The martial arts of the heavens start from Wudang

Chapter 603 Asking for the Imperial Decree

The celestial soul with purple and golden light and shadow intertwined, with hands folded and lower abdomen, the terrifying aura is slightly restrained.

He "opened his mouth" and said, "The person you mentioned is coming to see you?"

Zhu ignored the cold golden pupils, and said indifferently, "How do you know?"

The god of heaven and man cracked his mouth and seemed to be laughing: "Although you are the monarch of the human dynasty and established Jinyiwei to inspect the world, you will never know how many people in this world are ours. Even in your dynasty, those who watch Rise up your loyal men."

Zhu Wushi listened, his eyes darkened, and he didn't say anything.

During this period of contact, he gradually realized that this group of celestial beings did not pay much attention to the human world as he had imagined. On the contrary, the tentacles of the other party were densely rooted in the human world.

I didn't mention the existence of that person, but the other party knew it.

It can be seen that the other party must have its own news channel.

Heaven, Man, Primordial Spirit was silent, and said, "I want to meet that person."

Zhu Wushi frowned, "Are you courting death?"

The Heavenly Man Primordial Spirit ignored his impoliteness, and said to himself: "Since the Bronze Man went down to the realm, he will send news every once in a while, but he has completely disappeared a while ago, and he has definitely fallen. My lord thinks related to that person."

Zhu ignored the movement in his heart and thought to himself.

The celestial soul is also secretly helpless, the people in the sky will live forever and look high above, but they don't control the overall situation, they can do whatever they want.

Some guys in this world, such as the Confucianist Zhang Fuyao, were conscripted into the Heavenly Gate, but that old guy ignored him at all, and there was nothing he could do about him, which made everyone in the sky feel helpless.

This battle between the two countries in the human world not only attracted the attention of the world, but also attracted the attention of everyone in the sky.

Taking advantage of the situation and following the trend has always been their way of doing things.

The people in the sky also bet on both sides, and the side of the heavenly man chose Li Yang's side.

Tianren pressed his thoughts and continued: "If possible, meet with that person and cooperate together. When the world is unified, the issue of luck distribution can be discussed again, and the past festivals can be forgotten."

No matter how hard it is for Zhu Wushi to have any special feeling for this group of people after hearing the words, they are just chasing profit.

He sneered in his heart when he heard this man's words. That man is not as obsessed with luck as you are. Although he doesn't know the purpose of that guy, but with Feng Yin's usual words, it is obvious that he has some kind of plan for everyone in the sky. .

But he didn't say much, when he integrated the world and became the emperor of the world, then...

Zhu Wushi was silent for a moment before saying, "I'll arrange it."


Ten days later, Dai Daojin arrived at the capital of Liyang.

After entering the city gate and walking on the main road in the center, the crowd of people crowded shoulder to shoulder, clamoring loudly and breathing the breath of life, which made Dai Daojin a little dazed.

"Osmanthus cake... Osmanthus cake, sweet and delicious osmanthus cake..."

Dai Daojin smelled the sweet fragrance in his nose, stopped and walked over.

The sweet-scented osmanthus cakes are sold by husband and wife stalls. The men shout and the women clean up. The sweet-scented osmanthus cakes are not finely made, they can only be considered complete.

When the man saw a guest, he took a look and felt that this man looked like someone who came out of a painting. He was illiterate and couldn't think of any words to describe him. He felt that he was not an ordinary person. Clothes.

"Grandpa, let's have some sweet-scented osmanthus cake, baby, give me a piece to taste."

The woman wiped her hands, quickly picked up a wrapped piece of paper, and handed it over.

Dai Daojin took it, picked up a piece, took a bite, the aroma filled his mouth, it was a bit sweet, not bad.

He casually dropped a dime of silver and walked forward while eating.

The man hurriedly took the silver, raised his head and said, "Master, I can't find this silver..."

But, looking again, there was no one in the black robe, looking into the crowd with his head hooked, but he couldn't see it either.

Dai Daojin chewed on the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and walked to the Gate of Supreme Harmony in a few steps, and then to the Huangji Hall. Oh, this Huangji Hall was not called the Huangji Hall, but it was changed by Zhu Wushi after he ascended the throne, maybe in his previous life The great cause has not been accomplished, so I will make up for my regrets here.

It was now afternoon, and there was no one on duty in the Huangji Hall except for the little eunuch.

Dai Daojin walked straight into the hall, looking at the resplendent center of power, but the little eunuch on duty turned a blind eye to it.

Footsteps sounded behind him, and Zhu ignored the dragon and tiger pace.

"His Majesty……"

Zhu ignored and waved his hands away, drinking away everyone, only him and Dai Daojin were left in the hall.

Dai Daojin turned to look at the emperor in the world, swallowed the sweet-scented osmanthus cake in his mouth, and handed the remaining small piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake to Zhu Wushi.


Zhu ignored his expressionless face and slowly shook his head.

Dai Daojin muttered something boring, and ate the last piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

Afterwards, he turned around and walked slowly, walked up the jade steps step by step, stood beside the dragon chair, and then sat on it.

He sat on the dragon chair and looked down.

"Shenhou, do you think I look like an emperor?"

Zhu Wushi stared at it for a while, and suddenly a smile appeared on his face, "Mr. Dai's celestial appearance naturally looks like what he does."

Dai Daojin patted the gold handle of the faucet and smiled.

He glanced past Zhu Wushi, and looked outside the Huangji Hall, looking far away, as if he could overlook the world.

Dai Daojin stood up and sighed, "No wonder everyone wants to be the emperor, it feels good and superior."

Zhu Wushi said indifferently: "The emperor also has the emperor's troubles. He is not free. How can he be as comfortable and comfortable as Mr. Dai?"

Dai Daojin clapped his hands with a smile, nodded in agreement, and then walked down the jade steps slowly.

When he came to Zhu Wushi, he asked, "How is the recent war going?"

Zhu Wushi said calmly: "The battle is a bit stalemate. Beimang has all the foundations. It was not defeated as quickly as imagined. With such a strong family background, it will take a long time to fight."

Dai Daojin nodded, "So, your blitzkrieg strategy is not going very smoothly?"

Zhu ignored the meaning of the blitzkrieg and nodded.

Dai Daojin didn't care too much, and said casually: "I really don't know why you are so anxious. The longer the war, the better it will be for Liyang. At that time, what will be fought is the source of troops and logistics. Don't talk about these two sources of troops. Mang is a younger brother in front of Li Yang."

Zhu Wushi said indifferently: "March and fight, how can it be so simple, Mr. Dai can understand if he doesn't understand."

Dai Daojin laughed dumbfounded, and didn't bother to say more.

Looking at Zhu Wushi, Dai Daojin was amazed by the change in his aura. Could it be that the dragon aura in this jade seal really has such a great effect, and it is only useful to the emperor?

Zhu ignored this strength, and Dai Daojin vaguely felt that it was almost no weaker than Tuoba Bodhisattva who received the gift of heaven.

Dai Daojin was really curious, what did the other party want to do so quickly to unify the north and the south?

His eyes froze suddenly, staring straight at Zhu Wushi's eyes.

Zhu Wushi frowned, "What's wrong?"

Dai Daojin was still staring at his eyes, with a silvery white flash in his eyes, and said softly: "You are born with double pupils, what's so special about you?"

Zhu ignored and shook his head.

And in the depths of the golden vertical pupils of his double pupils, a little spirit shrank tightly, restraining all his aura, not daring to move.

Dai Daojin withdrew his gaze and stretched lazily.

"I'm here this time to ask you for an imperial decree. Wudang Hong Xixiang and Xu Xiao's eldest daughter, Xu Zhihu, are in love with each other. The marriage is destined to be married by you, the emperor. It could be a good story.”

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