Naturally, Wang Chonglou didn't know that the man in black robe in front of him had not only been to Wudang Mountain, but also served as the head teacher of Wudang Mountain, but the Wudang people they mentioned were not the same Wudang people.

Immediately, there was another silence between the two.

After a while, Wang Chonglou asked: "I don't know, brother, what is the purpose of coming to Wudang this time?"

Dai Daojin looked at the sea of ​​clouds in front of him and said, "I see two people."


Dai Daojin replied with a smile: "You, there is another person who can make Xuanwu prosperous for 300 years."

Wang Chonglou's heart moved slightly, but the old face was calm, "Wudang has been suppressed by Longhu Mountain for a hundred years, and it has been lowered and lowered. One generation is not as good as the next generation. I am ashamed to be the head teacher of Wudang, but I have not even won the face of the Tian family. See, I am really ashamed of the sages."

Dai Daojin didn't talk about An Neng's brows and waists being a powerful and powerful nonsense. The situation in each world is different. The theory of luck in this world is mysterious and mysterious. If a Taoist sect wants to prosper, it must occupy luck, and it must be unavoidable The court at that time.

Don't you see that the Heavenly Master's Mansion in Longhu Mountain has produced many capable people, and even a gentleman in feather clothes, who has been active in the temple.

Besides, Zhao Xituan, one of the four great celestial masters of Longhu Mountain, who saw Xu Xiao's great power and good fortune, hurriedly ran to Qingliang Mountain's Northern Liang Palace to accept Xu Longxiang as a disciple. King Kong?What kind of genius has never been seen in Wudang's Tianshi Mansion.

It is Wudang Mountain, isn't Xu Fengnian also on the mountain now?

Wang Chonglou pointed to the sea of ​​clouds in front of him. The clouds and mists were churning around the 72 peaks, like 72 white dragons. However, the white dragons were a little thin and scattered.

"Wudang is located in the northwest, and the luck of the world is from west to east. How much can Wudang occupy?"

"Xuanwu has been prosperous for 300 years, and the old Taoist naturally hopes that it is true."

Dai Daojin smiled, and said: "The Taoist priest is not telling the truth, Lu Zu reincarnated, can Wudang continue to prosper for 300 years?"

Wang Chonglou's complexion changed slightly, and he stared at Dai Daojin in front of him.

After a long silence, the old Taoist said in a deep voice, "Your Excellency, what is the so-called?"

Dai Daojin was silent. In his plan, Wang Xianzhi was persuaded by him and wanted to use another method to continue the life of the Jianghu martial artist, and the remaining Lu Zu would naturally wait for him to be dismissed by himself, and then Dai Daojin would slowly figure it out.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and the battle in Liyangbeimang might be decided within a year at the latest, which was much earlier in time.

At this moment, although Hong Xixiang saw the woman and was concerned about the red dress, he still hadn't cultivated the Dao in the end.

If he fights with the group of people in the sky later, with his own methods, he might not agree with himself. This person's way is only for the righteous way of the world, and the only thing that can change him is love.

In order to wait for Xu Zhihu, he gave up becoming an immortal and practiced for another seven hundred years.

Dai Daojin was not afraid of Lu Zu. In the original world, Lu Dongxuan, who had practiced Taoism for [-] years, had extremely high Taoism, but his combat power was only on par with Wang Xianzhi.

But this person has practiced the righteous way for 700 years, and his luck is so heavy, with the blessing of heaven, if this person intervenes in the future, there will be many more variables out of thin air.

The idea of ​​the 33rd layer of ghosts and heavens, the horns and veins of the heavens are the foundation of his enlightenment, there can be no slight difference, and no one can stop him.

Didn't Lu Dongxuan wait for her for 700 years?Then fulfill him.

Dai Daojin's eyes moved, the black robe was blown by the mountain wind, and he chuckled softly: "I'm here to be a moon old man."

Wang Chonglou was slightly taken aback, did Wudang become a matchmaker?

Dai Daojin continued: "I heard that Master Wang has a younger brother, Hong Xixiang, who is kind-hearted, and Xu's parents and daughter Zhihu, who are virtuous and virtuous, can be a good match."

After Wang Chonglou heard this, his old face turned black, "Brother Dao, don't be joking." After waiting for more than a hundred years, when Hong Xixiang came, Xuanwu should return to Dangxing, not just shouting.

Dai Daojin knew that the old Taoist was depressed, so he didn't care, he just smiled and said, "How do you know that your junior brother is not happy?"

Wang Chonglou's eyelids trembled, and he said in a muffled voice, "Then Xu Zhihu has already been betrothed to the Jiangnan Lu family."

Dai Daojin said casually: "Then the Lu family's husband died suddenly."

Wang Chonglou still stubbornly said: "It's still not right." The old Taoist has been free and easy all his life, only Wudang is his obsession, and he has worked hard all his life for the prosperity of Wudang.

Dai Daojin clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Call that Hong Xixiang to ask, if he disagrees, I will go down the mountain. Does the majestic king not respect the wishes of the patriarch?"

Wang Chonglou was silent.


On Little Lotus Peak, Hong Xixiang was watching a little girl chasing and killing Xu Fengnian with a machete.

With sharp eyes, Xu Fengnian saw two figures, one black and one green, rushing towards him.

Seeing who was coming, he sprinted behind Hong Xixiang.

It was Dai Daojin and Wang Chonglou who came.

It was the first time for Hong Xixiang to see Dai Daojin, and he felt that this person was very handsome, a bit more attractive than a woman. In addition, the aura of this person made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Dai Daojin stared at Hong Xixiang, and his first feeling was harmony, harmony with heaven and earth, and a more advanced description would be natural shortcut.

He stared at the little Taoist priest and asked softly, "Little Taoist priest, are you Hong Xixiang?"

Hong Xixiang nodded softly.

Dai Daojin smiled inexplicably, and continued to ask: "How about I tell you a daughter-in-law?"

Hong Xixiang let out an ah, blushed, and shook his head.

Dai Daojin smiled even more, and said: "That girl's name is Xu Zhihu, don't you want to?"

When Hong Xixiang heard this name, he was a little dazed, and the girl in red appeared in his mind.But he looked at his senior brother again, thought about it, and shook his head.

Dai Daojin sighed, and seemed to be talking to himself: "Zhihu is a poor child. Although he was born in a prominent palace, everything went wrong. He got married and died, and was cast aside by his in-laws. The last time we saw him, he looked at the Palace of Fate. Black with red, I am afraid it is also short-lived."

"You're talking nonsense, my eldest sister is fine."

Xu Fengnian couldn't listen anymore, although he was afraid of the person in front of him, but the other party made up his sister and still yelled loudly.

Dai Daojin glanced at him and ignored him.

Looking at Hong Xixiang, his eyes flashed silvery white, and he said softly: "Lu Dongxuan, you would rather not ascend to the ascension 700 years ago, but also to be reincarnated, suffer 700 years of reincarnation, and wait for her to return."

"Could it be true that it will be repaired for another 300 years?"

Others listened, and there was no abnormality.

Only Hong Xixiang felt that the voice seemed to have a kind of magical power, like Huang Zhong Dalu, which shook his soul.


Hanging under the eaves of Da Gengjiao, it is said that the sword weapon is a relic of Lu Zu, but at this moment it vibrates and makes a clanking sound.

Wang Chonglou's complexion changed, and he shouted, "What are you doing?"

Dai Daojin's eyes completely turned silvery white, and his right hand lightly rested on Wang Chonglou's shoulder, a black to dark energy began to vent, and pure darkness began to descend, slowly enveloping everyone like flowing water.

The purple light of Wang Chonglou's body trembled slightly, frantically mobilizing the big yellow court in his body, the warm and deep inner breath no longer listened to his orders, and was tightly compressed in the dantian by an inexplicable mysterious air mechanism.

Xu Fengnian and the little girl were already scared to death. The eyes of the man in black robe suddenly turned silvery white, and the darkness behind him was inexplicably eroded.

Just as he was about to escape, he was wrapped in darkness.

The space where the five people are located is filled with darkness from the eyes of the five people, but to outsiders, everything is normal, if the slightly distorted and refracted light cannot be seen.

Hong Xixiang met a pair of eyes in the dark, and in the eyes, he saw the sky full of stars, and then... the stars broke.

The enhanced version of the "Spiritual Dafa of Changing Heaven and Earth" has begun.

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