The emperor composed of dragon energy dissipated, and the hall fell silent immediately.

Zhao Ningshen glanced at Han Diao Temple, then turned to look at the main hall, glanced at the hanging portraits of past celestial masters, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

After a pause, he stepped forward and lit the three pillars of incense again.

The smoke formed by the burning of the fragrance became thicker and thicker, making those portraits even more unreal.

Zhao Ningshen put the imperial decree in front of the incense burner on the table, bowed, almost bent half of her body, and said softly: "Do justice for the sky, so as to suppress the four barbarians."

As his words fell, the imperial decree shone with golden light, and bursts of dragon chant came out.

At the same time, the smoke in front of those portraits gradually faded until they disappeared.

When the green smoke dissipated, the Ascending Daoist of the past generations of Tianshi Mansions finally showed his true colors, and the Han Diao Temple at the door also held his breath and did not dare to make a sound.

At a glance, the real people in these portraits are either riding a sword, riding a dragon, or riding a crane, or holding a luan.

Zhao Ningshen still bowed and did not get up, as if waiting for something.

Zhao Huangchao looked serious at the moment, staring at the portraits of the ancestors of Longhu Mountain.

In the censer, Zhao Ningshen lit the three pillars of fragrance. Originally, it was just a little spark burning slowly. At this moment, there was a light bang, and a ball of sparks exploded. The sparks rustled, and the three pillars of fragrance were burned up in the breath. .

The fragrance was ignited, and the lobby was blown out of thin air.

The portrait blown by the wind rattled, and the real person in the portrait, who was already lifelike, really seemed to come alive at this moment.

Not long after, the portrait began to emit a hazy white light.

Two yellow-purple figures stepped out, their sleeves fluttering, and the cyan-purple air flow on the illusory figures swirled, and at the same time, a faint and powerful primordial spirit began to overflow, filling the entire lobby.

One of them was carrying an ancient sword, and the other was holding a whisk.

It seemed that some kind of passage had been opened, and the celestial beings and primordial spirits walked out of the portraits. After a while, the entire lobby was filled with cyan, purple, and golden air currents, making the lobby look like a fairyland.

Han Diaosi held his breath, seeing these immortals with purple qi self-generated and floating under their feet, he said in his heart that there was no pressure, it was a lie, but he was not afraid, after all, the emperor stood behind him.

He took a deep breath and cupped his hands: "Everyone, please."

Zhao Ningshen stood up straight at some point, and looked at a Taoist in the middle. The Taoist had a strange face, a lotus crown on his head, and his temperament and demeanor were also quite strange compared to other people.

Zhao Ningshen looked at this person, and after saluting, he was about to explain.

The Taoist waved his hand, "We already know the matter, so you don't need to say more."

Zhao Ningshen nodded and backed away.

The Taoist looked out of the hall, the blue-purple energy in his eyes was spinning endlessly, he sighed, and said: "The people outside the square are not outside the square, it's ridiculous."

Zhao Ningshen remained silent. Although he was from outside the country, how could he really ignore the inheritance of orthodoxy. He understood, and these people also understood that the incense of Longhushan and the Zhao royal family could not stop the butcher's knife of today.

If these people don't accept the order to go down to the realm today and accept the conscript, tomorrow the Liyang army may wipe out Longhu Mountain.

The Taoist grumbled casually, waved his hands, and his figure turned into a streamer of blue-purple light, swept out of the lobby, and headed north like a shooting star in the sky.

Not long after, dozens of meteors in blue, purple, or purple gold streaked across the sky above Longhu Mountain, all heading north.

Seeing this scene, the pilgrims who offered incense seemed to see a miracle, and hurriedly knelt down on the ground, closing their eyes and praying for blessings.

After Han Diaosi waited for these immortals to leave, he looked at Zhao Ningshen.

"Master Zhao, our family has to go to Wudang Mountain again, so we won't stay any longer. Let's say goodbye. We will meet again on the front line tomorrow."

Zhao Ningshen was expressionless, and said lightly: "Eunuch, go slowly."

Han Diaosi didn't mind, turned around and took Jin Yiwei down the mountain, and the group went straight to Wudang Mountain.

Zhao Huangchao watched these people leave, his eyes revealed thinking, the emperor seemed to have recruited several holy places in Liyang, and he wanted to wipe out Beimang completely in one go.


On this day, people from the Liyang River and Lakes who had reached a certain level of cultivation all knew that the celestial masters of Longhu Mountain had descended from the lower realm, and rushed to the front line to help the emperor wipe out Beimang.

Everyone was in an uproar, and they couldn't believe it.

But within a few days, there was another news that Longhu Mountain, Qingyang Palace, Shangyin Academy Daolin, Wujiajian Tomb, Dongyue Jianchi, Liangchan Temple, Xuanyuan Family and other old top powers in the arena have all followed one after another. Send people to the front line to help out.

Under the dissemination of caring people, the news spread all over the world in less than three days.

All the people in the world looked at each other in blank dismay.


On the long road, Habayashi could not see the end at a glance.

The emperor personally marched, and the team walked neither fast nor slow.

Beside the bright yellow imperial chariot, Han Diao Temple, who did not know when to come back, was whispering something.

Han Diaosi said in a soft voice: "Your Majesty, the edicts were delivered by the servants in Longhu Mountain, Wudang Mountain and Liangchan Temple. In Qingyang Palace, Daodelin and other places, the servants also sent people to send the edicts. According to Jin Yiwei The news, with the example of Longhushan, is still obedient, and they all send people to the front line. In addition, the slaves have already spread the news to all parts of the world."

Except for Jin Yiwei's impenetrable network, who else can make a piece of news known to the world in a few days.

After a while, a deep and majestic voice sounded from the imperial chariot.

"Well, how long is it?"

Han Diaosi calculated in his mind, and said respectfully: "Return to Your Majesty, if there are no other accidents, we will arrive in ten days."

In the imperial chariot, no one saw that Zhu ignored the golden eyes. The rich golden air almost overflowed from the eye sockets. With the emperor's breath, the golden air was like two tiny golden dragons. , inhaled and exhaled from his nose, the shocking energy fluctuations were blocked by the golden transparent air mask.

Although the Qi mechanism was blocked, Han Diao Temple outside the imperial chariot still frowned, and the breath in the body circulated, and just now the feeling of suffocation in the soul was relieved.

He glanced at the two lion-like tiger-like beasts pulling the imperial chariot, and finally understood why horses were not used.

Zhu Wushi still closed his eyes, opened his mouth and said: "Then give them ten days, and when I arrive, let Jin Yiwei register those sects that have not moved, and deal with them after my teacher returns to the court."

Han Diaosi bowed and said: "The servant obeys the order." He naturally knew what the so-called processing meant.

After waiting for a long while, the emperor didn't speak any more, and then Han Diaosi left quietly, and went down to give orders.


The actions of many martial arts holy places have attracted the attention of people from all corners of the world.

While people in the world looked at each other in blank dismay, they couldn't help guessing the emperor's intentions.

This is the first time in thousands of years that the imperial court has been at war, and the forces of the rivers and lakes have to be drawn in to help.

Moreover, this time compared with the previous time when King Ma of Beiliang stepped into the rivers and lakes, people in the rivers and lakes have a clearer understanding of how powerful the current emperor has reached.

No one in the world would dare to disobey with just a single imperial edict.

Don't you see such a stinky and hard bone like the Wujiajian Tomb, Wudang Mountain, which claims to be an outsider, and the Liangchan Temple, which chanted scriptures behind closed doors, obeyed orders obediently.

You know, people in the Jianghu used to live outside the temple, and had nothing to do with the government.


Those veteran top powers in the arena were recruited because they received the order, but how many talents in the entire arena accounted for, [-]% or [-]% could not be accounted for, and the remaining mortal beings were the mainstream.

In the arena, there are thousands of sects, large and small, which are the main components of the arena.

And in these sects, some people have simple cognition and only care about watching the excitement.

However, some astute people smelled something unusual, and worried about the coming crisis. This kind of worry is not without reason. After all, the smell of blood has not yet completely disappeared on the site of the sect that was exterminated by the King of Beiliang for more than ten years. dissipate.

It has to be said that this year's Jianghu people's life is a little dreadful.

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