When wood gives birth to fire, the five elements are in harmony, which is the way of humanity; when fire gives birth to wood, the five elements are reversed, which is the way of alchemy.

What is the reverse of the five elements, that is, "upside down", that is, "reversed", that is, "reversed", that is, "reverse", that is, "reversing the universe", that is, "planting lotus in the fire".

"Rootless Tree" has a saying: Shun is ordinary, reverse is immortal, only upside down in the middle.

In his previous life, Tuoba Amitabha, in order to seek the way forward, survived death, comprehended from the way of alchemy, fire turned into wood, and vice versa, killing turned into life, creating the kung fu of "planting lotus in fire".

In today's world, combining the method of internal breath and the magic of national art, this kung fu brings forth the old and brings forth the new.

"Wow wow..."

Qi and blood surged like sea water, and at the same time, the vitality of heaven and earth flowed and gathered like invisible sea water, and the thunder snake flickered inside.

The gathering of the vitality of the heaven and the earth affected the surrounding celestial phenomena, and the dark clouds gathered, making it dark.

Under the shroud, only two places are brightly lit.

One is the patriarch of the bronze figure, shining golden light all over his body, and the other is the Tuoba Amitabha standing with his seal. There is obviously no fire, but there are flashes of fire from time to time accompanied by the sound of thunder.

The bronze figure patriarch raised his golden head and looked at the black cloud that seemed to be pressing down on his face.

The movement of the body's qi mechanism seems to have become a little stagnant.

Tuoba Amituo pinched the flame handprint, and the lotus-shaped flame shape behind his back was finally slowly formed by the vitality of heaven and earth, covering the sky and the sun, and enveloping both of them.

He raised his footsteps lightly, and said in a low voice: "If you don't know the method of inverting yin and yang, how can you know the magic of planting lotus in the fire?"

"What is upside down? How upside down?"

The vitality lotus that covered the sky and the sun slowly began to bloom, and at the same time, the flames were raging, and the black clouds in the sky were like gasoline that touched sparks, and instantly changed from black to red, like fire burning clouds, and half of the sky was red.

The bronze figure patriarch stood silently, it wasn't because he was unwilling to move, it was because a mountain-like energy locked onto him.

This is still a trivial matter, but the key point is that the vitality of the heaven and earth began to reverse, and the inner breath in his body began to disintegrate. Every time he took a breath, he swallowed a portion of the vitality of the heaven and earth, and that portion of the vitality of the heaven and earth that entered his body was like a poison, rampaging in his body.

He sighed muffledly: "Is this the reversal of yin and yang, the reversal of the five elements?"

The faster his internal energy circulates, the faster it dissipates.

The golden-yellow giant sighed again, and simply left his body alone, striding forward, wanting to subdue the person in front of him physically, as long as the other person died, the wonder of this dojo style would not be maintained, and the predicament would naturally be resolved.

Tuoba Amituo naturally saw the other party's plan and smiled.

Physical melee?

Seeing God Bubai's physical body began to stretch, the big muscles in his body boomed, and there was thunder in the sky.

The figure disappeared, and when it reappeared, the fist had already hit the golden giant.

The ancestor of the bronze figure is more than four meters at the moment, which is equivalent to the height of two Tuoba Amitabhas. His speed must be affected. In close combat, he can hardly keep up with the young man's movements. It's not that he is slow, but that the opponent is too fast.

Tuoba Amituo put one foot on the back of the giant, stretched out his hand to grab it, his arm seemed to be stretched out of thin air, and his hand was about to fall on the golden giant's neck.

The bronze man sensed the strong wind between the opponent's fingers. If the grasp is firm, even the Dharma Body of the Heavenly King will leave a blood hole in his neck. Even if the opponent hits the snake with the stick, it may shatter his own throat. Tube.

Even though the bronze man knew it, he didn't look at the grab, he struck with his right hand horizontally, with enough force to break gold and jade, and went towards the opponent's heart.

Tuoba Amituo's eyes flashed brightly, he grabbed it again, swayed, twisted his body from the right side to the left rear, and the world and the earth added to his body, making him extremely fast.

The right hand grabbed the giant's left back waist violently, and the five fingers pierced through the leather like a sharp sword, and yanked it casually.

Sensing the severe pain, the bronze man suddenly lowered his body, his left elbow had a conditioned reflex, and his elbow was like a spear stabbing.

He met a fist that seemed to have been waiting for him.


The two separated, Tuoba Amituo casually shook off the piece of meat in his hand, without stopping, bullied him.

The bronze figure patriarch was secretly horrified by the opponent's fighting instinct. It was almost unimaginable. It didn't matter that the opponent was young and had a strong body. How did this kind of fighting instinct that was almost carved into his bones be cultivated.

At this moment, in his left back waist, there is a blood hole the size of a normal head, which is shocking, dripping with blood, and even the internal organs can be seen wriggling.

In fact, this is the tyranny of the golden giant's physical body. If it is an ordinary person, with this grasp, even the internal organs may be ripped out.

The two fisted and kicked, and the bronze figure gradually began to lose its hold.

The large and small blood holes on his body looked very miserable, and the golden light that originally surrounded his body was almost extinguished.


The bronze man was panting heavily, lacking the support of internal breath in his body, his physical strength could not be replenished, and he was almost exhausted.

Tuoba Amituo stopped his figure, the opponent's golden body was almost shattered by him, but he could still continue to support it. This exile immortal has such a strong vitality. Could it be that in the world behind the Tianmen, there is some kind of substance that is not available in this world, strengthening it? the body of a man in heaven?

Shaking his head, he looked up to see that the red clouds in the sky were about to disperse, and the vitality lotus was about to disappear, so there was no further delay.

Rubbing his body upwards again, regardless of the opponent's giant palm, a cannon hammer spit out a ferocious force, which was directly imprinted on the giant's mouth.


The four-meter-high body finally fell down.

Resisting the opponent's dying blow, even with such a rigid body as Jianshen Bubai, there was a tingling pain, and his throat was sweet, but he was injured.

Tuoba Amituo stepped forward and glanced at the bloody hole that exploded in the opponent's heart. It was huge and the heart was still beating, but the look in the opponent's eyes was slowly disappearing.

He squatted down and said in a low voice: "I suddenly remembered that you seemed to be knocked down by Qi Xuanjiao's remnant soul. How powerful is Qi Xuanjiao?"

The bronze figure patriarch's eyes moved, the corners of his mouth twitched, but he was finally speechless.

All of this is a long story, a total of about twenty breaths.

Huang Baozhuang, who was seriously injured in the distance, just struggled to stand up, when he found that the movement in the distance suddenly stopped.

She suddenly panicked, and regardless of her injuries, she forcibly used the remaining internal energy in her body, endured the severe pain, and plundered to the distant battle place, wanting to see what happened.

When she arrived at the place, she saw only a broken body of a giant, lying quietly on the ground, surrounded by a mess.

And that weird young man who looked like a Taoist monk was standing beside him.

Huang Baozhuang was stunned for a moment, almost without hesitation, opened his mouth and spit out a red bead, the red bead was suspended in the air, and the hair tie behind his head exploded, crying: "Kill this man." beads on.

The red beads are fried to pieces.

The woman holds a Lizhu in her mouth, one person has two faces, when the Lizhu shatters, the devil comes out.

The ferocious aura was more violent than before, and under the overflowing murderous intent, Huang Baozhuang's eyes instantly turned a coquettish purple, stretched his waist, and there was a thumping sound in his body. Here comes the majestic inner breath of recovery in the body.

The woman's purple eyes rolled around, like a ghost coming out of the cage, terrifying and frightening.

With a coquettish smile, "The little girl is so silly and cute."

Immediately, the woman stopped smiling, looked expressionlessly at the young man standing quietly opposite, and said softly: "She used her silence to disappear in exchange for your life, and you will not lose."

Tuoba Amituo's thoughts turned, and suddenly he knew who the person opposite was, and said quietly: "You are Luoyang."

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