The golden giant first glanced at the man in front of him who looked like a monk, and then set his eyes on Huang Baozhuang.

Huang Baozhuang's domineering Qi was further awakened, the purple in her eyes became more and more intense, and the murderous intent washed away from her body made the beautiful chess and sword Yuefu Mountain Gate look like a ghost, and she herself was like a coffin The thousand-year-old demon is about to break out of the monster.

The golden giant didn't hesitate anymore, and approached the little girl silently, his eyes shone with golden light, and he stretched out his index finger to touch Huang Baozhuang's brow.

At the same time, with the other hand, he tapped the opponent's acupoints all over his body, and with a buzzing sound, many of the opponent's acupoints were sealed.

The awakening of the domineering energy in Huang Baozhuang's body seemed to be cut off, and the energy began to fall back.

The little girl closed her mouth, and the purple in her eyes slowly dissipated.

After regaining clarity, Huang Baozhuang's eyes were slightly confused, but then his complexion changed. He thought of the abnormality in his body, knew what happened, and was afraid for a while.Seeing the giant in front of him, he was sure again.

"Bronze Master."

The golden giant nodded, and turned to look at the culprit who caused this series of events.

At this time, he looked carefully, and this person who seemed to be a Taoist and a monk was actually a young boy with perfect energy and energy, and he didn't know which family he was from.

Tuoba Amituo is also looking at this exiled immortal. The height of the other party made him a little surprised at first. In his cognition, apart from the difference in biological genes, a creature that is too big or too small can't control itself performance of strength.

Humans are even more so.

Unless the creature in front of him who came down from the sky has already left the species of "human".

Of course, Tuoba Amitabha is not a person who looks at the sky from a well, and these conclusions are conclusions based on existing cognition.

He stared at the golden giant in front of him with a calm gaze, and said with a smile: "Your Excellency is the gatekeeper of the sky, and I have been fascinated by the masters of the sky for a long time. If I see you today, I think it will be a worthwhile trip. "

The patriarch of the bronze figure had a calm face, and he couldn't help frowning when he heard that the other party directly revealed his origin.

"Who are you? How do you know me?"

Tuoba Amituo always has a high tolerance for masters, and smiled: "How do I know you, this is not important, the important thing is that I hope you will not let me down."

As he said that, his whole body was filled with energy, but he did not let it out.

The patriarch of the bronze figure was silent for a moment, he had a sympathetic spirit, he knew that most martial arts masters were firm-willed, and would never give up easily, so without further ado, he strode towards the Rouran Mountains in great strides, as fast as the wind, even shrinking to an inch .

"Come..." The voice was like thunder.

Tuoba Amituo laughed lightly, but the energy in his body was completely silent, and he returned to a harmonious and flawless state. He rubbed his feet and chased after the bronze figure patriarch.

When Huang Baozhuang saw her, her complexion changed slightly, and she rushed to follow.

The guard disciple thought for a while, and quickly sent people to chase after Hong Jingyan, Huang Qing and others who had been walking for half a day.

While the patriarch of the bronze figure was galloping to make tea, Tuoba Amituo was also hanging not far behind him, and the two of them finally moved away from Chess Sword Yuefu.

The golden giant suddenly stopped on the mountainside of a high mountain, surrounded by golden streamers, and at the same time, his body roared, and his abdomen bulged and shrank, like a battle engine running at high speed.

A strong sense of power permeated the air.

The roar became louder and louder, like thunder, shaking the mountain.

Tuoba Amituo's figure kept moving, his eyes were no longer calm, his eyes were shining brightly, the blood, vigor, and spirit in his body flowed at a high speed, and his whole body was like a cannonball, hitting the golden giant.

The domineering golden streamer collided fiercely with the stellar energy that could easily split tigers and leopards.


Makes a screeching screeching sound.

The Qi machine shattered and scattered, like a blade spinning at high speed, smashing the surrounding vegetation into pieces.Even the rocks in the distance were cut open, turning into boulders and rolling down.

The boulder rolled down close to the two of them, and was twisted to pieces again.

Tuoba Amitabha gave up any moves at this moment, and the indestructible physical body tempered based on Chinese martial arts, the god of [-] acupoints in the body revived, used himself as a weapon, rotated his fists, and galloped at high speed to bring powerful kinetic energy .

It hit the golden flowing figure one after another.

It looks crazy!

In the distance, Huang Baozhuang galloped towards her, but she didn't dare to approach, the strong wind generated between the two oppressed her almost out of breath.

"duang...duang..." roared in the ear, and two figures, one golden and one white in the eyes, raged and collided in the mountains.

She almost thought that she had come to the barbaric era and saw two giants fighting in the mountains, full of brutality and strength, without fancy moves and so-called artistic conceptions, only simple to the extreme collision of power.

Much of the mountainside has been plowed almost once.


The two fists touch and split.

Only now did Huang Baozhuang see clearly that both of them were flushed, which was an external manifestation of excessive use of energy and blood.

Tuoba Amitabha's heart is like a high-pressure water pump, sending qi and blood to all parts of the body, and the body quickly recovers to its peak in an instant, but the qi mechanism has declined slightly.

The copper figure patriarch on the opposite side, his clothes were torn at the moment, the muscles in his bare arms trembled slightly, his originally slightly bitter face could not hide the shock at this moment, this handsome young monk looked like a ferocious beast in human form, with physical strength unexpectedly Such a ferocity, even his weakened banished immortal physique could hardly bear it.

Even Murong Baoding, who is known for his rough skin and thick flesh, may not be as good.

I just don't know who is stronger or weaker than the white-clothed monk who is in the state of the Great Vajra in the Liangchan Temple?

Tuoba Amitabha breathed out, exhaling like a sword, feeling very happy in his heart, more than 300 force collisions, that kind of hearty feeling, it has been a long time since he experienced it.

He stared at the golden giant opposite, and said calmly: "How do those people in the sky compare with you?"

Hearing that he kept mentioning the sky, the bronze figure patriarch couldn't help but said: "Since you yearn so much, why don't you open the gate of heaven and take a look at it?"

Hearing this, Amitabha Tuoba couldn't help but think of Dai Daojin, that sneaky guy. In God's view, Dai Daojin has a lot of strength, and instead of chasing the ultimate in martial arts, it's a waste of money to mess around in this world. time.

Shaking his head, he said, "It's not the time yet."

While the two were talking, the bronze figure patriarch gradually adjusted his energy.

When Tuoba Amituo saw it, he didn't stop him, his voice changed, his eyes were slightly strange, and he smiled lightly: "Since you came down from the sky, you are not the same as that guy."

The bronze figure patriarch frowned and said, "Who is that guy?"

Tuoba Amituo smiled a lot today, meeting a person who is worth fighting with all his strength, always makes people happy, and replied with a smile: "That guy is not a good person, he said he was going to go to the sky, and ruined the lives of everyone in the sky. .”

After hearing this, the bronze figure patriarch was expressionless and felt it was absurd.

Tuoba Amitabha looked up at the sky, the sky was blue and there was not even a cloud, it was a good weather.

"It's really disappointing for a banished immortal to only have these methods. I might as well beat you to death."

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