Chapter 590

The white beam of light continued to fall, but instead of dissipating, it became more and more intense.Tuoba Bodhisattva is like a bottomless container, continuously containing this energy.

The aura on his body was rising steadily, as if it was endless.

Gradually, some pale gold was gradually mixed in the white beam of light.

This Northern Mang Army God with a complexion as dark as an old farmer stretched out his arms at this moment, and slowly opened his slightly closed eyes. His body was not tall, but he seemed to stand upright.

The white air flow circling around its body, and it has a light golden color.

Under the reflection of the moonlight, it looks like a fairy coming out of the gate of heaven.

The strong aura and the oppression exuded caused the surrounding Beimang war horses to whine, prompting the Beimang soldiers to retreat again as a last resort.

Dai Daojin's eyes exuding silver starlight, glanced past the majestic Tuoba Bodhisattva, and looked up at the sky, as if penetrating the white beam of light, looking at the place where this energy came from.

At the end of the beam of light, it seems to be hidden in darkness.

During the change of light and dark, a portal is looming.

Inside the portal, it was a different scene.

Boundless, cloudy and mistsy, a world of countless sizes.

There is a group of palaces in the east, dimly shadowed among the clouds and mist, and among the white mist, there are golden lights like billowing red neon. From time to time, there are thousands of auspicious and long rainbows spraying purple and gold, rendering this world like the residence of an immortal emperor.

In a large hall in the middle, a figure stood with an indistinct face, behind which was the scene of the evolution of heaven and earth, and the rising sun.The two gazes of this god-man seemed to be looking at the world and the black robe through the gate of heaven.

There was surprise in the cold and indifferent eyes, as if puzzled.

In the world, the portal is closed, and the platinum beam of light dissipates.

The pale golden air flow on Tuoba Bodhisattva's body was gathered and hidden in the body, and the air movement in his body fluctuated violently. Obviously, he was not used to this further level of strength, and he had not yet controlled his heart.

He looked up at the sky, thinking a lot in his heart, his eyes flickering? Finally, he pressed his thoughts and looked at the man in black robe in front of him.

Dai Daojin thought more, this time was the first time he had direct contact with those people above, which he had expected before.It can be said that Tuoba Bodhisattva will be an important part in the troubled times in the future. If he dies, those people in the sky will definitely be alarmed.

This time is also a temptation for him, not just simply being entrusted by Zhu Wushi to clear away the biggest obstacle to Liyang's attack on Beimang.

Just like that time in Taichuan City.

After all, Tuoba Bodhisattva is a top martial artist, his aura has gradually subsided, and now he has a clearer understanding of the horror of the person in front of him? Just a few strokes can severely wound his former self to the point of death.

Even if I have received a gift from heaven at this moment? But in the end the realm is not stable.

Dai Daojin looked at the solemn-looking Tuoba Bodhisattva? His mind turned, thinking whether to fully mobilize the power of the horns and veins of the heavens? To wipe out the life and soul of Tuoba Bodhisattva? Let's see how those people in the sky will react

After thinking about it, I gave up.

If the power of the horn veins and the heavens is fully used, it will inevitably cause violent conflicts with this world, and such a huge and dark power of different time and space will inevitably arouse the great vigilance of the heavens and humans.The silver in Dai Daojin's eyes dissipated? Returned to black? The evening wind blew by, and his whole body was like a cloud of black mist, hiding in the darkness and disappearing.

Tuoba Bodhisattva watched quietly and did not stop him.

In the distance, several people from Beiliang who were hiding were looking at each other, surprised by the many visions caused by the battle between the two martial arts gods, and also surprised by the sudden retreat of Mr. Dai. It's not clear what his intentions are.

Half a month later, in Meng County, Jizhou.

There is a village more than [-] miles east of the county seat of Meng County. The village is quite large, and there is a big surname in the village, surnamed Meng.

At this moment, the Meng Family Ancestral Hall.

The head of the clan, Meng Xuenian, looked at the five people standing in the hall, and said in a solemn voice, "Now that the imperial court is re-conquering you, you must be brave, and do your best for the imperial court and His Majesty, and you must not lose face of my Meng clan."

The five people standing under the hall claimed to be.

Although these people were dressed in peasant clothes, their vigorous aura could be seen through their clothes, revealing the traces of marching.

It turned out that these five people had served in the army before, and they were old soldiers who had experienced the Liyang Unification War.Now more than ten years have passed, it is unexpected that today, the imperial court will recruit them again.

The patriarch waved his hand, and there were five people holding five pairs of armor.

These soldiers were sent from the county yesterday.

When the five people saw these soldiers, their dark faces were a little excited, and there were some inexplicable memories in their eyes, but they remembered their previous military life.

The five quickly took off their clothes and put on their armor. In a blink of an eye, the five soldiers in armor and holding knives replaced the original five field men.

Perhaps because they had a murderous weapon in their hands, the five people's aura changed again, and they were inexplicably a little bit evil.

Seeing this, the patriarch nodded in satisfaction.


The five made a promise, turned around and walked out of the ancestral hall, and saw the people waiting outside.

Several people glanced over, and their parents, wives and children were all there.

After a moment of silence, the five of them didn't speak, they went to their respective parents and kowtowed.

Afterwards, the five people turned around and left, heading straight for the county seat. They knew that they might never come back after going there.

But they are not afraid, Meng Jiaerlang, the shroud of horse leather is an honor.

Jizhou does not border Beimang, but during this time, troops marched north from time to time.

Even the dullest of people knew that there was going to be another war.

And this time the scale will not be small, otherwise, with the standing army of the Liyang Empire, there would be no need to recruit troops to supplement them.


The people here feel even more, the sense of tension that the storm is about to come is very clear.

Those who were well-informed had already left, and those who were a little later began to prepare to evacuate and head south.

Of course, there are also those who are daring, hoping to receive more benefits in this war, not only did not retreat, but began to make many preparations.

The imperial court was kind, and comforted and facilitated the people who wanted to leave the border, so there was no great disturbance.


On a black-brown war horse, a bare-chested Bei Mang man, holding a large sword with a ring head, galloped forward, shouting loudly.

This alien man has a high nose, deep eyes, short beard like a halberd, coupled with his tall and strong physique, it gives people a strong sense of oppression.

Behind him, a mass of elite cavalry followed closely behind him, charging forward.


The iron hooves of the war horses seemed to smash the ground, and the deafening sound was like rolling thunder. Combined with the endless black cavalry, and the beast-like roars from the mouths of these cavalry, it was like a torrent of steel, impacting.

In front of the Northern Mang cavalry charge, Liyang's army remained silent.

In the Central Army Department, Gu Jiantang sat upright on his horse, as calm as a mountain.

He eventually returned to military power.

Gu Jiantang looked at the galloping Beimang Jingqi, stroking the long knife with his right hand, his eyes were extremely cold.

"Dong Dong Dong"

The cowhide war drum was sounded one after another, slowly, firmly and forcefully, dispelling the fear in the hearts of Liyang soldiers.

Eighteen flags with the word "Gu" are branched in various places.

Gu Jiantang's formation still has his own style and style, and he is extremely sophisticated. His army has 12 people, 7000 light cavalry, and the rest are infantry, forming a square formation.

Two [-] cavalry supported from the two wings, and the remaining fine cavalry were in the middle.

The other infantry were divided between the cavalry and divided into three formations, the front, middle and rear. The front formation was dominated by shield archers, and the rear were all melee warriors, equipped with long weapons in their hands, which could resist close attacks from afar.

Gu Jiantang understood that if he wanted to conquer Beimang, he would have to face Beimang's elite cavalry.

But although the cavalry under him are not weak, they are still a little worse than them, so they can't be head-on.


The collision began, and the horse neighed and roared endlessly.

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