The martial arts of the heavens start from Wudang

6th Cooperate with the Imperial Court

Dai Daojin returned to the house, sat cross-legged on the bed, adjusted his mind, and felt his whole body.

I only felt that the internal force in the body was much less than before, but Dai Daojin was overjoyed, because although the amount of internal force had decreased, it was much more refined, and there was no longer the feeling of vainness before, so the internal force flowed smoothly and naturally , no longer the feeling of stagnation before.

Dai Daojin felt his spirit silently, and felt that he was much stronger than before, and the nebula world in the spiritual world was also bigger than before.

Dai Daojin opened his eyes, let out a breath, and felt that his mental state had undergone some wonderful changes, but probably because the time of "enlightenment" just now was too short, so the changes were not significant.But Dai Daojin himself felt that he was a little different from before, albeit slightly.

Sighing, Dai Daojin was silent to himself, perhaps this was all predestined and could not be forced.

After clearing up his mood, Dai Daojin was not in the mood to stay in the house any longer, so he planned to go back to Wudang Mountain, stood up, put on his big cloak, picked up the long sword on the table, opened the door and walked out.


On Wudang Mountain, inside the Golden Roof Hall.

Dai Daojin, who had just received the notification, walked into the main hall and saw several figures in the main hall. The head teacher Xinxuanzi, the master Daoxuanzi, the master uncle Liexuanzi and other five Wudang elders were present. Three people, Wudang chief disciple Qing Xu Li Rong, Lei Jun, and himself.

Dai Daojin's face was solemn, seeing this lineup, his face was a little dignified, and he thought to himself, could something serious happen to Wudang, but with his own news channel, it's impossible that he didn't hear any news, so he secretly wondered.

Dai Daojin entered the main hall, found a futon and sat down without making a sound.

Inside the Golden Dome Hall, there was silence for a while, and the Master Teacher, who was sitting down in the middle, said, "Everyone is here, then let's start."

Several other elders nodded.

Qingxu, Lei Jun, and Dai Daojin looked at each other, not knowing why.Dai Daojin saw the reaction of the other two, and understood that the other two probably didn't know what was going on.

Looking at the three people in front of him, Xin Xuanzi nodded secretly. These three people are the future of Wudang.

He opened the mouth and said: "I called you three today because I have something to explain to you. You three are the best of my younger generation in Wudang, and you have already entered the rivers and lakes. Chongxu, you are managing Wudang outside. industry, so it is also time for some things to be told to you, lest you have unnecessary troubles outside."

"Do you know what forces exist in Jianghu?"

The three of them looked at each other, Lei Jun scratched his head, Dai Daojin stroked the long sword on his knee, and remained silent. As Wudang's chief disciple, Qingxuzi Li Rong said: "Nowadays, the forces in the Jianghu are Wudang, Shaolin, and the Beggars' Gang. , the Sun Moon Demon Sect is at the top, followed by the Five Sacred Sword Sect, the Five Sacred Zhonghua Mountain Sect is number one, the Songshan Sect is second, and after that are the Miaojiang Five Poison Sect, Cao Gang, Haisha Gang and other gangs."

Xinxuanzi listened, nodded and said: "Although it is not accurate, it is about the same. Do you know why the Demon Sect attacked Wudang at night more than ten years ago and took away the manuscript of Sanfeng Patriarch's Taijiquan Sutra?"

All three of them don't know.

Just listen to Xin Xuanzi said: "Actually, this matter is related to the imperial court. It's a long story. Zhu Yuanzhang, the great ancestor of the Ming Dynasty, started from the Ming religion and established the Ming court. Xiao Wang, well aware of the truth that chivalrous use of martial arts is forbidden, but it is impossible to clean up the martial arts world, so he changed Mingjiao to Sun Moon God Sect, kept the left and right envoys, and changed the Four Great Kings and Five Sanren to The Ten Elders of the Demon Sect. Afterwards, the Ming court and the Sun Moon Demon Sect, on the surface, did not interfere with each other, and even had occasional frictions, but the Sun Moon God Sect was still in the hands of the imperial court, so as to consume the power of the rivers and lakes."

Dai Daojin thought to himself, no wonder the Demon Cult always hates this and that.

Xinxuanzi continued: "But time is long after all. Up to now, the imperial court's control over the Sun Moon Demon Sect has gradually weakened. Therefore, more than 20 years ago, the imperial court sent people to Wudang to make peace with Wudang. Shaolin is also included, but at that time Wudang and Shaolin had some concerns, so Yu Daiyan and Shaolin Zen Master Hongye did not agree."

"More than ten years ago, when Yu Daiyan, the only surviving master in Wudang, had just emerged as the head of the sect, the elders of the Momen attacked Wudang Mountain at night and stole the Taijiquan scriptures. This incident may not be without the participation of the Ming court. Perhaps this is a warning. Just A few years ago, Zen Master Hongye had also passed away, and the imperial court brought this matter up again, hoping that Shaolin Wudang, Sun Moon God Sect, and Dongchang Jinyiwei will work together to maintain order in the world."

Having said that, Xin Xuanzi sighed.

Daoxuanzi looked at it, took over the conversation, and said: "We discussed it and communicated with Shaolin. The two discussed it. It seems that what happened more than ten years ago happened again."

Speaking of this, I turned my head and looked at Dai Daojin, "Let's talk about my Wudang's development has been getting faster and faster in recent years, but it is not easy to oppose the court, so we discussed it with Shaolin and decided to agree to cooperate with the court to maintain Jianghu. order to reduce killings between rivers and lakes."

After hearing this, Dai Daojin thought to himself, it's no wonder that the Wudang industry has developed so fast in these years, and the wealth is touching people's hearts, but there are no official big figures looking for trouble, and there are also some small people who don't open their eyes.

Qing Xuzi asked suspiciously: "Why don't you bring the Wuyue Sword Sect together?"

When Xin Xuanzi heard this, he smiled and said: "If the Wuyue Sword Sect is also brought over, then most of the forces in the entire rivers and lakes will be involved, and it will violate the original intention of the imperial court."

Qingxu listened, thought about it for a while, and reacted, nodded.

Lei Jun was stunned when he heard it, and asked in a low voice, "What is your original intention?"

Dai Daojin was next to him, and said speechlessly: "Just now the head teacher said that the main purpose of Ming Taizu using the Sun Moon God Sect is to consume the power of the world. If everyone joins in and is harmonious, the court will not be happy and don't want to see it. to such a situation.”

Lei Jun let out an "oh", suddenly realized.

Several Wudang elders nodded with a smile.

Xin Xuanzi said: "In the past few days, you should take a good rest. After the next year, I will take the three of you to the capital once. Discuss the details of this cooperation, and Shaolin and the Sun Moon God Sect will both pass by then."

Dai Daojin and the three nodded in agreement.

Xin Xuanzi said: "Go down."

The three stood up and bowed to leave.

After the three left, only a few elders from Wudang remained in the Golden Dome Hall.

Xin Xuanzi said: "What do you guys think?"

The others looked at each other and understood what the head of the sect meant and what they were asking.

Daoxuanzi said: "Lei Jun was born with supernatural power and good martial arts aptitude, but his mind is simple. Qingxu's aptitude is extremely high, and due to his birth, he was born with a leadership temperament, but he lacks experience in the WTO, as can be seen from the question just now. Chongxu ..., he is an old man's apprentice, but it's hard to say."

Xin Xuanzi nodded and said: "Chongxu's child has a good mind and understanding, but his martial arts qualifications are a bit poor, and this child has a heavy mind and a deep city. Of course, sometimes this is not a shortcoming."

Speaking of this, the five elders all nodded. They all thought of the previous events, and they all understood that the stewards sent by Wudang had failed to accept the Wudang industry, but it was getting worse and worse. Finally, they had to push Chongxu to the foreground.Several people are old and sophisticated, but they all understand that it is a means to rush to the emptiness, but it is not easy to do too much because of Daoxuanzi's face.Thinking of these things, the faces of the elders were a little strange.

"Which one do you prefer to take over this position in the future?" Xinxuanzi asked quietly.

The elders stopped talking when they heard this question.This issue is somewhat sensitive.


The three people who exited the hall could not hear them. The teachers walked down the steps regarding their evaluation. The three greeted each other and went back separately.

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