a scorpion head and crescent eyebrows, peach cheeks with a smile, and beautiful eyes looking forward.

The woman looked at Yang Lianting behind her, smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth, and said, "Brother Lian, come, do you see the beauty of my embroidery?" She handed the embroidered trellis to Yang Lianting.

Yang Lianting looked down and saw a bright red peony blooming delicately on the light gauze.

Suddenly, Yang Lianting felt restless, pushed aside the embroidery scaffolding, and said in a muffled voice, "No matter how beautiful the embroidery is, you are an imposing leader of the Sun Moon God Sect, but you are here to do these things." Turn around and walk away. to the side.

It turns out that this beautiful woman is the leader of the Sun Moon God Sect, Dongfang Bubai, who practiced the "Sunflower Treasure", but became a fan.

Dongfang Bubai was taken aback, smiled coquettishly, walked to Yang Lianting's side lightly, wrapped his right hand around his waist, leaned his head lightly on his chest, and tapped his left finger lightly.

He smiled and said, "Brother Lian, why are you so angry? But who in the sect offended you?"

Yang Lianting thought of the poison of Heart Biting Powder in his body, and his heart became more irritable, and said: "How dare those people provoke me, with you, the leader, supporting me, those people are afraid that I will not be able to do so in time." But secretly thinking about whether to tell the matter The East is undefeated.

In fact, ever since Yang Lianting realized that he was controlled by others, he had been trying to find a way to detoxify his body. He even visited Ping Yizhi, a genius doctor in the sect, but even Ping Yizhi said there was nothing he could do.

But Yang Lianting didn't know that Ping Yi pointed out that he couldn't get rid of his poison, but just after giving him a diagnosis, he found that the heart-eating powder he was suffering from was developed by his master Su Kongqing, so he deceived him and couldn't explain it. detoxification.

Listening to his words, Dongfang Bubai was still angry, chuckled lightly, and stroked his face with a sallow left hand, "Brother Lian, what's on your mind, tell me, and see if I can help you. "

Yang Lianting's heart moved, and he hesitated. If he kept the status quo, he would still receive the antidote of Heart Biting Powder every year, but if he told Dongfang Bubai, based on how much he valued him, he might arrest that Baixin immediately. execute.

But Dongfang Bubai has been cultivating the poison for so many years, although Dongfang Bubai has high martial arts skills, he has never discovered it. It can be seen that this heart-eating powder is so powerful that Dongfang Bubai may not be able to cure the poison in the end.

With a secret sigh, Yang Lianting adjusted his mood and said, "Oh, isn't it the hidden danger left by Ren Woxing?"

He lowered his head and looked at this beautiful person, "I really don't understand, since you have already seized the position of leader, why don't you kill the roots and get rid of Xiang Wentian, Ren Yingying and others."

Dongfang Bubai heard this, straightened his body, and said with a smile: "Did those people offend Brother Lian? Except for Yingying, Brother Lian can kill everyone else, so that you can get rid of your anger."

Dongfang Bubai treats Yang Lianting very well and doesn't want him to be unhappy.

After hearing this, Yang Lianting waved his hand without making too much trouble, "Let's talk about it later."

In a blink of an eye, he took a closer look at Dongfang Bubai, and said, "You are getting more and more beautiful."

Dongfang Bubai listened, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he was very happy in his heart, but Yang Lianting's compliment was even more joyful than his understanding of the true meaning of metamorphosis between heaven and man.

With a charming smile, he put his body on Yang Lianting's body, close to his ear, exhaled like blue and said, "Brother Lian, you really can talk, I am very happy to hear that."

Yang Lianting could hear the affection in his words, and couldn't help hugging the slender waist of the person in front of him.

Sighing: "I, Mr. Yang, really have the virtue and ability to be admired by Dongfang Bubai, the leader of the Sun Moon God Sect who is number one in the world."

Dongfang Bubai heard this, but smiled and said: "Brother Lian, you are majestic and mighty, you are a handsome man, but you don't need to belittle yourself. But you said something wrong."

After hearing this, Yang Lianting asked curiously, "Which sentence is wrong?"

Dongfang Bubai said: "But I dare not say that I am number one in the world."

Yang Lianting asked suspiciously: "Nowadays, in the Jianghu, if I am defeated by you, who else is your opponent?"

Dongfang Bubai's face turned slightly cold, "There is another person, I was defeated by this person twice in the first half of my life, even if I now realize the supreme truth of transformation between heaven and man, and enter the innate and mysterious realm, I dare not say Can beat this man."

Yang Lianting asked: "Who is this person?"

Dongfang Bubai said: "That person is the head of Wudang, Chongxu."

Yang Lianting heard this, and said: "Is this person's martial arts so high?"

Dongfang Bubai saw his confusion and understood his meaning, "This person Chongxu has not made a move in the Jianghu for more than 20 years, so his reputation in the Jianghu is not obvious."

Yang Lianting nodded suddenly, he is not very proficient in martial arts, but since Dongfang Bubai said so, he can't pretend.I sigh in my heart that it is indeed the Wudang sect that is as famous as Shaolin.



Half a month ago, after Huashan held the apprentice acceptance ceremony, the whole Jianghu knew that Lin Zhennan's son, Lin Pingzhi, had worshiped in Huashan's gate wall.

Lin Zhennan explained in front of fellow disciples at the disciple acceptance meeting that his family lived in Huashan because his son Lin Pingzhi admired him because of the extensive and profound martial arts of the Huashan School.The second is that the Lin family and the Qingcheng faction have a bitter hatred, and when their son learns martial arts well, they will take revenge.

All the Jiang Hu people present at that time secretly thought in their hearts that the Lin family had found a backer in order to avoid disaster.

Although some people secretly said that Lin Pingzhi's homage to Huashan was a move by the hypocrite Yue Buqun, whose purpose was to seize the Lin family's evil sword manual, but this kind of statement was preceded by Lin Zhennan's words , but not many believers.

In the room, the three members of the Lin family who had stayed in Huashan for more than half a month sat together.

Lin Zhennan said: "Pingzhi, you have already joined the Huashan School. I also had the cheek to explain the situation to your master, and he also agreed to live in Huashan for my father and your mother."

Lin Pingzhi said happily, "That's great. The three of us are all in Huashan. I don't think Yu Canghai would dare to chase after Huashan to play wild."

Mother Lin also showed a smiling face beside her.

Lin Zhennan nodded with a smile, and said, "Yes, but I plan to go back to my hometown in Fuzhou."

Lin Pingzhi heard this, and said anxiously: "Father, you..."

Lin Zhennan interrupted Lin Pingzhi with a wave of his hand, and said, "Listen to me first, I have to go back this time, because there is something hidden in my Lin family's old house in Xiangyang Lane, which is the heirloom of my Lin family. Things. Since our family lives in Huashan, we can’t leave that thing alone.”

Lin Pingzhi heard this, and said, "Father, is what Yu Canghai said true? Could it be that my family really passed down the "Evil Resisting Sword Art", and my child usually practiced fake ones, so the real one is hidden in the old house?" Evil Resisting Sword Art?"

Lin Zhennan's eyes moved, he shook his head, and said: "Where there is any theory of truth or falsehood, the ancestral house hides no swordsmanship, it's just an old thing handed down from the ancestors."

After hearing this, Lin Pingzhi calmed down.

The next day, Lin Zhennan found Yue Buqun.

Lin Zhennan said: "Brother Yue, since the three of my Lin family plan to live in Huashan, we need to go back to tidy up the real estate, real estate and other things in our hometown in Fuzhou, and we will go back when we are done."

Yue Buqun stroked his beard and smiled, "It's the right thing to do, but there might be danger along the way, how about this, I'll let my big disciple escort me along the way."

Lin Zhennan waved his hand and wanted to refuse, but Yue Buqun had already ordered Linghu Chong to be called.

Wait for Linghu to rush in.

Yue Buqun said in a serious voice: "Chong'er, your father, Junior Brother Lin, wants to go back to Fuzhou to pack up his things in his hometown. I'm afraid something will happen on the way, so you should accompany him as an escort."

Lin Zhennan hurriedly waved his hands and said, "No need to do that."

Linghu Chong smiled and said: "If you want it, don't worry master, I will definitely bring Uncle Lin back safely."

Seeing that he couldn't refuse, Lin Zhennan had no choice but to bow his hands: "If that's the case, it will be troublesome."

Yue Buqun said: "This is out of touch."

After chatting for a while, Lin Zhennan and Linghu Chong walked out.

Yue Buqun looked at the backs of the two of them, stroked their beards, and his eyes flickered.

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