Cao Changqing was silent after hearing this.

Having said that, the characters of Yuejing Tianjing are mixed with dragons and snakes, even if there are only a few crooked demons and evil ways, the bad influence caused by the release will be shocking.

Dai Daojin frowned in thought, and then his mind moved.

The scene changed, and the two came to the center of the horn vein world, a towering black mountain.

Although the Jiaomai Zhutian is a hidden vein space, it is still Dai Daojin. It is based on heaven, earth, wind, thunder, water, fire, mountains, lakes, and the most basic yin and yang. It is created by imitating the outside world, so here is still There will be wind and water.

Standing on this unknown high mountain, Dai Daojin gazed into the distance, his clothes rattling.

The world is no longer the desolate feeling at the beginning. Instead, it is just like the world, with mountains, forests, city walls, and roads. Some areas even have gradually formed the embryonic form of a country.

The dark light in Dai Daojin's eyes flickered, and he could see clearly that the black fields near the city wall were planted with a wheat-like plant, and some of the fields were planted with dark red flowers.

Cao Changqing explained: "The yin spirit here found an edible plant after settling down, which is very similar to the rice in the yang world, and they call it Ming rice. As for the other red flower, it is a kind of tea."

Cao Changqing spoke with a slightly weird tone.

Dai Daojin was surprised that the development here was still extremely backward, and there were classes that started to appear for primary enjoyment.

He shook his head, looking into the distance.

In his eyes, the black earth began to retreat, and the acme of heaven and earth emerged. The black and red thunder roared in the east, which was the Wind and Thunder Prison; The Diamond Prison; the cold blue light flickering in the north, that is the Cold Prison; there is the Copper Pillar Prison in the northeast...

Seeing what he saw, Cao Changqing said by the way: "Jiuyou Great Prison, each performing its duties, is considered stable, but there are more and more ghosts, fearing that it will be overcrowded, especially now in the national war between Liyang and Beimang. There are more Yin souls."

Dai Daojin nodded and said nothing.

Cao Changqing hesitated for a moment, and said, "Sir, the world has its own rules, and the cycle of life and death operates normally. But the soul here has entered, but cannot get out. This matter still needs to be resolved."

"Moreover, the size of this world seems to be fixed and no longer expands."

In fact, what he wants to say is that if the souls here cannot get out, will it affect the normal operation of the human world?

Dai Daojin listened and pondered. He ignored Cao Changqing's "difference", but his words just now woke him up. There is life and death, and it is for reincarnation. But he didn't think about sending him to reincarnation.

The growth of Jiaomai Zhutian began to stagnate during this period, is it related to this?

Simply put, is the integrity of the world insufficient?

Dai Daojin frowned involuntarily, suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed, he stretched out his hand, and something floated in front of him.

The simple and simple mirror with light green color is the moon well sky mirror of Guanyin sect.

Dai Daojin's mind moved, and the simple and simple mirror in front of him spun slowly, split into two, and spun endlessly, with slight qi vibrations and ripples, a circular light mirror like a water curtain appeared.

He stretched out his finger and swiped, and the rippling mirror was split into two.

After a while, a ray of chaotic soul qi oscillated inside, as if something was about to come out.



Rays of white, cyan, purple, or black rays of light jumped out of the open moonwell sky mirror.

"Haha, the old man finally came out..."

"Could it be that the old man of Guanyin Sect is dead?"

There are many voices.

Dai Daojin looked intently. After these spirits and gods came out, they immediately radiated brilliance. Groups of lights turned into figures floating, or high crowns and belts, big sleeves fluttering, or black robes flying, demonic flames, and there was also a white man with a sad face. There are more than twenty figures.

After these people came out, even those demon figures who spoke arrogantly and cursed were looking around vigilantly at this moment.

In front of them was a moon well sky mirror that they would never forget.

One of them was a tall man with deep hooked eyes and fierce eyes, staring at Dai Daojin and the two: "Are you the Suzerain of Guanyin Sect of this generation?"

Dai Daojin glanced at everyone, shook his head and said, "No."

The man looked gloomy: "You are not the suzerain of the Guanyin sect, how can you hold the moon well sky mirror?"

Dai Daojin said lightly: "I snatched it."

The man's expression froze.

The expressions of the others changed immediately, and they looked at the person in front of them vigilantly. They are all outstanding figures from different ages, including Confucianists, Taoists, warriors, and Qi trainers. There are no stupid people. Judging the situation is the most basic thing.

This person can win the Moon Well Sky Mirror from the current suzerain of the Guanyin Sect, and his strength must be tyrannical. In addition, he and others have been suppressed by the Moon Well Sky Mirror for many years, leaving only the soul. Even if the spirit is powerful, it will be wiped out There is no one in strength.

I just don't know, what did this person release himself for?

None of them escaped, Dai Daojin nodded in satisfaction, after all these years of imprisonment, at least his mind is still there.

Dai Daojin clapped his palms lightly, and said to the 23 people in front of him: "Not much to say, this is the first heaven of the underworld, and I am the controller of the first heaven of the underworld. I let you out because I want to fight those people in the sky. Your efforts are needed."

He was lazy to explain too much to these people, how to make it simple, and what he said was not nonsense.

After listening to these people in front of them, they all froze slightly, feeling absurd.

Everyone was silent, or bowed their heads in thought, only the mountain wind roared in the field.

Dai Daojin just discovered the possible reason for the growth stagnation of the Jiaomai Zhutian, but there is nothing to do. He is not in a good mood, and he is not very patient at the moment: "I'm done, how about you?"

One of the old men's eyes flickered, and he cupped his hands: "Haven't you asked your lord's name?"

Dai Daojin said lightly: "Nanshan Taoist."

Thoughts turned in the old man's mind, and he asked again: "The group of people in the sky that Daoist Nanshan mentioned?"

Dai Daojin said: "That's right, it's the group of people you're thinking of."

The old man and everyone looked at each other. When they were alive, they might have done things against the law of heaven and disrespected the sky, but they never thought of going to war with those people. Could it be that they ran into a lunatic when they came out?

One of the thin old women said in a low voice: "Brother Dao, I'm so weak, I'm afraid I can't help you much?"

As soon as this remark came out, Dai Daojin looked at the old woman.

Everyone was inexplicable, although they also hated those people, considering their strength, going there was no different from sending them to death.

Dai Daojin looked at the old woman with deep eyes, "I released you as a kindness to save your lives, even if it is to repay you with your life, it should be done. Now push back and forth, okay?"

The old woman was stared at by him with trepidation in her heart, and she was speechless for a while.

Next to the old woman, a big man with a height of three meters, said sullenly: "You let us go to war with them, and let us die, what is the difference, why don't you lock us back to the Moon Well Sky Mirror."

Dai Daojin was expressionless, "Since I don't want to, I won't force it."

The big man's heart trembled, and he jumped to go away.

Dai Daojin's expression remained unchanged, and when he opened his mouth, he spat out a galaxy, and the space began to vibrate, as if folding, squeezing the big man into a ball of light, and the galaxy's starlight turned into a millstone, obliterating the big man's spirit light ball into the most basic Particles become the nourishment of this world.

After doing all this, he looked at the rest of the people.

"Who else wouldn't?"

Everyone was numb and bowed almost at the same time.

"For saving your life, you should repay it with your life."

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