The Guanyin Sect of the South China Sea is the head of Qi trainers in the south, belonging to Buddhism.

There are two objects of the town school in the sect, one is the map of the land facing the immortals, and the other is the moon well sky mirror.

These qi practitioners practice Taoism and hold the body, pay attention to a word of order, and have the responsibility to solve the people and things in this world that violate the way of heaven. This is a kind of meritorious practice.

Merit and virtue are not simply doing good deeds, but whether they are beneficial to the operation of the Dao of Heaven and the permanence of the Dao.

Among them, the role of the moon well sky mirror is to suppress evil and evil things. It is to destroy those people who should not appear or are not suitable to appear in the human world, destroy their bodies, restrain their souls, and suppress them in the moon well sky mirror. endlessly.

In other words, this moon well sky mirror is aimed at all kinds of exquisite beauty in this world, restraining them within the rules of heaven and preventing them from jumping out of this framework.

What should I do if I escape?Naturally, it is a walk in the courtyard.

Guanyinzong is more like the executor, that is, the law enforcer.

The way of heaven is like a net, but it is ruthless but has "normal methods". Qi practitioners are "fishermen" who tinker with the well-established law net. They can be regarded as tinkerers of the way of heaven by catching fish that slip through the net.

As for the other map of land facing immortals, it is also a magic weapon for attacking, which can subdue demons and eliminate demons, and order immortals to invite gods.

The reason why the Avalokitesvara Sect was able to overwhelm the Qi trainers of the Fulong School in the north and dominate the south is because of the Moonwell and Sky Mirror and the Land Chaoxian Map.

But there are only a handful of people in this world who know the secret of this letter. It is really because this information is often kept secret.

Tantai, the Guanyin Sect Master, heard that this person wanted to seize the Moon Well and Sky Mirror, so he knew that today would be difficult. The other party's big battle, naturally, cannot be retreated with just a few words.

After Dai Daojin finished speaking, he didn't rush, just waited quietly, and looked at the Guanyin sect.

The Avalokitesvara sect has dominated the South China Sea for hundreds of years, but there are not many disciples under it. Except for those who are closed to death, there are only about a hundred of them.

It is said in the scriptures that young people should not panic if they encounter uniformly dressed people when they are wandering around the rivers and lakes. Such people are likely to be ordinary disciples with ordinary kung fu aptitude, and they are here to gain experience for young knights and increase their reputation.

But that also scored points, and Dai Daojin had to admit that these disciples of Guanyin Sect were almost all the top choices.

In fact, it is also understandable that Guanyin Sect dominates the entire south, like a key middle school, and it is a key middle school that allows cross-regional enrollment. Good qualifications naturally have high spirits, so go to the best "middle school".

"The source of students is good, and the teaching resources are good." Under the Matthew Effect, the strength of the entire sect will naturally become stronger and stronger.

Crooked melons and split dates have long been excluded.

Tantai calmly frowned. She was about thirty or so years old, and her appearance was extremely outstanding. Her skin was as white as jade. Her tall figure was not affected by her height in the slightest, but instead revealed a different kind of charm.

She is hesitating whether to resist, if she is alone, needless to say, but the Guanyin sect has more than a hundred mouths.

"Bold and evil heretics, dare to be presumptuous here."

A clear voice resounded through.

Dai Daojin heard the reputation and saw a middle-aged man with a long beard. He had an outstanding temperament. He thought he was also a romantic boy in the world when he was young.

With Dai Daojin's spiritual care, he found that the middle-aged man who scolded him had anger but no fear in his eyes.

Helplessness appeared in Tan Taiping's eyes, this junior has been in seclusion for the past few days, presumably he just came out, otherwise he would have waited until now, with his temperament, he would have drawn his sword and slashed at him long ago.

Just as she thought of this, the sound of the sword being unsheathed had already entered her ears.


The sword weapon in front of the man was suspended, his thumbs lightly pressed the hilt of the sword, and he lifted it up, the sword energy was three feet out of thin air, and the sword intent circulated among the people.

"Chong... Chong..."

Drawn by the man's sword intent, many sword weapons of the Guanyin Sect were unsheathed one after another and gathered together to form a torrent of sword weapons.

Dai Daojin was a little speechless. Li Chungang has been rampant in the world for decades, and it seems that the sequelae left behind are quite serious. Do people here like to engage in such battles?


There was a sound of piercing through the air, and the torrent of sword weapons, wrapped in a sharp sword energy, stabbed at the man in black in the sky.

The disciples of the Guanyin Sect stared wide-eyed at the sword formation in the sky. Although they had outstanding aptitudes, they had almost no resistance in their hearts when faced with the overwhelming oppression of darkness.

Dai Daojin glanced at the trail, the space of the horn veins was gradually eroded, and it had already occupied nearly four-fifths, leaving only the area of ​​Guanyinzong.

Facing the sword array that came through the sky, Dai Daojin stretched out his right hand and held his five fingers together. Qi was surging, and the vitality of the world gathered wildly. It seemed that the world could not bear his huge energy. The light had a sense of distortion. The fist composed of vitality condensed.


There was no extra movement in the fist, and it directly hit the gorgeous sword array.

"Bang... bang..."

Dozens of swords touched the fist, and after a slight pause, they shattered inch by inch, and a burst of iron rain fell from the sky.

The trend of the fist continued unabated, and it hit the middle-aged Qi trainer.

The middle-aged qi practitioner's natal sword was destroyed, and he was seriously injured. When he saw the fist hitting him, the disciples of the Guanyin sect were behind him. Where could he hide?

Suddenly, a figure came from the sky.

White clothes, white robes and white shoes, white whisks in his hands, the smell of otherworldly fireworks almost overflowed, disrespecting the common people and the king, a great Qi practitioner who only cares about ghosts and gods, stood in front of everyone at this moment, blocking the way of his fists.

The small mirror-shaped ornament hanging around the waist fell off silently, like a living thing, turning and twisting like two water droplets, drawing out ripples.

Then suspended in front of Tantai Pingping, the two water droplets rotated and drew arcs, causing ripples in the space.

A round mirror-shaped thing appeared, and then quickly grew larger. The sparkling light on the mirror surface was like the surface of water, but there was a wonderful greenness under the water surface, which swayed faintly, rendering the entire mirror surface.

Dai Daojin withdrew his right hand, stared at the mirror, and rubbed his right fingers.

The fist composed of vitality roared, piercing through the mirror.

The mirror surface is like water waves, and the fist enters the mirror and disappears.

Dai Daojin frowned slightly. This mirror is so domineering that it can absorb the power of his fist, but it has no effect on the caster himself?

Before he could make a move, Tantai quietly let out a muffled snort, staggered and almost fell down.

Dai Daojin understood, he really didn't believe it, he hit with [-]% of his strength, if the opponent was fine, this Yuejing Tianjing is too domineering, why use anything else, the Guanyin sect has already dominated the world.

He didn't want to waste any more time. This tinkerer of the heavenly way, who specializes in producing the Avalokitesvara sect that is unique in the world, is not in line with the path he will take in the future, so he should be completely subdued to save other troubles in the future.

The most direct way to subdue the opponent is to destroy the opponent's resistance.

Dai Daojin's spiritual power flowed, filling all directions, locking the void world, opening his mouth, and took a sharp breath.


The color of the sky and the earth suddenly changed, the trees and forests in the arena were folded by the violent air current, the houses of the Guanyin Sect began to collapse, the stone slabs on the ground were plowed open, and there were not many spaces in the sky that were not eroded by darkness.

In Dai Daojin's dark space, a funnel-shaped shape appeared, and at the same time as it appeared, there was an extremely strong suction force.

Trees, stones, and collapsed houses were all sucked into the air by this suction, and then swallowed by the weird dark hole, disappearing into the darkness.

A crane raised by a qi practitioner was sucked into the air, and then swallowed by the dark funnel. Everyone could see clearly that the crane's flesh and blood disappeared almost instantly. Only a few people could clearly see that a little of the true spirit of the crane was sucked by the darkness. go in.

All of this is a long story, but it was just the moment after Tun Na's fist appeared in the round mirror.


A low-level disciple of the Guanyin Sect couldn't hold on any longer, and was sucked into the air while screaming.

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